What does Rick Ector have in common with Republican State Senator Rick Jones?
Both are media whores...
You act like thats a bad thing, seems he promotes OC very well and we need a few more like him. Jealous he has gotten more air time than you maybe ?
I saw another guy, Phillip Hofmeister, that was posting like that on several forums as if it were some sort of press release. In one he was said to have "...spent a fair amount of his time, effort, and money advancing the RTKBA in Michigan. Additionally he's a member of Michigan Open Carry and Michigan Gun Owners. He sometimes makes guest appearances on the Saturday Afternoon Shootout with Brian and Jerry."
If we look close enough there are attention whores every where.
Fortunately most of those guys at MOC aren't a part of that.
Be forewarned.. a rant follows.......
Ok..... for decades folks hid their right to keep and bear arms afraid of ******* off the general public. Afraid that if gun owners were to actually grow balls and stand up for the RKBA then the pissed off general public would pass more laws taking away even more of the RKBA. But over time restrictive laws were slowly introduced by the anti gunners and passed by the uninformed public with little to no resistance from the balless gun owners anyway........
So.... what gun owners didn't realize until lately is that........
-They have been brainwashed by the anti gun faction into believing the entire general public is against the RKBA. The truth is the general public is
uninformed about the RKBA and will believe whatever is said about it ... in the media.
-The more loud and sensational something is in the media the more attention it gets. And the more it is believed by... the general public.
-The lack of positive RKBA events in the media is even worse than all the sensational and loud negative events because there isn't any rebuttal to the negative.
-The only way the RKBA will become something the general public is aware of... and I'm talking about
the right itself... is if there are positive events, loud positive events, right there in your face positive events, splattered all over the media.
-The only folks who are comfortable with the media... who can manipulate the media to their advantage... are those who are often referred to as "media whores".
needs so called "media whores" who have balls big enough to get the message out there in order to inform the public that there is another, and so far unheard, side to this "gun thing".
-Once the general public is informed on both sides of the issue then, and only then, can progress be made to return the RKBA to it's rightful place. (pun intended)
And now comes a bit of a controversial viewpoint of mine... strictly my own personal perspective... like it, hate it, be offended by it, I don't care........
Not only does the RKBA need positive media events pushed by folks not afraid to get right in their faces... I believe the occasional highly controversial event (even attending council meetings OC'ing is a controversial... and offensive to some.... method of drawing attention to the right to bear arms) that eventually results in the legal aspects of the RKBA being quantified, defined, and settled, is also necessary otherwise...
If folks don't stand up for the
right and legally push (sometimes in a controversial manner) to make the RKBA recognized... then the right will continue to be slowly eaten away as those without balls hide their guns hoping no one will be offended... never realizing that allowing the fear of offending to keep them from standing up for the right means...
The "infringement" called fear of offending someone has removed the right to keep and bear arms just as surely as any law could have done. And there isn't even any need to pass a law... all that is necessary is to convince gun owners that there is something wrong, something dirty, something offensive, about the right to keep and bear arms.... and entirely too many gun owners will go hide their guns in shame ... just like they have been for the past several decades.
Ok... now I'm done.:shocker: