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Stickland files Constitutional Carry - HB 375 of the 85(R)


Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
For those who missed it, a press conference was held at the State Capitol last week, sponsored jointly by Texans For Accountable Government and Lone Star Gun Rights.

Although I wasn't in attendance, it is rather obvious from the video that:

1. Rep. Stickland is becoming increasingly more comfortable in front of the camera, which indicates, among other things, an ever-increasing confidence in publicly stating his conservative ideals and positions and also his role as a now-two-term State Representative.

2. Michael Cargill, Executive Director of Texans For Accountable Government, and as frustrating and despised a target for the loony lefties as ever there was (check out his background if you're curious as to why that is), is a personable, engaging, and articulate individual, and was quite the good choice to have front-and-center during this press conference.

3. Although we are still quite early into the 2017 legislative session, the momentum for Constitutional Carry in Texas continues to grow as a result of those who are always willing to do the hard work while continuing to ignore (if not yet mocking) the always "oh-no-you-can't" naysayers.

All in all, I would definitely chalk this up as another win for the good guys.

Carry On.
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Yeah, I'm not suggesting we distort reality, but on the note of distorting reality, no matter what the chances of constitutional carry passing, there will always be a bunch of people saying it has no chance. (They said the same about open carry, and maybe the same about concealed, but I wasn't there for that) And maybe they were right, and we just got really lucky, but actually I think they fit one of the following categories: stating their desire as an inevitability (for various reasons we don't need to get into) (anti-gun people would be in this category), extreme pessimism and skepticism (again for a variety of reasons, like avoiding a let down in case it doesn't pass), or some kind of club-mentality and/or narcissism (the Cotton types and their followers, who don't want any movement on "gun rights" unless it's according to their own personal customs and whims, and unless they will get the credit some way). In other words, I think the vast majority of people that would say that constitutional carry has "no chance" of passing are not making or even attempting to make an objective observation or calculation, they are doing something else entirely.

Also I think that while repealing 46.02 may be the simplest or even best way, in some respects, to institute constitutional carry, it isn't the only way, and it would seem to me that other ways will offer less resistance...


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I would say if it's possible for the Patriots to come from WAY behind (and fans had already left the stadium thinking the game was over) to win Super Bowl LI, then it sure IS possible for Texas to get Constitutional Carry.

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The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
Got my fingers crossed

I'm sure hoping that Constitutional carry becomes reality. I recently moved here from Nevada and I'm feeling a bit undressed with not being able to carry without the states permission. I look at all the signs in windows that prevent people of good character from being able to defend themselves and just shake my head.

It is my belief that the cost of the Texas permit, when everything is counted up, is very prohibitive to those of modest income. I simply have an aversion to asking the state for permission to do what is my right anyway. The penalty here for not having that permit is outrageous.

I believe it can be accomplished and have written to my Texas Representative, Senator, and the Governor. I will keep up the pressure as best I can.

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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
The Big Guy,

True, the total "permission cost" to exercise a RIGHT (2nd Amendment right to bear arms, considerng it should be NO cost at all!) for We the People here in the "great" state of Texas to carry a handgun (CC or OC) seems WAY too high: $140 for the application, plus $10 electronic fingerprints (@ an "IdentoGO" office) and then the cost of the LTC class itself -- which varies wildly by Instructor as the actual LTC Class fee isn't fixed by the State.

But there ARE several discounts offered re: the $140 application fee. Two of them are the "Senior Citizen" and "Veteran Honorably Discharged" discount. The "Senior" cuts the $140 in half to $70 and "Veteran" cuts the $140 down to $25.


Otherwise though, getting the LTC can easily go over $200...plus the cost of a box of ammo for the shooting/qualification ("Proficiency Demonstration") part of the LTC class!

I suppose the Certificate of Completion and Range Fee are included in whatever the Instructor charges. Mine were.
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Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
Today was a significant, albeit incredibly long one for those patriots (A.K.A. constitutionalists) in Texas who actually dared to venture into the liberal cesspool known as Austin early in the AM for the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee hearing as both HB375 and HB1911 were heard in said Committee. Unfortunately, or, perhaps, fortunately, as it was with the agreement of both bill's authors, each of the committee-substitute bills was withdrawn and, as a result, the filed bills were both left pending. Even so, there's no question that the OC momentum is continuing to build during this session and will soon be the 2A gorilla in the room.

As it stands, the authors of both bills are currently working with proponent communities among unlicensed carry proponents, House and Senate committee members, and regular members in both Houses in order to craft substitute bills that will continue the pro-2A/OC momentum in Texas.