Hawaii will have to be FORCED to go shall-issue. As long as HPD Police Chief Louis "no issue" Kealoha -- and his Drinking Buddy hippie Governor Abercrombie -- are against it, it ain't gonna happen. The SCOTUS is SUPPOSED to "correct" states that are unconstitutional -- it does NOTHING about HI, even though HI has been UNconstitutional since statehood (1959). I guess 55 years isn't enough time for the SCOTUS to have noticed.
Even the average/naïve/ignorant people of HI (mostly liberals as HI mainly Democrat) would probably be against it as that's what they're used to in that liberal/backwards state -- not being used to much in the way of CIVIL RIGHTS and certainly hardly any exercise of the 2nd Amendment/RKBA (except to keep a gun AT HOME but ONLY if it's registered with the police) -- and see "more guns on the street if we get shall-issue here" as something bad, and therefore something to avoid.
On top of that, I've seen NO ONE in HI who has tried to get signatures on a petition to see -- one way or the other -- if the people of HI (meaning Oahu, as that is the main island, most populous and government seat) WOULD or WOULD NOT go for ANY kind of carry, let alone CC. Some say that the people of HI would NOT because they're mostly Asian, and THEY tend to be anti-gun due to their "culture" (yet they're supposed to be Americans). Others say it's all the liberal transplants from Kalifornia who have aided & abetted making HI just like the pathetic state they came from.
It's probably both...
HI has to be one of the WORST anti-gun/anti-2nd Amendment/RKBA/Self-Defense states there is (yet the rest of America hasn't noticed). On top of no OC/CC (because CC permits are never issued), a citizen of HI has NO (legal) way to carry past his/her front door. So how are they supposed to manage their personal protection when they go out to work, to school, etc.?
IMO, in order to recognize/affirm the 2nd Amendment, RKBA and RIGHT to Self-Defense, a state MUST "allow" ONE form of carry: Either OC or CC. HI allows neither. Liberals there often cite their CC permitting law saying "HI state law DOES allow for CC permits" but they then fail to mention it's only on paper: No one gets a permit to CC so in reality, it doesn't exist! I've even seen HI listed on many charts/graphs as a "No OC, but CC is allowed" state, but that's erroneous, as NO CC PERMITS ARE ISSUED. "May Issue" should be extinct by now...but it isn't, and HI is a (if not THE top example) of may-issue abuse. And the rest America doesn't know anything about HI except (1) it's a place to go for honeymoons or (2) vacations. They don't have a clue how anti-gun and unconstitutional HI really is.
What a sorry state...and the clueless people there (very apparently) like it just the way it is.