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Quaker Steak & Lube just went Anti!


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
My daughter and I pulled up to Quaker Steak and Lube in Newport News, VA today only to see the below sign.


I was OC-ing my FNP-45 and went in to ask about the sign. The hostess immediately tried to seat us so I don't know how trained they are to follow their own policy but I asked to talk to the manager. He was busy so I said I would wait. Luckily he didn't take too long to make it out front. We talked for a few minutes and he confirmed that it was a corporate decision to ban weapons. I told him all about losing business and that law abiding carriers were not the issue and criminals would ignore the sign. He seemed to agree and offered that there had been complaints from other customers and that was what spurred the decision to change their policy.

The managers name was Rick Stone and he seemed (or at least feigned) to understand the arguments against disarming law abiding customers. I told him that I would contact corporate and he went and got his General Manager's card for me. The general managers name is Jim McCracken, newportlube@gmail.com, 757-874-5823. I didn't have time to contact him today and may wait until after Wednesday since it is Independence Day.

I was pretty worked up since they were the last good place in town to get chicken wings (and I'm grew up outside Buffalo) and the first place that was 2A friendly (neutral) that has gone anti to me personally. With all the small victories we win in the General Assembly it is painful to watch us lose private businesses! While I tried to be calm and logical my voice carries and when I get emotionally charged I tend to get louder. My daughter and I talked about it afterwards and she said that the manager seemed afraid and thinking back he did seem a bit put off which would be my bad. :-( I guess being called out front to argue with an armed customer may be intimidating in general. :)

I also told the manager that we would abide by their policy (being law abiding people) but that would mean that they would lose our business since I choose not to disarm. My daughter and I had alot to talk about at Olive Garden where I spent $38 on lunch for two that was intended to go to QS&L.

Hopefully we can get this decision turned around.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Just sent an email

TO: Jim McCracken
General Manager
Quaker Steak & Lube
12832 Jefferson Ave.
Newport News, VA 23608
(757) 874-5823

My daughter and I went to the Newport News Quaker Steak & Lube today only to see this sign posted in your window.


We spoke with the Kitchen Manager, Rich Stone, who was personable and happy to talk to me about the policy change.
I specifically asked if the change was a corporate policy or if it only affected this store and he replied that it was a corporate
policy. We talked about the pros and cons of simply following state law which allows Virginian’s to choose whether to Open
Carry a handgun like Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Olive Garden, McDonalds, and many other private businesses allow . I informed Rich that
I would contact Corporate and got your information from him.

Rich mentioned that he thought the reason for the change was that other customers had complained about weapons and that QS&L
wanted all customer to feel safe. There is a big difference in “feeling” safe and “being” safe. While gun free zones may make a person
feel safe, all it has done is remove the possibility that a law abiding person will have the means to defend themselves from a criminal. (see Luby’s video below)
If you hadn’t noticed, criminals ignore laws against robbery and murder and tend to also ignore policies. I also find it odd that people that have
an unnatural fear of the sight of a gun would immediately call people with guns (police) to save them in a crisis. By the way police have no legal
requirement to save anyone!

In talking to Rich I mentioned that I read that the store had been robbed a few months back and I was happy that no one was injured. With that
in mind though I told Rich that I will never place my trust and any hope for mercy from a person holding a gun on me!!! Armed citizens are the
biggest fear of a criminal (more than police) and your sign in the window makes it a safer workday for any criminal knowing that their victims will be unarmed.

I choose to Openly Carry my pistol for many reasons and am a law abiding customer that has frequented this store several times over the
last year or so. For a good background on why many choose to “Carry” a firearm I invite you to read the following article:


I was greatly disappointed to find out that QS&L had changed their policy to ban law abiding customers from carrying in their restaurants. I apologize to Rich if my
voice got louder as my passion for the subject showed through. My voice does tend to carry. To find out that I was not welcome at my favorite wings place
did cause me a bit of emotion. Many (2A) second amendment supporters will abide by your policies but in doing so we choose not to give any monies to
establishments that restrict our ability to defend our family. So instead of spending money at your store today as I had planned, I took my daughter to Olive Garden down the street.


Please let me know if the policy can be reviewed at this time to change it back to the way it had been. I and others in VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League,
about 7000 paying members 25000 signed up for email alerts), and people that follow OpenCarry.org will be happy to come back and enjoy your food if we are allowed
to lawfully carry our firearms just as we do everyday everywhere else we travel. If we can’t turn around this policy your company will be added to the do not patronize
list so that people will be able to follow your wishes and go elsewhere.

If you have the time please watch these very entertaining videos:

Luby’s Cafeteria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoIKlO20RqM

20/20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyoLuTjguJA&feature=player_embedded#

Respectfully yours,

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
We had planned on trying the new one in Harrisonburg but this just changed our minds.

That's sad news. A few years ago, Proshooter, myself and Skidmark, convinced them to change their policy to allow OC/CC.

There was no sign in Richmond last week and no objection to my gun. I'll check again . Somehow I doubt it is a Corporate policy. The tidewater area QSL's have had a lot of gang trouble on bike night. I suspect that may be at the root of it.


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2011
all bunny, Ory-gun
i'll mimic your actions with a follow-up email the next time i am booted from an establishment for OC'ing.

should/could i also send an e-mail expressing my similar opinion on thier new policy? what was the e-mail address?
in years past i used to go to QSL on a weekly frequency, but now i have a reason not to go back.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
i'll mimic your actions with a follow-up email the next time i am booted from an establishment for OC'ing.

should/could i also send an e-mail expressing my similar opinion on thier new policy? what was the e-mail address?
in years past i used to go to QSL on a weekly frequency, but now i have a reason not to go back.

