Regular Member
This bill may be supported by some near sited pro gun people. But you MUST resist! Do not be fooled by the NRA into giving up your rights. You can fight your state much easier then the fed. Spread the word. Think about liberty. Don't settle for another link in the chain of oppression.
Must read!
The 112th Congress is in the process of another shove, another push in its effort to convert the rights of American citizens into a licensed privilege. Senate bill 176, entitled the ‘‘Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act of 2011,” not only flies in the face of individual rights but stomps all over states powers as well.
In section two of the bill it looks to add a section to federal statutes titled as section “926D. Concealed firearms permits” in which federal law would enact a mandate that controls how state residents may obtain a concealed carry permit stating:
1. “Establish a process to issue permits to residents of the State to carry concealed firearms” and
2. Requires anyone seeking to carry concealed must “obtain a permit through the process established under paragraph (1).”
So, even states, like Vermont, Arizona, or any others seeking constitutional concealed carry (where no permit is required) would mandate that the state take on the process and cost of issuing permits to persons desiring to do so.
"If squirt guns are outlawed, only outlaw squirts will have guns!"
James Taranto
Must read!
The 112th Congress is in the process of another shove, another push in its effort to convert the rights of American citizens into a licensed privilege. Senate bill 176, entitled the ‘‘Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act of 2011,” not only flies in the face of individual rights but stomps all over states powers as well.
In section two of the bill it looks to add a section to federal statutes titled as section “926D. Concealed firearms permits” in which federal law would enact a mandate that controls how state residents may obtain a concealed carry permit stating:
1. “Establish a process to issue permits to residents of the State to carry concealed firearms” and
2. Requires anyone seeking to carry concealed must “obtain a permit through the process established under paragraph (1).”
So, even states, like Vermont, Arizona, or any others seeking constitutional concealed carry (where no permit is required) would mandate that the state take on the process and cost of issuing permits to persons desiring to do so.
"If squirt guns are outlawed, only outlaw squirts will have guns!"
James Taranto