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True Self Defense


Regular Member
Jun 9, 2008
Hodgenville, Kentucky, USA
imported post

Ah yes. Both of us had been partying and she was almost out when we decided to go to Cliff's truck for breakfast. In Indiana.

I was going to have to turn around and bumped the fender of two "Nice" minority "ladies".

Hoo Boy. They started squalling how much trouble I was in and I owed them money. Accused me of being drunk and to pay them cash. I said I'd call the cops and let them handle it.......then pulled to a phone across the street.

They crowded me against my truck and said it was now hit and run and that I owed even more money. (Shakedown in progress). THEN....they asked if I had arms. Silly me.....sure....two and I waved my arms.

BINGO! OOPS! LIGHTS DAWNED ON ME! I reached under my seat and pulled a .45 auto and informed the two "ladies" I was calling the cops. They hauled ass just as fast as they could. I left and ate breakfast with the lady.:dude:

HehHeh....Just ask me 'Is You Armed"?


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2009
Central KY
imported post

Haha wow! I'm used to the government shaking us down for cash, but two "ladies"? I wonder if they didn't in someway try to set you up to "hit" them.