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Scott Rigell: TRAITOR


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2007
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Doesn't matter that he is retiring; this is wrong:

Rigell on guns: No Fly, No Buy
Retiring U.S. Rep. Scott Rigell is front-and-center in a new push to deny gun purchases to people on the U.S. government's No Fly List.

Rigell, R-Virginia Beach, announced his version of this legislation Friday with three colleagues from both sides of the aisle. The four men said they hope a groundswell of public pressure will convince GOP leadership in the House to bring the bill up for a vote.

Rigell, who said he met with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's chief of staff shortly after the press conference, promised "continuous" pressure on members of his own party.

"If someone represents such a threat that we don't want them on a plane, why in the world would we let them go in and buy a gun?" Rigell asked during the Washington, D.C., press conference, which was broadcast online.

But, aren't the lists highly inaccurate?
Rigell said he's been briefed in secret by federal officials and that he has high confidence in the lists, despite some high-profile glitches in the past.

"I'm personally convinced ... that the accuracy of that list is extremely high," Rigell said Friday.

Why is he doing this to us?
Rigell said he hopes that, when Congress comes back from its break on July 5, Republicans won't "hunker down" against gun legislation and say, 'we're not going to reward the Democrats' behavior."

Rigell said Friday he's open to suggestions on the bill, but he believes it's common-sense and should represent common ground for members of both political parties. He said he hopes feedback from constituents and individual members of Congress will amount to more than the NRA's influence, and lead to a vote.

"If we do nothing, I think that we have failed," he said. "There's been a moral failure."

A former Marine, Rigell said he's a life member of the NRA and that he owns 10 guns, including an AR-15, the rifle used in the Orlando mass shooting. This is not the first time he's run afoul of gun rights groups, though. In 2013 he sponsored legislation to increase penalties on straw purchasers – people who resell guns to people who can't pass background checks.

Does he even care what we think?
"The vilification that I experienced, it was very instructive.... of just what's wrong in our country," Rigell said Friday.

After five years in office, Rigell isn't seeking re-election this year. His district leans Republican, making any gun control measure a potential political liability. The congressman said Friday that he would back this bill even if he was running for re-election.

"Unequivocally," he said.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
I always instinctively cringe when any politician say an infringement of basic rights are "common sense"; aught-ta be legal to shoot any politician says that!


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
Stupid, stupid people obviously more concerned about control than any guns.

These no fly/no buy proposals (except 1 which did incorporate due process) purporting to solve a problem post Pulse shooting are equivalent to, following a tragic drunk driving tragedy, pushing bills to ban driver's licenses for anyone arrested for selling heroin.

Instead of trying to compromise with liberal (D)s the others should be shouting from the rooftops and on every talking head program that the liberal (D) proposals wouldn't have had any effect on the recent evil acts by evil people. The disconnect needs to be exposed AND ridiculed. As much as I don't like Trump, he's the only one with a national stage I see who has shown any willingness to look at people like Pelosi and Lewis and say on national TV, "That's stupid. That is just stupid and has nothing to do with what happened or what we're talking about. Either join the adults conversation or go sit at the kiddie table."


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Just compromise ! Allow us [the gov't] to keep guns out of the hands of these people on the no-fly list; its REASONABLE.

Then you are on the no-fly list, hahahahahaha.

Wait, forget that 3rd sentence .. issued out prematurely.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
Stupid, stupid people obviously more concerned about control than any guns.

These no fly/no buy proposals (except 1 which did incorporate due process) purporting to solve a problem post Pulse shooting are equivalent to, following a tragic drunk driving tragedy, pushing bills to ban driver's licenses for anyone arrested for selling heroin.

Instead of trying to compromise with liberal (D)s the others should be shouting from the rooftops and on every talking head program that the liberal (D) proposals wouldn't have had any effect on the recent evil acts by evil people. The disconnect needs to be exposed AND ridiculed. As much as I don't like Trump, he's the only one with a national stage I see who has shown any willingness to look at people like Pelosi and Lewis and say on national TV, "That's stupid. That is just stupid and has nothing to do with what happened or what we're talking about. Either join the adults conversation or go sit at the kiddie table."

I just fired off an email to Scott.
This legislation is pointless. It would not have stopped the PULSE shooting as the perp was not on the list when he purchased his weapons. also reportedly 90% of the people on the list are not US citizens so they are already not able to purchase a weapon in the states. How long til they start visiting US folks on the list and confiscating any firearms in their possession since if they can't buy one they should be allowed to own one? Anyone else remember when the president suggested that all former military represent a potential terrorist threat?


