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Ron Paul calls binLaden raid "unnecessary"


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
I agree with all of this, although I would point out again that executing flag-burners is illiberal to the point that you no longer warrant the label "liberal". Statist is fine.

You want to peg me as Statist, then go at it. Individuals who burn the American Flag in a protest should be executed.

I also think that firearms safety should be taught in school. I am even less-Liberal now *shivers*. Wait, I think that abortion should not be outright banned...back to Liberal.


Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
I can't help but point out that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison...you get my point here...they were all politicians. The Founding Fathers were politicians. Heck, 'tea party' Senators are politicians.

Politicians as not-politicians. Is that an act or a fact?

I can't help but point out that Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were the founders. Winning a war propelled them into power, not appealing to political sensibilities. Lincoln certainly was not considered noble by an awful lot of people, his election caused a war.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
I also think that firearms safety should be taught in school. I am even less-Liberal now *shivers*.

"Words mean things." -Beretta92FSLady

It is liberal to allow the citizenry to be armed, and to wish them to exercise that liberty. It is liberal to wish them to be educated.

What, exactly, is illiberal about the position you've referenced?

(While the liberalness of mandatory education may be debated, that is another debate. Schools exists and children go to them; we may accept it as a given in this context.)
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Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA

Whoa bro, nothing I said was meant as an insult, you came in talking about saran and evil and I made a connection to poke fun at. Now I'll reply to your post in detail in a few hours when I have time and a proper keyboard, but in the meantime I'll ask you this: if you think the current political situation is beyond hope and you have opted out of it, what, then, is your solution, short of a socioeconomic cataclysm and constitutional "reboot?"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2008
Mercer Island, Washington, USA
"Words mean things." -Beretta92FSLady

It is liberal to allow the citizenry to be armed, and to wish them to exercise that liberty.

In the classic liberal ideology... yes, the right to defend yourself and to own property of any type (guns, weapons, arms) is liberal. But to claim the old definition to explain the modern practice is pure sophistry.

It is liberal to wish them to be educated.

What, exactly, is illiberal about the position you've referenced?

(While the liberalness of mandatory education may be debated, that is another debate. Schools exists and children go to them; we may accept it as a given in this context.)

Why should forced extraction of property from one set of people to fund anything for another escape the defining of what is currently considered "liberal"?

Today, the modern liberal is authoritarian in most aspects. The modern liberal uses their lose interpretation of the 'social contract' to inflict any number of authoritarian and despotic rules, regulations and ordinances on their neighbors.

Should 'liberal' now equal 'authoritarian'? I believe that without a doubt, liberals are authoritarians. Of course, this is not to diminish the authoritarian nature of the neoconservative, but rather, it is to establish that in spite of the claim of tolerance and fairness, liberals are neither tolerant nor fair.


Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
In the classic liberal ideology... yes, the right to defend yourself and to own property of any type (guns, weapons, arms) is liberal. But to claim the old definition to explain the modern practice is pure sophistry.

Why should forced extraction of property from one set of people to fund anything for another escape the defining of what is currently considered "liberal"?

Today, the modern liberal is authoritarian in most aspects. The modern liberal uses their lose interpretation of the 'social contract' to inflict any number of authoritarian and despotic rules, regulations and ordinances on their neighbors.

Should 'liberal' now equal 'authoritarian'? I believe that without a doubt, liberals are authoritarians. Of course, this is not to diminish the authoritarian nature of the neoconservative, but rather, it is to establish that in spite of the claim of tolerance and fairness, liberals are neither tolerant nor fair.

Seems to me the term "neo-conservative" was coined by modern "liberals" so that they could seperate themselves, and demonize those who use statism to promote a slightly different agenda. As well as promote legislation in favor of different campaign financers.

Sort of how the left likes to insist the National Socialist Workers Party, was "rightwing". You just have to forget all of the "progressivism" that the party came to power promoting.


Regular Member
Sep 18, 2010
I'll have to apologise for my abrasiveness, but I'm tired of how most people who use the "two sides of the same coin" arguement to somehow elevate themselves with their delusions that they have some profound understand of how things really are. Politicians have never been considered noble as far as I know. The "insurgency" if you will, of the much maligned "Tea Party" is a testament IMO that politicians are facing new scrutiny and a awakening voter base.

There are differences in the labels, but perhaps not the people who like to pin themselves with these labels. I see this as changing before our eyes.

No apologies needed, although yours are appreciated. I just prefer to talk about this stuff without the usual denigrations from either side :)

I make no claim to a higher knowledge apart from anything anyone of us can understand if we just look beyond the headlines and the garbage that's tossed to all of us. I'm not smarter than anyone (in truth, I'm probably quite a bit...less smart....than most here lol), and hope I don't come off that way.

Like you, I see a great change that could possibly come from within, but in reality, I'm not giving the movement much of a chance in terms of long term change for the better. I'd love to see it work out, but I just feel that somehow it won't gain the necessary strength needed to sustain itself. This stuff comes and goes in waves though, so maybe it's time for relative peace to prevail. We can only hope :)

I can also state that I am, in no way shape or form, a leftist lol. Just wanted to put that one to rest. Some of what I'll say here may come off that way, but then again, some of what comes from the left is actually true. There's no way to fight the truth, after all. They may seem infantile, reactive, and generally annoying, but some of it can't be ignored. Same with the stuff from the far right, as well. You have to consider all sides, that's all.

I used to be a dyed in the wool, Bush following, whocareswhatanyoneelsethinksi'mgonnakillmesomeragheads kind of guy, but a lot of that's changed in the past few years. I guess after retirement I had a chance to sit back and actually pay more than a casual glance in the direction of how I thought things were going.

That should give you a little insight concerning where I'm coming from.

Trust me, if I had all the answers I'd patent them and sell them to world leaders so I could retire the right way, in the islands somewhere, and let them continue their reindeer games in relative safety. But, for now I'll just have to keep trying to figure some of these things out with help from anywhere I can get it. I'm no meta-spiritual Gandalf waving around a magic staff, either. Just some fat dude with unanswered questions who feels sort of used by the process.

So, will something like a "Tea Party" wake things up to the point of real change? Well, I guess that depends on if we think change is needed in the first place, and if this party is trustworthy enough to carry the banner. Here's my thoughts: I see very little difference between a Bush, a Nixon, a Kerry, or an Obama. I see people who, at one time in their lives, fairly idealistic about their beliefs. I think at some point they abandon or suppress their core values for one they believe will carry them to the top. After all, the position of President of the US (or any like position like it in history) is more about carrying the established power than it is using that power to move things in a drastically different direction. No one dedicates their life toward attaining a position like that to make sure it's power is diminished, quite the opposite I'd guess.

In order to sustain or even strengthen that position, there must be a suppression of one's individuality and core beliefs. There's simply no other way to do it. Somewhere along the line, a decision must be made within one's self to sustain the power that's already there, and to strengthen it if possible.

How many times have we sat there and scratched our heads at some of the speeches or actions on the part of our leaders? When we think "Republican", we normally think conservative, family, some kind of religious belief, etc. We hear about smaller government, individual rights, anti-abortion, etc, yet what do we actually get?

On the other side, when we think "democrat", we think of liberal social policies, open immigration, abortion rights, strengthening minority status, etc...yet what do we actually end up with?

I'll tell you what I see- I see Republicans who expand the government, who look past important votes concerning abortion, religious intolerance, and a host of other results which make me think ahrd about their dedication.

When I see Democrats, I see the killing of Bin Laden, the pirates being whacked off at sea to rescue hijacked boats and the crews, I see Vietnam, WWII, Korea.....not exactly what we normally associate with the left, correct?

When I step back, I see very little difference on the macro level. Sure, there's hundreds of differences between the two political platforms, but I also see much of those platforms only being talked about in election years. What I see after the elections is more of the same from both parties.

More examples...