The email address is in the original post: Jim McCracken, newportlube@gmail.com, 757-874-5823.

Feel free to express your disappointment to Mr. McCracken. The more people that respond the better chance they may change their mind.

I also wanted to fully confirm whether it was a corporate decision or not and am hoping the general manager can officially confirm that point. I have been at this QS&L a couple times on bike night and enjoyed walking around looking at the motorcycles and never had any problems. If gangs show up and start acting rowdy the management can always ask them to leave or call police. The better solution is for businesses to allow their employees to OC such that they weren't outgunned by any clientele.

I would be happy to hear from others whether their local QS&L had any signage up or if they were asked to leave. As I said in the first post, the hostess tried to seat us right when we walked in so I don't know if they would have asked me to leave or not.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
It's probably not possible to communicate this idea to someone without a level of condescension that is damaging to the overall goal... but I have to say, if a company can make such a faulty decision about such an easy question as this, it begs one to wonder what other bad decisions they might make about things that are critical to the actual running of their business?

The idea that a mere sign will accomplish the desired goal at hand, namely, to prevent a violent criminal from coming into the store and committing mass murder, is so far out of the bounds of coherent reason, I shudder to think what else they might be getting wrong, and is it even safe to consume their product?



Regular Member
Sep 7, 2007
Christiansburg, Virginia, USA
The idea that a mere sign will accomplish the desired goal at hand, namely, to prevent a violent criminal from coming into the store and committing mass murder, is so far out of the bounds of coherent reason, I shudder to think what else they might be getting wrong, and is it even safe to consume their product?


I doubt it's the violent criminal they are thinking of or concerned about. It's that one OCer comes in and upsets 10 customers. That's a 10 to 1 ratio. They look at it as a lose/lose situation but choose to go with the smaller loss. We have to convince them that we are the greater loss. That the complaining customers will not stop coming to their establishment because it's so rare to actuall see an OCer during any one given visit. That over time these people will become accustomed to seeing OCers and not be disturbed by them. They will not loose business by allowing OC but will loose business by forbidding it as OCers will refuse to disarm on principle.

I doubt they will look at the loss of a few customers, and unforntunately we are few for any one restaurant, as being a big loss. So education and reasoning such as I pointed out above must be what we present to them and not so much the threat of losing our business. No business wants to lose ONE customer, but they are afraid they will lose the 10 complainers when in reality I don't think that's true.

It's much akin to someone being offended by a black man coming into their all white favorite spot to eat. They won't stop coming, they just won't like the black guy being there.
Last edited:


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
I work for the state, and it was not that long ago my department used nothing but juno.com for email! A state office, using Juno!

Oh, would that all state offices used Juno instead of relying on VITA. We'd get cheaper service and with less downtime.

Or were you going for something about the professional image presented to the public? With many state (and local) agencies Juno is right about right.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Jun 5, 2012
Sent this,

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my displeasure with the recent policy change at your establishment. As a law abiding firearms owner, I find it disturbing when basic rights of such citizens are suppressed. Your "new" policy has done nothing but empower the criminal element that you are trying to keep out. You sign serves no purpose other that the advertisment that you and your patrons are unarmed and cannot defend themselves.

Furthermore, it is becoming ever more disturbing that establishments such as this are chosing to suppress the very rights we as Americans are celebrating during this Independence Day holiday. Remember, you are not bowing to "The Crown" or speaking German because someone took up arms to prevent it.

Please reconsider this supressive, anti-American policy.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
Sent this,

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my displeasure with the recent policy change at your establishment. As a law abiding firearms owner, I find it disturbing when basic rights of such citizens are suppressed. Your "new" policy has done nothing but empower the criminal element that you are trying to keep out. You sign serves no purpose other that the advertisment that you and your patrons are unarmed and cannot defend themselves.

Furthermore, it is becoming ever more disturbing that establishments such as this are chosing to suppress the very rights we as Americans are celebrating during this Independence Day holiday. Remember, you are not bowing to "The Crown" or speaking German because someone took up arms to prevent it.

Please reconsider this supressive, anti-American policy.
Nice "July 4th" timing...

We've all seen the cartoon with the wheelchair-bound veteran at the front of the class during the Pledge of Allegiance and the teacher saying to the bratty student, "here's the man who gave his ability to stand for the pledge so that you would have the right not to..."

We need someone to work up a cartoon that is similar, perhaps showing a military guy in full dress with a .45 on his side, turning away to leave the front of a business with a gun buster sign on the door, and a VERY sad look on his face, and a caption saying something like, "I had to bear arms against the enemies of this country to give you the right to turn me away..."

John has been dabbling in political cartoons... maybe he should give that idea a try!



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Nice "July 4th" timing...

We've all seen the cartoon with the wheelchair-bound veteran at the front of the class during the Pledge of Allegiance and the teacher saying to the bratty student, "here's the man who gave his ability to stand for the pledge so that you would have the right not to..."

We need someone to work up a cartoon that is similar, perhaps showing a military guy in full dress with a .45 on his side, turning away to leave the front of a business with a gun buster sign on the door, and a VERY sad look on his face, and a caption saying something like, "I had to bear arms against the enemies of this country to give you the right to turn me away..."

John has been dabbling in political cartoons... maybe he should give that idea a try!


For those that haven't seen his blog site yet, check it out.