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Run in with cops, bad experience with bank and police


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
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Per Wyoming State Law 6-8-104(t)(vi)... No permit issued pursuant to this section... shall authorize any person to carry a concealed firearm... [into a] professional athletic event not related to firearms.

Notice the Law says concealed, not openly, therefore open carry is not prohibited. The same line of reasoning can be used for any other place off limits to concealed carry in Wyoming.

For example, one may not carry a concealed Handgun into a Bar, but if it is openly carried the provisions of 6-8-104(t)(vii) do not apply. If one wants to go to His favorite Sporting Event in Wyoming, ex. a big Rodeo, and the same Person wants to carry a big gun while there, then, He has to carry it openly. His permit will not help Him while there at that Rodeo; because,if he conceals his gun at His Rodeo then He will go to jail for 6 months and pay a $750 fine.

While in Wyoming, keep it simple and follow tradition... carry your guns openly if at all possible,so to avoid running a foul with the many off limits places for concealed carry.


Regular Member
Apr 25, 2008
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Update: This was posted on ARFCOM, I was able to resolve the issue with the police off the record without filing a formal complaint.

This is what was released:

"My name is Scott Terry. I am a captain with the Teton County, Wyoming Sheriff’s Office. The sheriff was made aware of the allegations contained in this thread although a formal complaint was never received. Nonetheless, the sheriff ordered an internal investigation and that investigation has been completed. Our investigation concluded that the behavior complained of did in fact occur. As a result, two of the law enforcement officers present were disciplined. As this is a personnel matter, Wyoming law prohibits me from discussing it,so this will be my only communication. I want to assure the readers of this forum that the Teton County Sheriff is dedicated to protecting our constitutional rights and will not tolerate deputies departing from that commitment. As a result of this event, all deputies will receive remedial training on the laws of Wyoming as they relate to the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution.



Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Same thing here in Saratoga. I've been carrying open since I came here, daily, in 1995. One bar owner asked me not to, so I haven't since. Into banks for a long time. Then they got a wild hair about something, and even had me come into a back office where two suited men with pin lapels, claiming to be "Bank Presidents" gave me a long line about it being "Illegal." One I recognized as a Federal Attorney General.
I most recently went into Rawlins National bank here with an empty holster and was angrily confronted by the bank manager about it. Face it, they have a mentality that's un-American, and for what it's worth, I've experienced a lot of anti-male Feminism from their staff, as well.
While carrying open here is OK, the fact of the matter is that it takes quite a while for people to adjust to one. My whole life has been in espionage (Hence my need) and yet my life-long cover is one of a despicable. I hope to have formal recognition soon. (http://www.rickhyatt.freeservers.com)
If Wyomingites think you're a pervert of ANY kind, they mobilize to surveill, monitor, harrass, intimidate and run down or put six feet under. The above bar owner, also the local drug baron, was also my neighbor & I reported drug activity to Police.
So he put out a "Hit" on me, and two well-known gay-bashers apparently took up his offer of meth in exchange.
My sons & I used to camp a lot, and couldn't understand why this multi-colored hair duo and a young woman had been constantly trying to run us off the road. Then, my son told me "Daddy, the two men in the truck are coming again & they have ski masks on." I'd been looking for winter gear, but they were taking them off as they approached us at our camping site, asking us strange questions, and quite obviously high and hyper. They kept looking at each other, me, my hostered .357, back at each other, and back again. One claimed to the be the Police Chief's son, laughing uproariously.
A lot of other stuff later happened that evening, as in someone sneaking into our camp in the dark but leaving hurriedly when I chambered my shotgun. There were shouts & shots from their campground up above, later reported in the press as the "Spring Creek Assault," an apparent kidnapping & rape of a mixed race couple which became obvious was why their car's tires had been all flat yet the truck in attendance. Yet, we'd been at HOG PARK Creek.
I reported this in detail to CC Sheriff Jerry Colson, who ignored me completely. He'd previously denied a CCW on the ground that he thought me "Paranoid." Going to lengths to inform him of that which I was sworn to secrecy about during my enlisted US Army M.I. status gets nowhere, and he always treats me like a "Nut Case."
He was delighted to seize all my firearms and ammo for a time period (What a job!) that my brain-damaged wife got mad at me & reiterated to Family Services false claims that she'd made 27 years ago, that were dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE at the time. These were sent to Phoenix by HI Judge Ueoka, where along with other espionage documents sealed by HI Judge Komo, should be unsealed soon. In other words, she'll possibly go to jail for her attempted "Honey Trap"if she doesn't put me away as a witness, first, and "Sex" and "Guns" ALWAYS gets cops and Feminists in unbalanced heat.
Any guess why local Editors nor "Investigative Reporters" will never report on my stories?
Ironically, I was sworn in as a M.I. Warrant Officer, CID & Civil Affairs, on this "Social Stuty Experiment" before I ETS'd in '77, and told that when it was time, I'd get all my past paychecks, rank, status & be subpeona'd to D.C. It may happen soon as concerns Gary Condit, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and more.
When McKinney and Henderson appeared in the press after beating Mathew Shepard to death in Laramie, I recognized them & reported such again, again to be ignored.
There simply has to be several other similar unsolved murders with the same M.O. here, and WY politicians don't want any more public "Black eyes" about it.
When I got a Florida CCW, these locals organized the state legislature to pass a special law that applied ONLY to me, that disallowed my Florida permit here.
In actuality, for a person like me, not able to appear as if a PC-Correct bastion of the upper crust of society, concealed carry is polite, civil, non-disruptive, common sense carry. The bad boys know I'm always armed, and professional hit men are beware, anyway, but tourists from other states and local feminists & vigilantes always reach for their cell phones.
I wonder, over the years, how much police resources, personnel and the like have been wasted in such false reporting. One of their favorite "Anonymous" harassment are READI reports, and I've been pulled over by the State Patrol for a DUI check several times.
Even when I drive 10 mph under, just to be conservative.
Even this in a state which USED to be "Open carry" with a beer can on the way home from a bar or work.
As you can see, ANY regulation on gun carry simply allows the close control over ALL activities, legal and illegal - By the Power Who Be. I often wonder if the drug activity here is "Protected," the way I saw it so prevalently when living on Maui. There, CCW is prohibited - But the PC and racially Correct are issued covert "Sheriff's Deputy Badges," instead.
They will take ALL your rights because it feels good - They're like anyone else and subconsciously like that kind of personal power over another human being. And the more tax money they accumulate to do it with, will anarchy grow.
Obama is already building the gulags on military bases, I understand.
I've deliberately endured this constant social burden here, just to make them get used to it - Guns DON'T equal terroristic violence, as the media brainwashes them into.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Wow. Another ACORN activist. I haven't met one of you for at least days! I understand the CHICOMS have hordes of paid netizens like you on the web & are paid $0.25 each for each demeaning post you put up, ALWAYS denigrating one's "Mental Health," ect. etc.
Just to shut them up.
Heil The Great 0!


