Running Wolf
Campaign Veteran
Anybody interested? I'm planning on doing some snowshoeing down the street at Bong in the morning, then some hot coffee and awesome eats!
How does 10 o'clock sound?
How does 10 o'clock sound?
i have to find a gun to match my shoes.
I didnt know they made Chrome shoes.
Jeez....your gonna be the most fashionable one there.
McX: Transportation Revitalizion Specialist and Armed Fashion Consultant has a nice ring to it.
Your wont have room on your business cards pretty soon.
Been a long rough week for me,and we just got in from late a B-day party
so I am gonna sleep in.
Only got a couple days of coon season left and need to hit them hard
for my farmer buddy to be happy....Fur prices up slightly too,so the
lil .17 gets to earn its keep,feed and maybe a tank of gas.
LR Yote