-Obama says he'll shut down Gitmo, but has he? It's been over two years, yet it's still there. Even if he did close it, do we think he'll simply let those prisoners go free, or will he simply move them to other prisons? If the latter is the case, does shutting down Gitmo really matter? Yet all he harped on while on the campaign trail was how Bush was messing up the war. I used to find it fairly odd that he hasn't changed one thing. People point to the draw down in Iraq, but I have a feeling Iraq was going to be left in the dust anyway, despite what we hear. After a conflict, we either move in for good or we completely abandon the place, one of the two.

- Bush, after hearing it from Congress after 9/11, creates the monstrosity that is referred to as the "Patriot Act". Have you ever taken a serious look that what exactly is in the various versions of that thing? It doesn't exactly bring up the image of the stereo-typical conservative policy handbook. Yet, it passes in record time, much like anything else related to legislation that affects individual liberty in this country. Amazingly fast, I'd say, for something which caught us completely off-guard (9/11).

- The invasion of Afghanistan happened what, one month after we were hit on 9/11? You have served honorably in our nations service, and during that time, you've surely noticed that the military, as great as it can be, can't establish a KP roster without at least 3 meetings. We're to believe that in one month, we mustered the forces of all the military branches, created and executed an invasion of another country, hit key points with precision, coordinated all of the supply needs, all of the air lanes needed, coordinated the use of at least 12 contributing nation's facilities, command structure, personnel, air bases, and launched an effective attack?

For comparison, the invasion of Panama in December of '89 was a result of almost two years of planning, coordination, practice, and training.

Two years for Panama and one month for Afghanistan? We're simply not that ready of a military. Sure, we can send some troops over on a few hours notice, but nothing of a size or scope needed for the invasion of an Afghanistan. This alone should get us thinking. Back then, I'd simply shrug my shoulders and drive on. Now, there's time for me to actually think a little.

Anyway, I'll keep the next ones short. I don't want to load giant posts up and make it hard to keep track of things we'll talk about. I just wanted to lay out a few things and see where they went.



Whoa bro, nothing I said was meant as an insult, you came in talking about saran and evil and I made a connection to poke fun at. Now I'll reply to your post in detail in a few hours when I have time and a proper keyboard, but in the meantime I'll ask you this: if you think the current political situation is beyond hope and you have opted out of it, what, then, is your solution, short of a socioeconomic cataclysm and constitutional "reboot?"

heh- no worries. I used a part of the Black Sabbath song "War Pigs" to illustrate a point, that's all. In a way, I can't help but to imagine some force out there taking great pleasure in our pains. Hell I'm not even 100% in my own thoughts, I just have questions, that's all. I'm to the point of not believing the ol' standard BS that's fed to us. Take a look at any new broadcast and you can see where I'm coming from. Pick one you don't agree with (msnbc, fox, whichever) and it starts to get your blood boiling as you pick out the lies, half-truths, etc. That's how I feel when I see politicians talk. Not in a violent way, but I have great reservations identifying myself with their leadership, especially knowing I was a part of it for 20 years.

Again, I make no claims to absolute knowledge, or even a small part of clarity. I'm just tired of being rained on only to look up and notice it's not clouds I see up there, but a giant dick ******* down on us.

As to your questions- I don't feel like everything is beyond hope. Hope's always there and the reason we keep chugging along. Maybe I'll find a spot in the process of change for the better and maybe I'll pass on before it happens. None of that is something I have a clear view of. Life's too unpredictable to know for sure. I think we're currently in deep kimchee, but not beyond hope for the better :)

As to opting out, I'm not sure I completely have yet. I know I retired out and am enjoying the hell out of that much, though. I still vote, mostly in a vain gesture of hope, but I do. I haven't checked out of society in any way, I just can't toss my complete support toward a collection of "leaders" who are know liars and thieves who have no qualms or reservations when it comes to sending me off to war while they play their games, knowing they'll never have to go themselves.