Regular Member
May 17, 2007
, , USA
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rickahyatt wrote:
Wow. Another ACORN activist. I haven't met one of you for at least days! I understand the CHICOMS have hordes of paid netizens like you on the web & are paid $0.25 each for each demeaning post you put up, ALWAYS denigrating one's "Mental Health," ect. etc.
Just to shut them up.
Heil The Great 0!

You are nuttier than a squirrel turd


Regular Member
Jun 24, 2006
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA
imported post

rickahyatt wrote:
Same thing here in Saratoga. I've been carrying open since I came here, daily, in 1995. One bar owner asked me not to, so I haven't since. Into banks for a long time. Then they got a wild hair about something, and even had me come into a back office where two suited men with pin lapels, claiming to be "Bank Presidents" gave me a long line about it being "Illegal." One I recognized as a Federal Attorney General.
I most recently went into Rawlins National bank here with an empty holster and was angrily confronted by the bank manager about it. Face it, they have a mentality that's un-American, and for what it's worth, I've experienced a lot of anti-male Feminism from their staff, as well.
While carrying open here is OK, the fact of the matter is that it takes quite a while for people to adjust to one. My whole life has been in espionage (Hence my need) and yet my life-long cover is one of a despicable. I hope to have formal recognition soon. (http://www.rickhyatt.freeservers.com)
If Wyomingites think you're a pervert of ANY kind, they mobilize to surveill, monitor, harrass, intimidate and run down or put six feet under. The above bar owner, also the local drug baron, was also my neighbor & I reported drug activity to Police.
So he put out a "Hit" on me, and two well-known gay-bashers apparently took up his offer of meth in exchange.
My sons & I used to camp a lot, and couldn't understand why this multi-colored hair duo and a young woman had been constantly trying to run us off the road. Then, my son told me "Daddy, the two men in the truck are coming again & they have ski masks on." I'd been looking for winter gear, but they were taking them off as they approached us at our camping site, asking us strange questions, and quite obviously high and hyper. They kept looking at each other, me, my hostered .357, back at each other, and back again. One claimed to the be the Police Chief's son, laughing uproariously.
A lot of other stuff later happened that evening, as in someone sneaking into our camp in the dark but leaving hurriedly when I chambered my shotgun. There were shouts & shots from their campground up above, later reported in the press as the "Spring Creek Assault," an apparent kidnapping & rape of a mixed race couple which became obvious was why their car's tires had been all flat yet the truck in attendance. Yet, we'd been at HOG PARK Creek.
I reported this in detail to CC Sheriff Jerry Colson, who ignored me completely. He'd previously denied a CCW on the ground that he thought me "Paranoid." Going to lengths to inform him of that which I was sworn to secrecy about during my enlisted US Army M.I. status gets nowhere, and he always treats me like a "Nut Case."
He was delighted to seize all my firearms and ammo for a time period (What a job!) that my brain-damaged wife got mad at me & reiterated to Family Services false claims that she'd made 27 years ago, that were dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE at the time. These were sent to Phoenix by HI Judge Ueoka, where along with other espionage documents sealed by HI Judge Komo, should be unsealed soon. In other words, she'll possibly go to jail for her attempted "Honey Trap"if she doesn't put me away as a witness, first, and "Sex" and "Guns" ALWAYS gets cops and Feminists in unbalanced heat.
Any guess why local Editors nor "Investigative Reporters" will never report on my stories?
Ironically, I was sworn in as a M.I. Warrant Officer, CID & Civil Affairs, on this "Social Stuty Experiment" before I ETS'd in '77, and told that when it was time, I'd get all my past paychecks, rank, status & be subpeona'd to D.C. It may happen soon as concerns Gary Condit, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and more.
