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Seriously??? Microstamping the firing pin??

carolina guy

Regular Member
Jun 21, 2012
Concord, NC
source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...islation-may-lead-remington-colt-to-relocate/

Microstamping, or ballistic imprinting, is a patented process that uses laser technology to engrave a tiny marking of the make, model and serial number on the tip of a gun’s firing pin to allow an imprint of that information on spent cartridge cases. Supporters of the technology say it will be a “game changer,” allowing authorities to quickly identify the registered guns used in crimes. Opponents claim the process is costly, unreliable and may ultimately impact the local economies that heavily depend on the gun industry, including Ilion, N.Y., where Remington Arms maintains a factory, and Hartford, Conn., where Colt's manufacturing is headquartered.

Wow...so that VERY small % of gun crimes that can be traced to a NEW registered weapon...no chance that someone with ill-intent could either:

1) file the end of the firing pin slightly
2) pick-up spent brass
3) replace the firing pin

The anti-2A people just don't get it, do they?


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2012
Portland, ME
source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...islation-may-lead-remington-colt-to-relocate/

Microstamping, or ballistic imprinting, is a patented process that uses laser technology to engrave a tiny marking of the make, model and serial number on the tip of a gun’s firing pin to allow an imprint of that information on spent cartridge cases. Supporters of the technology say it will be a “game changer,” allowing authorities to quickly identify the registered guns used in crimes. Opponents claim the process is costly, unreliable and may ultimately impact the local economies that heavily depend on the gun industry, including Ilion, N.Y., where Remington Arms maintains a factory, and Hartford, Conn., where Colt's manufacturing is headquartered.

Wow...so that VERY small % of gun crimes that can be traced to a NEW registered weapon...no chance that someone with ill-intent could either:

1) file the end of the firing pin slightly
2) pick-up spent brass
3) replace the firing pin

The anti-2A people just don't get it, do they?

Wow. Why not just put trackers/transponders in handguns like the UK? :rolleyes:


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
These morons dont realize that most of the firearms used in violent crimes are stolen.
So the person tha the firing pin is registered under wouldn't have a clue about the crime when the police raid their house and shoot their dog.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Orono, ME
This had been shot down in CT before and will be again, ask me how I know. NY on the other hand...who knows?

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
California tried this and it was proven that the patented tech did not work 100% of the time. California abandoned micro-stamping. I think CalGuns has a lengthy discussion about micro-stamping.

Is the technology better? Who knows.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2010
Renton, Wa
Also, just fire a couple dozen rounds; even mild to moderate firing of the weapon will wear off the stamp rather quickly.


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2010
New Hampshire
Remington has threatened to leave Ilion, taking 1100 jobs, and Colt has threatened to leave Hartford (Florida is courting them now, and Colt is opening their first plant outside CT down there soon/by now). Why gun companies stay in such hostile states, other than infrastructure, is beyond me. Some employees would move (CT to FL, yes please) and other can be replaced, it's skilled labor but not rocket science.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
A file or replacement firing pin would fix the problem sure enough.

I though some state tried to micro-stamp and register ammo (brass and bullet) at one time too. Oh and they were going to make it illegal to load your own too.