"That sentiment goes to the heart of the issue. The cold truth is when the average Joe or Joan Schmo sees someone with a gun, outside of a hunting situation, we think bad things. We think the gun-carrier is not right in the head."
This statement is the one I'd feel most compelled to reply to. You see, this is not the heart of the issue, this is the heart of his personal issues. Never mind the hasty generalization, let's skip that and focus on something else. Essentially what this man is saying is that, the heart of the issue is how people perceive another man's intentions. That is not true - the issue is liberty and the heart of liberty is not how the observation of liberty makes observers react or feel. How one reacts or feels is at their heart, not the heart of what they are reacting to. As I think is the point of this thread, this exposes much more about the psyche of the observer than of the carrier, and that psyche (of the observer) is not consistent with rationality (or liberty).