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Two-Guns/"Other Side=Concealed" Rumor


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
Found this anecdote elsewhere and wanted to see if it was true and if anyone had any documentary evidence to support it.

He told me he had to carry one on each hip to keep form getting arrested. For a while, the libtard police in Arizona was arresting people for unlawfully concealed carry if their"open carry" gun was on the opposite side away from the cop. " The cops claimed they cant see it, so it's concealed". That's why people started carrying two guns.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Cops can claim anything that they want - doesn't make it valid though.

That standard would make OC in a car a concealed gun, so to in a phone booth (remember those?), on the opposite side of a dutch door, or strong side to the wall in a restaurant booth.

Someone else can thrown the BS flag - my arm is tired.

The test has been how the gun is worn, not where the observer was standing.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I looked a little further and found this:

"Arizona gun control laws are among the least-restrictive in the United States. Arizona law states that any person 21 years or older, who is not a prohibited possessor, may carry a weapon openly or concealed without the need for a license."

So the nice officer can't complain about not seeing it since it can be concealed.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Found this anecdote elsewhere and wanted to see if it was true and if anyone had any documentary evidence to support it.

"He told me he had to carry one on each hip to keep form getting arrested. For a while, the libtard police in Arizona was arresting people for unlawfully concealed carry if their"open carry" gun was on the opposite side away from the cop. " The cops claimed they cant see it, so it's concealed". That's why people started carrying two guns."

ok, since nobody else will check the water as they jumped in, coupled with the fact i am the resident 'troll' for asking questions...

1. how olde is the anecdote?

2. define 'elsewhere'? (police one, law review, uh some redneck shooter's forum? )

3. reference state, community region of the country?

4. define background of individual espousing this gem of urban legend, an idiot, a drunk, a LE, a nonpracticing Attorney? a bloomberg anti, uh...Massad Ayoob?

5. any context whatsoever besides the bad spelling, grammar, etc?

GEEEEZZZZZ, you know without some viable DATA to go on, everyone responding is just pulling the crap out of their derriere and smearing it everywhere and not providing knowledgeable objective evidence to put this nonsense you posted ~ back in pandora's box.

added: tell the nice LEs when off duty they are not able to carry a bug!!
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gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Found this anecdote elsewhere and wanted to see if it was true and if anyone had any documentary evidence to support it.

I hate to be the one to point out what appears to an obvious fallacy here. If the cop couldn't see the gun, how would he know that you were armed, at all? How would carrying more guns, 1, 2 or 10, alter the legality of the one, or more, that remained out of sight? Would having one that was visible prevent the claim that the one on the far side was "concealed"?

If a gun on the far side of the carrier was considered "concealed", where could you place it for it not to be "concealed"? Would you have to continuously move it from side to side as people passed you? Where would you place it that would be observable from all sides? I suppose you could carry it on top of your head, but I have never seen a holster for that.

If the cop approached from your strong side and observed you openly carrying a gun, but then move around to your other side, would the gun then change from open carry to concealed carry? And when would that change take place?

Documentation is not necessary to disprove this idea. This whole idea is patently and demonstrably preposterous.
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Regular Member
Jan 19, 2011
briar patch, NM
NM statutes:
29-19-2. Definitions
D. “concealed handgun” means a loaded handgun that is not visible to the ordinary
observations of a reasonable person; TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LICENSE:
A. Carrying only handguns listed on license. No person shall carry a concealed
handgun of a different category or higher caliber than is indicated on the license
issued to that
person by the department. A licensee shall only carry one (1) concealed handgun at any given