What's the answer to it all? Well, I have no clue. If I did we'd all be done with this crap and talking about the baseball season, instead. I'm learning just like anyone else, and hope to further my understanding here. Hell, maybe I'm way off and completely wrong. That would be nice.

Looking forward to further discussion soon.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
Why should forced extraction of property from one set of people to fund anything for another escape the defining of what is currently considered "liberal"?

First of all, I assumed the existence of mandatory, government-funded educated a given.

Secondly, Jefferson, the quintessential American classical liberal, did believe that education was one of the very few things government should fund, and I'm inclined to agree. This does not, however, necessarily imply theft.

I believe that a limited government could fund itself without theft. Also, for the tax-addicted, there are forms of profit the existence of which depends on government (much capital gains, for instance) which could be legitimately taxed.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
But to claim the old definition...SNIP
The dictionary definition hasn't changed. First three entries in mine:

liberal |ˈlib(ə)rəl|
1 open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values : they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.
• favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms : liberal citizenship laws.
• (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform : a liberal democratic state.
• ( Liberal) of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
• ( Liberal) (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party : the Liberal leader.

In fact, nowhere does it mention modern, authoritarian illiberalism. The closest it comes:

a person of liberal views.
...would imply a person who holds the type of views mentioned earlier in the definition.

It does use "Liberal", with a capital-L (Beretta92FSLady would approve) to describe "a supporter or member of a Liberal Party."

It seems to me that the error is, unavoidably, that of those who permit leftist authoritarians to disguise or justify their illiberal means by illegitimately claiming liberal ends.

...to explain the modern practice is pure sophistry.

That is certainly not my intent.
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Regular Member
Sep 18, 2010
As I said I apologise for being abrasive, but that first post displayed the same worn out tiring leftist psycobabble that I hear everytime I end up having to discuss the issue with some unwashed college student programmed by a 60's reject "educator". You mean to tell me OBL was a "malnourished camel jockey"? At least you didn't call him a CIA Agent. You are aware of the levels of education and financing some of these whahabbi sociopaths have right?

You're not really implying that we somehow deserved to be hit by some "ragtag bunch of malnourished camel jockeys" as we watched mindless TV shows because our sinister federal govt's "imperialism" are you?

What doesn't add up to me is that there are people out there who really believe that WE, the American People, and our consumption, "imperialism", and lets not forget our supporting aid to Israel (which I oppose incidentally) is what makes us deserve 9/11.

PS, glad you got back safe too bro.

Oops, missed this during my last manifesto :)

As I said I apologise for being abrasive, but that first post displayed the same worn out tiring leftist psycobabble that I hear everytime I end up having to discuss the issue with some unwashed college student programmed by a 60's reject "educator". You mean to tell me OBL was a "malnourished camel jockey"? At least you didn't call him a CIA Agent. You are aware of the levels of education and financing some of these whahabbi sociopaths have right?

No worries, I can't stand a hippie's gnashing at the teeth either lol. Just kidding....sorta.

Anyway, No, OBL was not a malnourished individual. He made sure he was well fed, much like any other leader who warps the minds of others to do the killing for them. Highly educated and well-off, too. And although OBL was a recipient of CIA money numerous times over a number of years (especially during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), I would not consider him a CIA agent. As far as I can tell, he never went through the academy :)

My "malnourished" comment was meant to encompass the overall condition of the masses of what were training against us, not any one individual. The more I see it, the more it was meant simply as an off-color remark.

You're not really implying that we somehow deserved to be hit by some "ragtag bunch of malnourished camel jockeys" as we watched mindless TV shows because our sinister federal govt's "imperialism" are you?

Not in the classical argument of "we deserved to get hit because we ruin everything with our imperial ways" kind of BS. Personally, it's my opinion that we got hit on 9/11 in an act of war much like any other warring parties hit each other. The general public just didn't know we were at war in the first place, so it came as such a shock, that's all. I refuse to believe that many in our government didn't understand that we were at war, however. I think our government knew full well that we could have been hit in such a way, but I don't believe they knew exactly when and where and failed to prevent it on purpose or any of that garbage. I'd have to see direct evidence to believe that.

