Regular Member
OK, so that we do not keep stepping on other threads, I am posting this one. I think the point was well made that we need to take this discussion from other threads and put it all on one. Then we can rant about this issue all we want without stepping on other people's threads.
The hope is that this will consolidate the arguments from several other threads.
For that reason I will try and pick up with my post that was last on the most recent thread.
The hope is that this will consolidate the arguments from several other threads.
For that reason I will try and pick up with my post that was last on the most recent thread.
As for the rest of it. It is simple. There is a lot of talk of what it will require to get a permit. And it seems that unless the governor changes something major, any training will get you that permit. What you are not taking into account is what happens if it is your wife or child or anyone else you love that gets taken out by a round from your gun because you thought that you learned enough in that basic pistol course. And if anyone wants to challenge my record, or ability, talk to someone who has taken one of my "Basic" courses that I taught for FREE, I guaranty they will tell you that the minimum will get someone innocent killed. A lack of appropriate training can cost you your life, even if you are an "Instructor".
The sad truth is that being that we are getting NEW concealed carry laws, we can loose them. No matter what amount of fighting we put up to keep them from going away. We are the ones that have to stand up and PROVE that we are responsible, because we all know the anti gunners will use any tragedy to their advantage. The idea that minimums are OK is a dangerous prospect. It is also not something that we can take lightly, no matter if it is video's, books, courses, or practice, it is our job to make sure that we are the best of the best.
So if you think the little bit that is being talked about in order to get a permit is enough, just remember, if a missed shot wizzes by a cop or a cops family, then they will treat you like the attacker even if you are defending yourself. And as far as me, I have the training, and I do the practice, and I am constantly researching what needs to be in order to save the lives of the people that I care about, whether that be from me teaching them, or me defending them with my firearm.
The law can not dish out a penalty that will ever match some of the consequences you create as a result of a bad shot.
Edit: Just so we are clear, this is the same thing I have been screaming since we started the fight for constitutional carry, and this is the reason I have always offered a FREE open carry course. I have put up at every turn. Including having to design a FREE concealed carry course as a result of the permit system.
You think I am wrong about any of it, I have two words for you. PROVE IT!