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Rest in Peace Mike Borders


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
It is with deep sadness that I bring the OCDO community news of Mike Borders passing. Also known on the MGO forums as mikeb32, he was current President and Membership Chairman of Michigan Gun Owners, and was a member of Michigan Open Carry.

From MGO:

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you of the passing of Mike Borders, aka mikeb32, today. Mr. Borders has served the organization in multiple roles, with the most recent as President and Membership Chairman. Mike poured his heart and soul into this organization. We are honored to have served alongside him. He will be missed greatly by all that had the pleasure to know him. Please keep him and his family in your prayers tonight.

From MOC:

It is with very heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mike Borders, the President of Michigan Gun Owners and MOC member.

Mike had faced numerous health issues over the past few years, including multiple battles with cancer, but he never let that get in the way of his love for his family and the fight to protect our rights.

Mike was a genuinely good person that was hard to not get along with. He was a fierce defender of liberty, and a great friend to MOC as well as the gun community as a whole. Our world is a better place because Mike was a part of it.

Mike, our prayers are with you and your family. We will miss you.

His family has set up a GoFundMe for help with his funeral expenses, for those that are so inclined.

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