Simply put, we got hit like any other opposing force gets hit in a war, that's all. It's give and take in war- sometimes we get them, sometimes they get us. We got nailed, so be it. I certainly wish that the people that died that day were given a chance to escape the buildings and planes though. I don't think we fully realized the potential for damage against civilians back then, or that the "enemy" in this case would stoop quite that low.

It showed a distinct lack of understanding of what we were up against. I'm not sure you can completely plan for or prevent something like that.

I don't think we deserved the attack on 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. I think we could have done a better job in predicting that something like that could happen given what we knew about how some of them Islamist felt about us, though. Deserving is not the right word at all. We didn't deserve that. We should have done a better job of expecting it, though, as a natural course of understanding what was against us.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
When I step back, I see very little difference on the macro level. Sure, there's hundreds of differences between the two political platforms, but I also see much of those platforms only being talked about in election years. What I see after the elections is more of the same from both parties.

Hey, man. That (the whole thing, not just what I quoted) was the best post of yours I've read (not trying to imply anything about the others :p). Right on the money, and very insightful examples.

Good on you. +1000


Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
No apologies needed, although yours are appreciated. I just prefer to talk about this stuff without the usual denigrations from either side :)

I make no claim to a higher knowledge apart from anything anyone of us can understand if we just look beyond the headlines and the garbage that's tossed to all of us. I'm not smarter than anyone (in truth, I'm probably quite a bit...less smart....than most here lol), and hope I don't come off that way.

Like you, I see a great change that could possibly come from within, but in reality, I'm not giving the movement much of a chance in terms of long term change for the better. I'd love to see it work out, but I just feel that somehow it won't gain the necessary strength needed to sustain itself. This stuff comes and goes in waves though, so maybe it's time for relative peace to prevail. We can only hope :)


I can also state that I am, in no way shape or form, a leftist lol. Just wanted to put that one to rest. Some of what I'll say here may come off that way, but then again, some of what comes from the left is actually true. So very little... There's no way to fight the truth, after all. They may seem infantile, reactive, and generally annoying, but some of it can't be ignored. Same with the stuff from the far right, as well. You have to consider all sides, that's all.

I agree regarding the truth, but the left represents such an infinitesimal amount of what is right, that any truth they use to promote their agenda can just as easily be negated by rational logic. Unfortunately we're called racists for doing so.

I used to be a dyed in the wool, Bush following, whocareswhatanyoneelsethinksi'mgonnakillmesomeragheads kind of guy, but a lot of that's changed in the past few years. I guess after retirement I had a chance to sit back and actually pay more than a casual glance in the direction of how I thought things were going.

I never was an entusiastic Bushie, I think the wars were is crowning achievement, even though his admin team ****'ed up half of it.

That should give you a little insight concerning where I'm coming from.

Trust me, if I had all the answers I'd patent them and sell them to world leaders so I could retire the right way, in the islands somewhere, and let them continue their reindeer games in relative safety. But, for now I'll just have to keep trying to figure some of these things out with help from anywhere I can get it. I'm no meta-spiritual Gandalf waving around a magic staff, either. Just some fat dude with unanswered questions who feels sort of used by the process.

So, will something like a "Tea Party" wake things up to the point of real change? Well, I guess that depends on if we think change is needed in the first place, and if this party is trustworthy enough to carry the banner. Here's my thoughts: I see very little difference between a Bush, a Nixon, a Kerry, or an Obama. I see people who, at one time in their lives, fairly idealistic about their beliefs. I think at some point they abandon or suppress their core values for one they believe will carry them to the top. After all, the position of President of the US (or any like position like it in history) is more about carrying the established power than it is using that power to move things in a drastically different direction. No one dedicates their life toward attaining a position like that to make sure it's power is diminished, quite the opposite I'd guess.

In order to sustain or even strengthen that position, there must be a suppression of one's individuality and core beliefs. There's simply no other way to do it. Somewhere along the line, a decision must be made within one's self to sustain the power that's already there, and to strengthen it if possible.

