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The ultimate worst case scenario for gun owners


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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No Endorsement; Bloomberg Plays It Down The Middle
Mayor Introduces Obama At Cooper Union For Speech On The Economy
Jay Dow

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Sen. Barack Obama stood side-by-side once again Thursday, nearly four months after their mystery breakfast outing at a Manhattan diner. This time, Obama was in town to deliver what was billed as a major speech on the economy, while many believed Bloomberg was poised to deliver his endorsement.

With all eyes on the mayor as he walked onto the stage at The Cooper Union, Bloomerg introduced the Illinois senator, and while there was plenty of speculation of the endorsement, instead he played it down the middle.

"I'm glad that Sen. Obama has chosen come to our city to speak out on the economy. There will be plenty of opinions on what he has to say, this is New York, after all. And I'm not sure that all of us will agree with every idea, myself included," he said. "But it is critical we know where each candidate stands as we make perhaps the most important decision of our lives next November."

Obama was equally cordial, joking about treating Bloomberg to breakfast a few months ago during his last visit to the big apple.

"The reason I bought breakfast is because I expect payback for something more expensive. I'm no dummy," Obama joked. "The mayor was a cheap date that morning. There are some good steakhouses here in New York."

... article continues ...
Can you imagine an Obama - Bloomberg ticket? That would be the worst case scenario for gun owners - especially in VA. Bloomberg has unlimited personal wealth. He could finance the entire campaign himself. Combine the two of them together... I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. :uhoh:


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
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Smart move on Obama's part. There has been morbid speculation in some media and on some forums as to whether Obama has any increased risk of assasination if elected. I would say that hooking up with Bloomberg mostly obviates that speculation because as much as some nut-jobs wouldn't like an Obama presidency to such an extreme extent, one of the few worse things they could imagine would be Nanny Bloomberg ascending to the presidency. Suddenly, even the wack-jobs have a vested interest in ensuring Obama's health.

Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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Knowing how that nasty little guy operates, he might figure Obama will eat a bullet at some point, and then he will find himself to be empero---, I mean President.


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 14, 2006
Virginia, USA
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Not necessarily a nightmare, might be just the thing to motivate gun owners to defeat Obama/Bloomberg as opposed to staying home due to a lack luster appeal of McCain. Liking McCain or not, he is way way ahead of an Obama/Bloomberg ticket on RKBA.


Oct 7, 2007
all over VA, ,
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Campaign Veteran
Oct 3, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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hsmith wrote:
I really think all 3 are the worst choice for all of our rights.
I think you are referring to Clinton, Obama AND McCain? I happen to agree with you. Fortunately McCain is Pro-2A, but it seems like the constitution is simply an obstacle for him to overcome. Bush seemed to figure out how to ignore the constitution!

I'm scared where we're heading. Please live in this bubble so we can keep you safe. And if we don't like what you have to say, who you associate with, or if you fail to submit to our searches (you know, to make sure we can keep everyone else safe from you), we'll call you a terrorist or enemy combatant, to keep you quiet. The Supreme Court can't find you there!


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ,
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deepdiver wrote:
Smart move on Obama's part. There has been morbid speculation in some media and on some forums as to whether Obama has any increased risk of assasination if elected. I would say that hooking up with Bloomberg mostly obviates that speculation because as much as some nut-jobs wouldn't like an Obama presidency to such an extreme extent, one of the few worse things they could imagine would be Nanny Bloomberg ascending to the presidency. Suddenly, even the wack-jobs have a vested interest in ensuring Obama's health.

Oh, please. That's completely absurd.:quirky

No candidate is going to choose a running mate based on his fear of assasination.

That's just silly! It really is.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
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pkbites wrote:
deepdiver wrote:
Smart move on Obama's part. There has been morbid speculation in some media and on some forums as to whether Obama has any increased risk of assasination if elected. I would say that hooking up with Bloomberg mostly obviates that speculation because as much as some nut-jobs wouldn't like an Obama presidency to such an extreme extent, one of the few worse things they could imagine would be Nanny Bloomberg ascending to the presidency. Suddenly, even the wack-jobs have a vested interest in ensuring Obama's health.

Oh, please. That's completely absurd.:quirky I recommend Eugene Ionesco.

No candidate is going to choose a running mate based on his fear of assasination.

