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Pretty decent "Carry coat"


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
I posted this in the Washington section of the forum and thought others might be looking for something like it, so I decided to post it here too.

I just bought this coat. So far I like it a lot. I haven't had a chance to really try it much, but it's heavy enough for warmth and seems pretty rugged. I think they make them in khaki also. The pocket is plenty big enough for my Sig P226, with the laser/light mounted on it. Since both sides have the same pockets, I can use them for other things, like my flashlight or whatever.

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Regular Member
Feb 16, 2010
Neat idea, but I probably wouldn't get one. There are a few problems for me with it.

-When I enter someplace, I take my jacket off and I don't want to be leaving my gun on a chair or something or pulling a gun out to re-position it.
-It doesn't mention or look like it has any extra support to keep the one side from hanging further than the other so it'd look like you were carrying something heavy on that one side

I have a 511 tactical concealment undershirt and it addresses the issue by reinforcing the shirt. It essentially sews on a holster that hugs your body to stop it from hanging down from the weight but that coat looks like it just dangles from the pocket area. I may be completely wrong, but it doesn't look like you'd be concealing very well. They probably wouldn't suspect gun right away, but they'd definitely notice something was there if you wore anything with some heft to it.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
Neat idea, but I probably wouldn't get one. There are a few problems for me with it.

-When I enter someplace, I take my jacket off and I don't want to be leaving my gun on a chair or something or pulling a gun out to re-position it.
-It doesn't mention or look like it has any extra support to keep the one side from hanging further than the other so it'd look like you were carrying something heavy on that one side

I have a 511 tactical concealment undershirt and it addresses the issue by reinforcing the shirt. It essentially sews on a holster that hugs your body to stop it from hanging down from the weight but that coat looks like it just dangles from the pocket area. I may be completely wrong, but it doesn't look like you'd be concealing very well. They probably wouldn't suspect gun right away, but they'd definitely notice something was there if you wore anything with some heft to it.

Yeah, I know what you mean about taking the jacket off, and not wanting to leave your gun in there. I haven't cross that bridge yet. If I wear the coat, I'll have to think of where I'm going and and what I'll be doing. The weight thing is not bad, because I have a couple of loaded mags on the other side. It balances it out a little more. I'd draw with my right hand, and pull out magazines with my left. To address the dangling thing, I just keep the zipper 4 or 5 inches zipped up from the bottom. It doesn't really dangle too much though.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2010
Yeah, I know what you mean about taking the jacket off, and not wanting to leave your gun in there. I haven't cross that bridge yet. If I wear the coat, I'll have to think of where I'm going and and what I'll be doing. The weight thing is not bad, because I have a couple of loaded mags on the other side. It balances it out a little more. I'd draw with my right hand, and pull out magazines with my left. To address the dangling thing, I just keep the zipper 4 or 5 inches zipped up from the bottom. It doesn't really dangle too much though.

Are the pockets reinforced to stop any kind of bulging from the more pointy corners? Like if a magazine was laying in it at a weird angle is it reinforce enough to not look like something was poking the coat? It's good that it has pockets on both sides to allow ambi-carry and accessory carry.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
So how do you actually open carry in the dead of winter with eleventy-seven feet of snow on the ground and the thermometer reading oh-my-gawd-how-much-below-zero and the wind whiping at holy-cow-that's-breezy?

Just using this as an example http://www.511tactical.com/All-Products/Outerwear/Uniform-Jackets/3-in-1-Parka.html - look at the sides. There are zippers there that you can undo around your EDC open carry rig while the rest of you stays toasty warm. If there is a tailor shop where you live they can sew in a zipper for probably less than $25 (very high-priced tailor) and most can even put in zippers on down parkas. (Those of you who insist on wearing your rig on the point of the hip just need to have the zipper moved back a little bit.)

Cops have been wearing this style ever since Officer Og got his winter saber-tooth tiger skin. They keep buying it so it must work.

No need to buy a special garment with special pockets that force you into CCing.

And if you are not practicing shooting in bad weather you need to rethink just when you preparing for self defense - fair weather only or all the time under all conditions.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
Are the pockets reinforced to stop any kind of bulging from the more pointy corners? Like if a magazine was laying in it at a weird angle is it reinforce enough to not look like something was poking the coat? It's good that it has pockets on both sides to allow ambi-carry and accessory carry.

Yeah, the large pockets are padded. The magazine pockets are cloth. The large outer pockets have zippers in case you want to keep anything from falling out. Another thing about the large inside padded pockets that I don't think is covered in the description is, the outside edge, closest to the zipper, is hook and loop (velcro). You can pull it more open while drawing, or (like I prefer) just pull it up out of the top. Only the top part of that edge is velcro. I'm thinking of making it that way the rest of the way down. I've noticed that a few times, the bottom of my pistol grip wants to go thru the little opening. I prefer it didn't. It makes you have to fish around a little for the grip. No problem though, if once you grab it, you just pull away the velcro. All in all, I like the coat, a lot. My Sig, with the laser/light, isn't the lightest pistol, or smallest, but it hides it pretty good. If it does look like you have anything in your pocket, you definitely can't tell it's a pistol.

P.S. Just checked, the add does say the concealment pockets are hook and loop.
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Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
Yeah Grim_ Night, that's a nice looking coat. That set-up you described sounds good.

skidmark, those 511 coats are nice. A little more than I want to pay for a coat though. I usually OC about 80% and CC about 20%. Winter time, a little more CC. I normally wear coats to the waist or a little longer, so when OCing, I usually just have that side of the coat pulled up a little and resting on the holster. With this new coat, I'll probably CC more often. Just depends. The coat's an option. I like options. Have a good one!

Fuller Malarkey

Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
The Cadre
Originally marketed by SigTac /Sig Sauer







Looks like a Carhartt. I've been wearing one since '06 and every indication I'll get that many more years out of it or more. I washed mine in Nixwax and it repels water like a duck. Left and right pockets so the lefties are covered. Heavy weight construction, it holds it's shape and does not "hang away" due to weapon weight, even with a 14 round .45 ACP Para. Weapon secured with elastic bands that work one day with a Snub, the next day it secures a full size semi auto. I carry a few essentials in the opposite pocket to balance things. Bad news is, SigTac quit selling them.

Looks like they're still available here:



Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
Originally marketed by SigTac /Sig Sauer

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Looks like a Carhartt. I've been wearing one since '06 and every indication I'll get that many more years out of it or more. I washed mine in Nixwax and it repels water like a duck. Left and right pockets so the lefties are covered. Heavy weight construction, it holds it's shape and does not "hang away" due to weapon weight, even with a 14 round .45 ACP Para. Weapon secured with elastic bands that work one day with a Snub, the next day it secures a full size semi auto. I carry a few essentials in the opposite pocket to balance things. Bad news is, SigTac quit selling them.

Looks like they're still available here:


The Sigtac coat was my choice for quite a while, then before buying it, I found this 3 season carry coat. I was having trouble finding the Sigtac in 2X, and this one had the mag pockets, and it was a little cheaper. (Not that either is priced bad) It was a toss-up for me.