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Tired of explaining yourself.?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Nails it.

Secondary to his main point about the real reason for the 2A, is his point about unapologetic and blunt honesty. That level of directness is just as important as the 2A itself. I have adopted, and we all should adopt, such a conscious frankness. Yes, some will take is as a personal affront and feel the need to respond with childish insults, but you were never going to reach them anyway! Just move on to more fertile ground and continue the blunt message.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
I paraphrase the law and then challenge my "fence sitters" to not believe me and to go and look it up for themselves. I find that if they do look it up, they need no further encouragement. I do not attempt to sway/convince liberals, even gun owning liberals. Liberals are anti-liberty and vote into office anti-liberty liberals.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
The purpose of carrying, and owning firearms ought not be sugar-coated. Firearms are designed to kill; individuals own firearms, and carry firearm for the purpose of stopping a threat by shooting them, or scaring them off (coercive force).


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
The purpose of carrying, and owning firearms ought not be sugar-coated. Firearms are designed to kill; individuals own firearms, and carry firearm for the purpose of stopping a threat by shooting them, or scaring them off (coercive force).

Typical progressive, NO not all firearms are designed to kill. And most that are designed to kill are not designed to kill people. Firearms are a multi purpose tool. Stop with the liberal kool aid, nobody is buying.