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
I just fired off an email to Scott.
This legislation is pointless. It would not have stopped the PULSE shooting as the perp was not on the list when he purchased his weapons. also reportedly 90% of the people on the list are not US citizens so they are already not able to purchase a weapon in the states. How long til they start visiting US folks on the list and confiscating any firearms in their possession since if they can't buy one they should be allowed to own one? Anyone else remember when the president suggested that all former military represent a potential terrorist threat?
If IIRC an article in the Daily Press discussing this issue indicated that this legislation would flag anyone who "...was or had been on one of these lists within the last 5 years..." So we have yet another list - a list of those who have been on a list?

if you were originally put on a list in error (they say you can seek a correction), but don't find out about until you're taken off the list, how do you get off the list that says you were on a list?


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
If IIRC an article in the Daily Press discussing this issue indicated that this legislation would flag anyone who "...was or had been on one of these lists within the last 5 years..." So we have yet another list - a list of those who have been on a list?

if you were originally put on a list in error (they say you can seek a correction), but don't find out about until you're taken off the list, how do you get off the list that says you were on a list?

hadn't seen that "version" yet but agree with your concern about basically being branded even if innocent. How do you get expunged from the list.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
If I remember correctly, a compromise is where both sides make concessions in a dispute to reach an agreement or settlement. So what concessions are the Democrats making?

Funny question scooter. Do you really think democrats and republicans are the two sides, is any difference between democrats and republicans? Milk toast republicans would rather give up control to democrats than have a party with real values. Look at what happened to the Tea Party, and in Virginia, the horrible republican attacks on Dave Brat.

Support representatives that will not compromise our essential liberties regardless of party affiliation. These are the patriots that will be demonized by the establishment politicians, especially within their own parties, as extremists and obstructionists. These uncompromising representatives that uphold their oath and our freedoms deserve our support.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
I just fired off an email to Scott.
This legislation is pointless. It would not have stopped the PULSE shooting as the perp was not on the list when he purchased his weapons. also reportedly 90% of the people on the list are not US citizens so they are already not able to purchase a weapon in the states. How long til they start visiting US folks on the list and confiscating any firearms in their possession since if they can't buy one they should be allowed to own one? Anyone else remember when the president suggested that all former military represent a potential terrorist threat?

Cites for any and all claims?


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
Received a response to my email to Scott Rigell that I sent on 26 June. Since he took the time to send a response I will share it. While I appreciate the response and the assurance that the proposed legislation "while also ensuring there’s a sufficient legal mechanism in place that would guarantee due process." nothing in his lengthy letter outlined or even hinted at what those mechanism's would be, and therefore I can not support his position without knowing more details.

(on congressional letterhead):
August 3, 2016

Dear Mr. Rearick,

Thank you very much for contacting me to express your concern regarding firearm legislation. I value and give careful consideration to the good counsel that I receive, and refer to that good counsel as the “wisdom of the district.”

As you may know, on June 12, 2016, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an American who pledged allegiance to ISIS, stormed a LGBT nightclub in Orlando, FL with a rifle and semiautomatic firearm, killing 49 people and wounding over 50 others.

This attack is more tragic evidence that the cancer of radical Islam is here in the homeland. Three ideals must guide us in the days ahead; the first being a willingness to confront the threat of radical Islam with clarity and courage, followed by a commitment to being guided by the facts, wherever they lead, and lastly, a resilient, and indeed immovable, determination to defeat the threat. We must take wise steps to reduce terrorist attacks, mass shootings, and firearm violence. Doing nothing is not an option.

A national debate on what those next steps should be continues to create tension between the moral imperative to protect our citizens and the rights guaranteed in the Second Amendment. However, it cannot be a question that we are under attack from multiple sources, but particularly from those here in the homeland who are inspired by radical Islam.

On June 24, 2016, I joined my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in introducing H.R. 5576, the Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act. This legislation would prohibit an individual on the ‘No-Fly’ or Selectee Lists from purchasing a firearm, while also ensuring there’s a sufficient legal mechanism in place that would guarantee due process. The two lists addressed in our legislation are very narrow – the ‘No-Fly’ List and the Selectee List would impact less than 3,000 Americans or 0.00001% of all Americans. It is very narrowly defined.