That's just silly! It really is. Of course it is.
Main Entry:fa·ce·tious
Pronunciation: \fə-ˈsē-shəs\
Etymology:Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia
1 :joking or jesting often inappropriately :waggish <just being facetious>
2 :meant to be humorous or funny :not serious <a facetious remark>


Regular Member
Mar 16, 2008
Milford Colony, Montana, USA
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No matter who wins in November, it will only be bad if we don't fill both the house and senate with people that will defend the 2nd. If we have a good hold there, whomever is president, cannot make a move.

While I do detest McCain, at this time, I see no other viable option, not that is one.



Regular Member
Jul 6, 2007
VA Beach, Virginia, USA
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MontanaCZ wrote:
No matter who wins in November, it will only be bad if we don't fill both the house and senate with people that will defend the 2nd. If we have a good hold there, whomever is president, cannot make a move.

While I do detest McCain, at this time, I see no other viable option, not that is one.

That's a joke and a half. The last Rino Regime didn't do a thing to help us out. All they did was let the Clinton era stuff run out. AND............ Mr war for oil Bush even said he would sign another AWB if it came his way. We have a great pro 2nd candidate this year that hardly no gun owners really backed. Some gun owners are your own worse enemies. I can't begin to tell you how many people I tried to tell about Ron Paul at gun shows. Most of YOU didn't want to hear about the only candidate that was 100 percent for the Constitution.


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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MontanaCZ wrote:
No matter who wins in November, it will only be bad if we don't fill both the house and senate with people that will defend the 2nd. If we have a good hold there, whomever is president, cannot make a move.

While I do detest McCain, at this time, I see no other viable option, not that is one.

That's a joke and a half. The last Rino Regime didn't do a thing to help us out. All they did was let the Clinton era stuff run out. AND............ Mr war for oil Bush even said he would sign another AWB if it came his way. We have a great pro 2nd candidate this year that hardly no gun owners really backed. Some gun owners are your own worse enemies. I can't begin to tell you how many people I tried to tell about Ron Paul at gun shows. Most of YOU didn't want to hear about the only candidate that was 100 percent for the Constitution.
I agree with you that noone was willing to hear about Ron Paul. Most people don't like his foreign policy stance. But as much as I think Bush has really screwed up as president, he has appointed two very good people to the Supreme Court. How worried would you be about Heller if Gore or Kerry had appointed two people to the court? While I don't agree McCain on multiple issues, his judges will be far less offensive than any that Obama or Billary will appoint.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
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vt357 wrote:
MontanaCZ wrote:
That's a joke and a half. The last Rino Regime didn't do a thing to help us out. All they did was let the Clinton era stuff run out. AND............ Mr war for oil Bush even said he would sign another AWB if it came his way. We have a great pro 2nd candidate this year that hardly no gun owners really backed. Some gun owners are your own worse enemies. I can't begin to tell you how many people I tried to tell about Ron Paul at gun shows. Most of YOU didn't want to hear about the only candidate that was 100 percent for the Constitution.
I agree with you that noone was willing to hear about Ron Paul. Most people don't like his foreign policy stance. But as much as I think Bush has really screwed up as president, he has appointed two very good people to the Supreme Court. How worried would you be about Heller if Gore or Kerry had appointed two people to the court? While I don't agree McCain on multiple issues, his judges will be far less offensive than any that Obama or Billary will appoint.
I agree vt357. Most of what I was seeing IRL and on forums was that Paul's foreign policy and "imperialist" talk turned people off and tuned him out. I personally agreed with a lot of his domestic positions, but in the debates when we got to foreign policy I just cringed at his responses.

I also agree that the best thing to come out of the Bush administration are the SCOTUS appts (which almost didn't happen until pressured to make better choices). With our current candidates it is not a question of who will further erode the nation but a question as to which direction you want to allow the erosion and if the erosion can be reversed. McCain, as much as I loathe seeing him as POTUS, is the best hope for gun owners. Barack has previously endorsed the position of no manufacture, purchase or possession of firearms in the US. Billary supported the AWB and even stricter. They will appoint VERY liberal SCOTUS and federal judges. McCain will appoint a mixture most likely.

I don't understand liberal (in the modern usage) judges who are all gung ho to support the "rights" of someone to show my 11 year old daughter gay porn at the abortion clinic where she has been taken for a surgical procedure without my knowledge and against my will, while they are shooting up heroin and screwing a goat in the operating room, but think that my quietly carrying a locked and loaded sidearm in a holster, that, that is dangerous to the same child. My gun carrying will scar her for life. Yep, scary, messed up stuffs. This is the choice between shot, hanged or poisoned.

BUT an Obama/Bloomberg ticket, that would be equivalent to being shot, hanged and poisoned and kept just on the edge of death for 4 years.