How many times have we sat there and scratched our heads at some of the speeches or actions on the part of our leaders? When we think "Republican", we normally think conservative, family, some kind of religious belief, etc. We hear about smaller government, individual rights, anti-abortion, etc, yet what do we actually get?

It's been argued that even Jefferson was hypocritical in his Louisiana Purchase, and the Barbary War. Entrance into certain offices probably enlighten even the most idealistic people into realities only they can understand.

On the other side, when we think "democrat", we think of liberal social policies, open immigration, abortion rights, strengthening minority status, etc...yet what do we actually end up with?

I'll tell you what I see- I see Republicans who expand the government, who look past important votes concerning abortion, religious intolerance, and a host of other results which make me think ahrd about their dedication.

When I see Democrats, I see the killing of Bin Laden, the pirates being whacked off at sea to rescue hijacked boats and the crews, I see Vietnam, WWII, Korea.....not exactly what we normally associate with the left, correct?

When I step back, I see very little difference on the macro level. Sure, there's hundreds of differences between the two political platforms, but I also see much of those platforms only being talked about in election years. What I see after the elections is more of the same from both parties.

True, and that's the frustration we all have.

More examples...

-Obama says he'll shut down Gitmo, but has he? It's been over two years, yet it's still there. Even if he did close it, do we think he'll simply let those prisoners go free, or will he simply move them to other prisons? If the latter is the case, does shutting down Gitmo really matter? Yet all he harped on while on the campaign trail was how Bush was messing up the war. I used to find it fairly odd that he hasn't changed one thing. People point to the draw down in Iraq, but I have a feeling Iraq was going to be left in the dust anyway, despite what we hear. After a conflict, we either move in for good or we completely abandon the place, one of the two.

Like I said, reality hit him in the face. There are places we've moved out of for good, such as the Philippines, and their doing fine. There are places that have done well and we're still there for reasons I can't fathom. We may move out of Iraq entirely, but we won't be far away.

- Bush, after hearing it from Congress after 9/11, creates the monstrosity that is referred to as the "Patriot Act". Have you ever taken a serious look that what exactly is in the various versions of that thing? It doesn't exactly bring up the image of the stereo-typical conservative policy handbook. Yet, it passes in record time, much like anything else related to legislation that affects individual liberty in this country. Amazingly fast, I'd say, for something which caught us completely off-guard (9/11).

I've been critical of that act in other posts, but I'm not opposed outright to the feds monitoring who comes in/out of the country, or monitoring inter nat'l communications as long as there is a legal paper trail.

- The invasion of Afghanistan happened what, one month after we were hit on 9/11? You have served honorably in our nations service, and during that time, you've surely noticed that the military, as great as it can be, can't establish a KP roster without at least 3 meetings. We're to believe that in one month, we mustered the forces of all the military branches, created and executed an invasion of another country, hit key points with precision, coordinated all of the supply needs, all of the air lanes needed, coordinated the use of at least 12 contributing nation's facilities, command structure, personnel, air bases, and launched an effective attack?

I've seen military incompetence for what it is. I've also seen what the competent people can accomplish with some "drug deals" at every level.

For comparison, the invasion of Panama in December of '89 was a result of almost two years of planning, coordination, practice, and training.

Two years for Panama and one month for Afghanistan? We're simply not that ready of a military. Sure, we can send some troops over on a few hours notice, but nothing of a size or scope needed for the invasion of an Afghanistan. This alone should get us thinking. Back then, I'd simply shrug my shoulders and drive on. Now, there's time for me to actually think a little.

Anyway, I'll keep the next ones short. I don't want to load giant posts up and make it hard to keep track of things we'll talk about. I just wanted to lay out a few things and see where they went.

I could have spent all day and a twelve pack discussing this with you on a porch.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2006
Michigan, USA
I had to scroll up to get this, but my response shall begin now...


