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Springfield Armory's "Champion" Model .45; Any tips, pointers, etc...???


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2011
Hi All!
My very first post to the Opencarry forum!
I'm a .45 guy. Always have been. Years ago, I used to carry a Ruger P90DC .45 when living in Arizona. Now I'm in The Hoosier State and will be OC'ing a Springfield Armory "Champion" Model .45. It's had the grips replaced with a better set, (for my hands), and I like the way it feel and shoots. For me the .45 round has always been what I needed.
Being as it may, just a quick question.
Does anyone here have (more) experience with this pistol? What would be a good holster for it, for OC and/or CC? Any "quirks" about this model/brand of pistol? I asked about the quirks because I found out that with the P90, there was a little "spring"/wire that would occassioanally pop in the chamber and interfere with the magazine staying put. I'd like to get a little proactive knowledge from some of the more knowledgable folks out there.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

"It's often been said of me by my family that when I die, The Guiness Brewery in Ireland will lower their flags in tribute..."


Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
Welcome to OCDO!!! A 1911 is a great gun to have! As for reliabilty I haven't heard anu complaints about Springfield 1911s. You mentioned you were looking for holsters. There are a ton of holsters for 1911s. What kind do you prefer? Leather or kydex, OWB or IWB, etc.


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2011
I carry a Springfield TRP Operator in a Comp-Tac CTAC and it is quite comfortable. I also have a Dan Wesson 1911 that I carry in a Crossbreed Supertuck that is also very nice, but not quite as nice as the CTAC, in my opinion. As with any holster though, whatever works for you and is comfortable is all that matters, regardless of what others opinions may be. :)


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2010
Farmington, NM
I have a Lightweight Champion Operator in 45acp and i love it. I have not been able to put massive amount of ammo through it only about 500. But ive had no problems with it so far.


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2008
People's County of Fairfax
Hi All!
My very first post to the Opencarry forum!
I'm a .45 guy. Always have been. Years ago, I used to carry a Ruger P90DC .45 when living in Arizona. Now I'm in The Hoosier State and will be OC'ing a Springfield Armory "Champion" Model .45. It's had the grips replaced with a better set, (for my hands), and I like the way it feel and shoots. For me the .45 round has always been what I needed.
Being as it may, just a quick question.
Does anyone here have (more) experience with this pistol? What would be a good holster for it, for OC and/or CC? Any "quirks" about this model/brand of pistol? I asked about the quirks because I found out that with the P90, there was a little "spring"/wire that would occassioanally pop in the chamber and interfere with the magazine staying put. I'd like to get a little proactive knowledge from some of the more knowledgable folks out there.

Leather: Milt Sparks Heritage or VM II. Equivalent holsters are made by many manufacturers. DeSantis has good stuff at reasonable prices. Look at the Cocked and Locked Thumb Break Scabbard (but they only have it for full sized 1911's...but it will fit). I use the DeSantis Cozy Partner almost exclusively for IWB concealed carry. It has the most forward cant and is extremely comfortable. I have one for all my guns.

Kydex: Comp-Tac, Blade Tech.

I do recommend that you get forward cant to the holster. This helps prevent the long grip from printing.

If you want an OC retention holster, buy a Safariland ALS (6377 or 6378) from opticsplanet.net. They're under $30 and very good.

Carry at least two spare magazines when you can. Buy single magazine holders because they're more concealable. A double holder looks like a brick under the shirt because it does not curve with the body. Carry only one magazine when you need to be discrete...so the single holders give you some flexibility.

If you have ANY problems with the Champion, do NOT hesitate to call Springfield. They will send you a FedEX label immediately and their shop will fix your gun. Have the Custom Shop tune the trigger while it's there (2-3 week turn around time, unlike many gunsmiths).

Here's a list posted on several forums:

