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Supreme Court, DGS, Board of Elections, Governors/AG's office...oh my

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
I spent the entire day at he State Military Complex (Capitol Square), and for once I didn't get into a heated argument with the Capitol Police.

Security was pretty lax at the Supreme Court (I couldn't OC but I left it in the car anyway knowing that I couldn't).

I had some stealth lobbying to do and again, no fights at the Metal detector at t Governors and A's office.:eek:

I went to the Washington Building twice, smoked within 25 feet of it in violation of the sign, didn't sign out either time and spoke sternly to the fellow at the Board of elections.

They still have not complied with my FOIA about the firearms policy because the person was in training. He was concerned when I told him to tell it to the judge not me because I didn't give a damn what the excuse was.

He also told me there is NOT A POLICY ABOUT GUNS in polling places, it was other statutes like schools etc.
It was obvious he has spoken to the Chesterfield registrar and is squirming.
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Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont

I figure the capitol police probably have your number by now ("Don't mess with that guy, he loves it and you'll lose the argument.")

I have a friend, Betsy Hostrop, who's on the Fauquier County Board, down there right now too, hob-nobbing with her fellow wizards. She's an NRA Training Counselor, btw, and her picture appears in a lot of NRA publications, particularly the "refuse to be a victim" stuff. Her husband, Berny Hostrop, is a gunsmith in the Warrenton area.

Any back-door lobbying for the personal defense bill?

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007

I figure the capitol police probably have your number by now ("Don't mess with that guy, he loves it and you'll lose the argument.")

I have a friend, Betsy Hostrop, who's on the Fauquier County Board, down there right now too, hob-nobbing with her fellow wizards. She's an NRA Training Counselor, btw, and her picture appears in a lot of NRA publications, particularly the "refuse to be a victim" stuff. Her husband, Berny Hostrop, is a gunsmith in the Warrenton area.

Any back-door lobbying for the personal defense bill?

The Personal Defense Bill is ongoing lobbying, but not today. The Governor and AG don't really have a role in it until we an get it past the legislators themselves.