Do you just regurgitate things that sound cool to you that you hear from your friends? Show me ONE STATEMENT that warns against "imperialism", then define exactly how any relationship we have with any foreign country, land mass, tribe or village can even slightly relate to "the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination." You won't get any arguement from me regarding the federal relationship with the domestic states, but to even suggest the federal empire is malignantly bleeding the resources of the rest of the world that gets tens of billions in aid is beyond leftist idiocy.

You did say that we (collectivist speak on your behalf) go to war to help those who can't help themselves, those were your words, not mine.

A declaration of war is required to go to war. This use of force nonsense that presidents use comes from the same logic that liberals use to try to void out Article 1 Section 8... they claim the "necessary and proper" clause lets congress enact whatever they want. If that was true then why would that section mentioned all the powers of the federal government? The same holds true for a declaration of war, why would it be required in the constitution if all the president could due was issue an executive order?

The federal government is bleeding the resources of the purchasing power of the dollar. For me personally, I have a leg up on money than most Americans, I have quite a bit of gold, sliver, and foreign currency so when the Federal Reserve Note goes the way of the Zimbabwe Dollar, I'll be in better shape. And the foreign aid that is dished out to the rest of the world is astronomical, but I suppose that's 'necessary for our freedom and security' as well as all the nation building and bombing right?

It's more than a liberal/conservative issue and you seem to have a very narrow paradigm, just because someone does not agree with the Military Industrial Complex and the bombing and building around the world does not make one a liberal. The sooner you realize that the sooner you will realize that the same government that can wage undeclared war all over the planet and have secret prisons can easily make a serf out of you.... and take away your guns. Just because your sheriff issued you a nice little blue CPL doesn't mean the "authorities" can't make a slave out of you.

I fail to understand how many people who complain that police lie to them when they are open carrying (ie told that OC is illegal or whatever) suddenly take the word of what a bureaucrat says about a situation half way around the world. I understand that they may be A-RAB or less human that a U.S. Citizen in the eyes of many neo-cons, but why would people always think the government lies to them at home but outside the United States Border, those same people are holier than thou and telling you the truth.

Follow the money.... Major General Smedley D. Butler USMC Retired wrote War is a Racket almost a century ago, what he said was true then and it's definately true today. Sadly, too many Americans need to turn off the replay of Toby Keith and take a break from Hannity's Freedom Tours to realize what's going on. The liberals are a lost cause, but I hope the neo-cons walk up and see that they are being duped.

Some people in the media get it (Tucker Carlson, Stossel, and Judge Napolitano), most do not. Even Michael Savage has questioned Afghanistan.

None of it will matter, the Government is going broke and when it does, all the world policing will end because they can't fund it. The Soviet Union fell and their empire ended overnight, and not one of the pundits predicted it, it shocked the world. America's Empire will end whether people will want it to or not because of this one simple question...

Name me any empire that has ever existed in written history that is still in existence today.
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Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
In the classic liberal ideology... yes, the right to defend yourself and to own property of any type (guns, weapons, arms) is liberal. But to claim the old definition to explain the modern practice is pure sophistry.

Why should forced extraction of property from one set of people to fund anything for another escape the defining of what is currently considered "liberal"?

Today, the modern liberal is authoritarian in most aspects. The modern liberal uses their lose interpretation of the 'social contract' to inflict any number of authoritarian and despotic rules, regulations and ordinances on their neighbors.

Should 'liberal' now equal 'authoritarian'? I believe that without a doubt, liberals are authoritarians. Of course, this is not to diminish the authoritarian nature of the neoconservative, but rather, it is to establish that in spite of the claim of tolerance and fairness, liberals are neither tolerant nor fair.

Hey glad to see you're still around man. Gotta +1 this. Marshaul: yes, words have meaning, and the meaning can change with time. Dictionaries are notoriously slow to catch up in this regard. You can wish the modern connotation of the word "liberal" is as you believe it is all you want, but at the end of the day, ask the average person on the street what a liberal is, and they'll point to Nancy Pelosi, not Ron Paul. And that is, after all, what dictates the ebb and flow of language: the average speakers of the language who don't really pay attention to dictionaries. Sooner or later, the dictionary will change to suit the word, not the other way around. :)

I believe that a limited government could fund itself without theft. Also, for the tax-addicted, there are forms of profit the existence of which depends on government (much capital gains, for instance) which could be legitimately taxed.