5 shot Leather - http://www.5shotleather.com/
A Holster Company - http://www.lefthandholster.com/
A.E. Nelson - http://nelsonleather.com
AJ Concealco - http://www.concealco.com/miva/merchant.mvc
Aker Leather - http://www.akerleather.com/
Alabama Holster Co. - http://alabamaholster.com/
Alessi Holsters - http://www.alessigunholsters.com/
Alfonso's Gunleather - http://www.alfonsosgunleather.com/
Andrews Leather - http://www.andrewsleather.com/
Arizona Gun Leather - http://www.arizonagunleather.com/
B&D Concealment Holsters - http://www.bdconcealmentholsters.com/
Bandera Gunleather - http://www.banderagunleather.com/
Bell Charter Oak Holsters - http://www.bellcharteroakholsters.com/
Bianchi - http://www.bianchi-intl.com/
Black Hills Leather - http://www.bhlstore.com/
Blackhawk - http://www.blackhawk.com
Blade Tech - http://www.blade-tech.com/home.php
Boston Leather - http://www.bostonleather.com/
Brigade Gunleather - http://www.brigadegunleather.com/gunholsters.html
Brommeland Gunleather - http://www.brommelandgunleather.com/
Bulldog Custom Gun Leather - http://www.bulldogleathercompany.com/
Bulman Gun Leather - http://www.bulmangunleather.com/holsters.html
C5 Leather - http://www.c5leather.com/
C Rusty Sherrick Leather Works - http://www.c-rusty.com/
Center of Mass Holsters - http://www.comholsters.com/
Combat Gun Leather - http://www.combatgunleather.com/
Cobra Gunskin - http://www.cobragunskin.us/default.aspx
Comp-Tac - http://www.comp-tac.com/
Coronado Leather - http://coronadoleather.com/
CR Speed - http://www.crspeed.co.za/
Cross Breed Holsters - http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/
Custom Carry Concepts - http://customcarryconcepts.com/
D.M. Bullard Leather - http://www.dmbullardleather.com/index.html
Dale Fricke Holsters - http://dalefrickeholsters.com/
De Santis - http://www.desantisholster.com/
Del Fatti - http://www.delfatti.com/
Don Hume - http://www.donhume.com/
Durango Gun Leather - http://www.dgunleather.com/index.htm
Eagle Industries - http://www.eagleindustries.com/index.asp
El Paso Saddlery - http://www.epsaddlery.com/
Fin Designs - http://www.findesigns.net/fin.html
Fist - http://www.fist-inc.com/
Fobus Holsters - http://www.fobusholster.com/
Front Line Ltd. - http://www.front-line.co.il/
Galco - http://www.usgalco.com/
Garrity's GunLeather - http://www.garritysgunleather.com/
G-Code Holsters - http://www.tacticalholsters.com/
Ghost Holster - http://ghostholster.com/
Gould and Goodrich Holsters - http://gouldusa.com/
Gradfather Oak Custom Carry - http://www.grandfatheroak.com./
Grahams Custom Leather - http://www.grahamholsters.com/
Grassburr Leather Works, Inc - http://www.grassburr.com
Gunworks - http://www.gun-works.com/
Haugen Handgun Leather - http://www.haugenhandgunleather.com/
Hazel Leather - http://www.hazelleather.com/
HBE Leatherworks - http://www.hbeleatherworks.com/
High Noon - http://www.highnoonholsters.com/
Hillsman Holster - http://www.hillsmanholster.com/
Hoffners - http://www.hoffners.com/products.htm
Holsterama - http://www.jbpholsters.com/servlet/StoreFront
Horseshoe Leather - http://www.holsters.org/
International Handgun Leather - http://www.ihlusa.com/
JRC Holsters - http://www.jrcholsters.com/
JS Holsters - http://www.jsholsters.com
J.W. O'Rourke Leather Products - http://www.gun-holsters.com/
K.L. Null Holsters - http://www.klnullholsters.com/
Kirkpatrick Leather - http://www.kirkpatrickleather.com/
Kramer Leather - http://www.kramerleather.com/
Lightning Arms Sports - http://www.lightningarms.com/products.htm
Little Bear Holsters - http://www.littlebearholsters.com/
Little Feather Leather - http://www.littlefeatherleather.com/
The Malabar Front - http://www.themalabarfront.com/
Master of Concealment - http://masterofconcealment.com/index.php
Mernickle Holsters - http://www.mernickleholsters.com/
Milt Sparks - http://www.miltsparks.com/
Mitch Rosen - http://www.mitchrosen.com/
Monica Kuehn Leather - http://www.monicakuehnleather.blogspot.com/
Mountain Home Leather - http://www.mountainhomeleather.com/
Nosser GunLeather - http://www.nossargunleather.com/
Nevada Gun leather - http://www.nevadagunleather.com/
Nick Matthews Holsters - http://www.nm-holsters.com/
Pacific Canvas & Leather - http://www.pacificcanvasandleather.com/
PagerPal - http://www.pagerpal.com/
Peters Custom Holsters - http://www.shop.peterscustomholsters.com/
Pistol Packaging, Inc - http://www.pistolpackaging.com/
Pocket Concealment Systems - http://pcsholsters.com/main.html
Pro Carry Holsters - http://www.theholsterstore.com/servlet/StoreFront
Pure Kustom Holsters - http://www.purekustomholsters.com/
PWL USA - http://www.pwlusa.com/
Python Holsters - http://pythonholsters.com/
Rafter S Gunleather - http://www.raftersgunleather.com/
Raven Concealment - http://www.ravenconcealment.com/
Ray's Holsters - http://www.shado.com/
Rick Waltner Holsters - http://www.rickwaltnerholsters.com/
RKBA Holsters - http://www.rkbaholsters.com/
RF Holsters - http://www.rfholsters.com/rfholsters/default.asp?
RM Holsters - http://www.rmholsters.com/
Ross Leather - http://www.rossleather.com/
Ryan Grizzle Leather - http://www.rgrizzleleather.com/
Safariland - http://www.safariland.com/index2.aspx
Sickinger - http://www.sickinger.at/
Side Armor - http://www.sidearmor.com
Side Guard - http://www.sideguardholsters.com/index.html
Simply Rugged Holsters - http://www.simplyrugged.com/
SmartCarry - http://www.smartcarry.com/
Southern Holsters - http://southernholsters.com/
Strong Holsters - http://www.strongholster.com/
Sunrise Leather - http://www.sunriseleather.com/
Survival Sheath Systems - http://www.survivalsheath.com/holsters/index.htm
TacPro (Kydex) - http://www.tacpro.com/
Tagua GunLeather - http://www.taguagunleather.com/
Talon Tactical (Kydex) - http://www.talontactical.com/
Tauris Holsters - http://www.taurisholsters.com/index.cfm
Ted Blocker - http://www.tedblockerholsters.com/
Tennessee Holster Company - http://www.tennesseeholstercompany.com/
The Leather Arsenal - http://www.leatherarsenal.com/
The Wilderness - http://www.thewilderness.com/
TSC Holsters - http://www.threatsolutions.com/IWBindex.html
TT Gunleather - http://www.ttgunleather.com/
Tucker Gun Leather - http://rlcompanyusa.stores.yahoo.net/
Tuff Products - http://www.tuffproducts.com/home.php
UBG Holsters - http://www.ubgholsters.com/index.html
Uncle Mikes - http://www.uncle-mikes.com/
Vega holsters - http://www.vegaholster.com/
Wild Bills - http://www.wildbillsconcealment.com/
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