When McKinney and Henderson appeared in the press after beating Mathew Shepard to death in Laramie, I recognized them & reported such again, again to be ignored.
There simply has to be several other similar unsolved murders with the same M.O. here, and WY politicians don't want any more public "Black eyes" about it.
When I got a Florida CCW, these locals organized the state legislature to pass a special law that applied ONLY to me, that disallowed my Florida permit here.
In actuality, for a person like me, not able to appear as if a PC-Correct bastion of the upper crust of society, concealed carry is polite, civil, non-disruptive, common sense carry. The bad boys know I'm always armed, and professional hit men are beware, anyway, but tourists from other states and local feminists & vigilantes always reach for their cell phones.
I wonder, over the years, how much police resources, personnel and the like have been wasted in such false reporting. One of their favorite "Anonymous" harassment are READI reports, and I've been pulled over by the State Patrol for a DUI check several times.
Even when I drive 10 mph under, just to be conservative.
Even this in a state which USED to be "Open carry" with a beer can on the way home from a bar or work.
As you can see, ANY regulation on gun carry simply allows the close control over ALL activities, legal and illegal - By the Power Who Be. I often wonder if the drug activity here is "Protected," the way I saw it so prevalently when living on Maui. There, CCW is prohibited - But the PC and racially Correct are issued covert "Sheriff's Deputy Badges," instead.
They will take ALL your rights because it feels good - They're like anyone else and subconsciously like that kind of personal power over another human being. And the more tax money they accumulate to do it with, will anarchy grow.
Obama is already building the gulags on military bases, I understand.
I've deliberately endured this constant social burden here, just to make them get used to it - Guns DON'T equal terroristic violence, as the media brainwashes them into.

WOW! Just...WOW!

Someone needs to up their meds a bit.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I thank you, sir, for so having proven my point so eloquently
If even in such common, vulgar language.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Actually, simply one commonality with the ACORN types does not a tree nut make, but it's fairly well known, now, that the CHICOMS employ hordes of pc-stopping netizens to go on websites and assault free speech & anti-government truth with assaults on the "Mental Health"of those who do such, and, usually, with vicious nasty remarks, etc. Therein you fit, especially with the haste with which you replied.
They get $0.25 per posting, it's said. I've endured years and years of such slanderous attacks of my postings on many, many forums. And such "Socialist Vanguard" types DO populate our own communities, very much so.
So why don't you take your own "Medicine?"


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Sir, please refresh my understanding of the Hypocritical Oath? Does it go like this, "Shrink go F*** yourself," or is it "F***, go shrink yourself?"


Lone Star Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA
imported post

rickahyatt wrote:
Sir, please refresh my understanding of the Hypocritical Oath? Does it go like this, "Shrink go F*** yourself," or is it "F***, go shrink yourself?"


Regular Member
Jun 24, 2006
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA
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rickahyatt wrote:
Actually, simply one commonality with the ACORN types does not a tree nut make, but it's fairly well known, now, that the CHICOMS employ hordes of pc-stopping netizens to go on websites and assault free speech & anti-government truth with assaults on the "Mental Health"of those who do such, and, usually, with vicious nasty remarks, etc. Therein you fit, especially with the haste with which you replied.
They get $0.25 per posting, it's said. I've endured years and years of such slanderous attacks of my postings on many, many forums. And such "Socialist Vanguard" types DO populate our own communities, very much so.
So why don't you take your own "Medicine?"

OK! You are a wackjob and you post lies.

Should I expect a quarter in the mail?