Segue: Expound on this, if you would. I'm curious to hear your ideal of a constitutional, fair, and in all ways legitimate system of taxation.


Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
Non sequiter.

Try addressing the post effectively.

As far as gold and silver are concerned, HA. Hope it tastes good if gold falls back too 300 bucks an ounce, or if the SHTF and it turns out nearly worthless too people who just want food, medicine, shoes, gas, guns, ammo, ETC. Foriegn currency? I have a bunch myself, as souveniers. What do you think this toilet paper will be worth when the dollar is toilet paper?

I've addressed your condidtion already, read around the forum. You're boring me.


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
Rotorhead: damn boy, you better hope Obama doesn't institute a tax on letters! :eek:

I'll start with this:

[QUOTEOk ok, I'll give you a free one: After spending over two years on the campaign trail railing against President Bush's WOT, President Obama takes office and carries out, to the letter, the same exact polices he just spent a couple years campaigning against. Does even that glaring little bit make you think for just a second?][/QUOTE]

Yes, it makes me think that Obama (since he is many bad things but NOT stupid) changed his mind on the whole thing right about the time he started getting the same classified security briefings Bush had been getting the last 8 years.

And I have to jump on this:

Two years for Panama and one month for Afghanistan? We're simply not that ready of a military. Sure, we can send some troops over on a few hours notice, but nothing of a size or scope needed for the invasion of an Afghanistan. This alone should get us thinking. Back then, I'd simply shrug my shoulders and drive on. Now, there's time for me to actually think a little.

Yes, I do think our military is capable of moving that quickly, and doing other incredible things, when situations warrant. I'm gonna turn this one around on ya. You think our military couldn't muster a full-scale invasion in one month, but you think Bush could have crafted one behind the scenes in less than a year, when Grenada took two? You're dangerously close to conspiracy land here my friend. To question is good, but when you start questioning anything and everything and seeing demons behind every nook & cranny, pretty soon you end up like that Dreamer guy.

Long as we're talking of old Hob, here's another quote: "Seek the devil, and you shall find him."

Now I'm not gonna go thru and quote that gigantic post of yours ;), so let's see if I cover everything here.

Do not think for a minute that I believe our politicians, of either side, to be noble, selfless, dedicated statesmen. And no, I certainly do not "trust them," and agree that " there's not an ounce nor shred of integrity in the overwhelming majority of politicians out there from either direction." They're not "looking out" for us, and I do not expect (or want) them to. But they are looking out for themselves, and aren't we all after all? My expectation that they do the will of the people is not based on any of their personal integrity but rather on their self-fulfilling desire to keep their jobs. It's we, the people, who have fallen down on that end of it. We keep putting them back in there even after they pull their ********.

Power corrupts, and that should be expected. That's why the founders gave us the system of gov't they did. Do you really think politicians 200 years ago were any different then they are today? And yet, in this last election, we had a glimmer of hope that the system can actually work. The people are starting to wake up, and questions, and get pissed off. And the old, entrenched politicians fell in droves. Will the momentum be kept up enough to affect real change? That remains to be seen, but I, for one, am hopeful it will. "Guarded optimism" is the term I favor. I do believe a peaceful restoration of the Republic is possible, and I also believe a violent one may be inevitable. I shall hope and work for the former, by remaining engaged, and casting my vote for the people I think can make actual change; not a hopeless 3rd partier who says all the right things but doesn't stand a snowball's change of ever being elected. And I shall not hasten the day of the latter, although I will be prepared for, and expecting it, at least as much as I can be.

One way or the other, I do believe the Republic will be restored, in my lifetime or not. But that is a religious thing for me, and best not to compromise the civility of this thread by delving that direction :cool: