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quick question about open carry..


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2006
Epsom, New Hampshire, USA
imported post

newbie here with first question.looks like a great forum by what i've seen..

i'm fairly new to conceal carry and want to make the transition to open carry.my question is about what is considered open carry..

is it when any part of the gun is visible(like theend of the muzzle)or does the whole gun have to be in sight??

thanks for any info..

i'm thinking of getting this holster.i have a IWB clip-on now.


it says that it's concealable but i figured i could use it for OC.(specially during summer when carry cover is limited


Regular Member
May 10, 2006
Houston, Texas, USA
imported post

It varies by state what is considered concealed, and in many states it is not defined at all. The legal definition that comes immediately to mind is in Arizona, where it is open carry if any part of the gun or holster is visible.

Many people (including LEOs) use different rules of thumb, but I do not know how much weight they carry. Some of the ones I have heard include:
  • -It is easily recognizable as a gun. For example, in Virginia it is generally accepted that it is open carry for the purpose of restaurant carry if the grip is clearly visible, even if you are carrying in an IWB holster.

    -The gun is visible from 3 sides of the carrier.

    -More than 50% of the gun and holster is visible.
My feeling is that you shouldn't worry about it as long as you are legal to both carry openly and concealed in the state where you are. If it is a state where you are only legal if you open carry, I would carry in an OWB holster with the entire gun visible, just to avoid any ambiguity.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2006
Epsom, New Hampshire, USA
imported post

thanks for the reply.

i guess seeing that i live in a open carry state then i probably shouldn't worry to much.i also have a CCW permit,so that helps with the transport of loaded gun(s).


Regular Member
May 10, 2006
Houston, Texas, USA
imported post

Yeah, having a CCW and living in an open carry state, especially one with laws as good as New Hampshire, means you can carry pretty much however you want without worry. If it becomes covered you're OK, and if it shows you're OK.