As you may know, the FBI maintains the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) which manages the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). The TSDB contains sensitive but not classified information on about 1 million people including less than 5,000 Americans. Various frontline screening agencies receive subsets of this database for use in combating terrorism. The Transportation Security Administration, being one of these aforementioned agencies, uses this information in the form of two different lists: the ‘No-Fly’ List and the Selectee List for the purposes of monitoring flights.

The ‘No-Fly’ and Selectee Lists have their own requirements for inclusion, which are more stringent than the reasonable suspicion to be placed on the TSDB. Those on the ‘No-Fly’ List are prohibited from boarding an American airline or any flight that comes in contact with a U.S. territory while those found on the Selectee List are subject to enhanced screening procedures when attempting to board a flight. The ‘No-Fly’ List contains approximately 81,000 records of which about 1,000 are Americans and the Selectee List contains names of 28,000 people with only 1,700 of those names being American.

Simply put, a terrorist should not be able to fly on a plane or buy a gun. This common-sense legislation does just that and ensures due process for all U.S. citizens. We can implement reasonable measures that ensure guns are obtained legally and do not find themselves in the hands of unwarranted individuals. At the same time, I believe we must uphold the intent of the Second Amendment and remain committed to protecting it for law-abiding citizens. H.R. 5576 has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. Rest assured, I will support this bill if it comes to the House floor for a full vote.

It is important to me that I keep you fully informed regarding how I am representing you in Congress, so please visit my website Rigell.house.gov and sign up for my e-newsletter, "The Rigell Report." I also encourage you to join me on Facebook at facebook.com/RepScottRigell. Both sites feature timely updates on the votes I am taking on the House floor.

In closing, please know that I consider it a high honor to serve and represent you and your family in Congress.

Mindful that I work for you, I remain

Yours in Freedom,

Scott Rigell
Member of Congress


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
... It is important to me that I keep you fully informed regarding how I am representing you in Congress, ...

Scott Rigell
Member of Congress

If it was important to him to keep you fully informed, he woulda explained his so-called "due process", and especially whether it occurred before or after denial to purchase a firearm.

It just occurred to me...if they can get this bill into law, then they can rationalize universal backround checks and making private purchases illegal.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
... This legislation would prohibit an individual on the ‘No-Fly’ or Selectee Lists from purchasing a firearm, while also ensuring there’s a sufficient legal mechanism in place that would guarantee due process. The two lists addressed in our legislation are very narrow – the ‘No-Fly’ List and the Selectee List would impact less than 3,000 Americans or 0.00001% of all Americans. It is very narrowly defined. ...
Due process? What due process. The first time many citizens discover they are on the list is when they are denied boarding.

Your congress critter does not give a rip about your/our due process right else he'd be pounding the doors down at the FBI and TSA demanding exactly which Americans are on the list and exactly why they are on the list.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
And he continues down the path to the Dark Side... It seems much damage is done by "retiring" elected officials - almost some sort of a "scorched Earth" plan. This is why some companies have an immediate dismissal policy as soon as it is learned you are planning to leave.


Rep. Scott Rigell endorses Libertarian Gary Johnson for president

WASHINGTON (AP) — Virginia Republican congressman Scott Rigell says he’ll vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson for president rather than for Republican nominee Donald Trump.


Rigell is retiring after six years in office. He is the first member of Congress to announce support for Johnson.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Rigell is taking the first steps towards enlightenment

And he continues down the path to the Dark Side... It seems much damage is done by "retiring" elected officials - almost some sort of a "scorched Earth" plan. This is why some companies have an immediate dismissal policy as soon as it is learned you are planning to leave.


Rep. Scott Rigell endorses Libertarian Gary Johnson for president

WASHINGTON (AP) — Virginia Republican congressman Scott Rigell says he’ll vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson for president rather than for Republican nominee Donald Trump.


Rigell is retiring after six years in office. He is the first member of Congress to announce support for Johnson.

Scott Rigell often turns my stomach and I am not sure whether his endorsement will help or hurt Gary Johnson, but he is the first of many that cannot support either Trump or the Hildebeast, and so will endorse Johnson.

BTW, the "Dark Side" is made up of those Republicans that practice eternal intervention & never ending war, big government, security at all costs and massive eternal debt while pretending to be conservative. Example: Eric Cantor

Live Free or Die,
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