We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :)
Please help by posting all issues here.
The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Bah! Just drive through Kentucky. Yeah, it may take a bit longer but you can OC without a permit and keep your loaded firearm in your glove compartment (not center console) legally.
Ill scares me and I try not to stop there for the night. And if I do I still carry. I hate to take rounds out and put gun away at the Ind/Ill line esp since I go thru Joiliet. Thought about keeping it loaded but way to many cops in Ill and the way I ride I'm surprised I have not been pulled over.