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Offer canceled due to lack of ability for many to get here!
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OK, I have had a lot of questions about the "Intro To Defensive Firearms" course that I offered. So I am going to do a full sized class. This will be a 2 day course. Saturday July 9th, and Sunday July 10th. This is an extensive course that will cover a lot more than you will find in any other course in the state. I can take up to 20 people.
Please keep in mind that this will be run in a 1 on 1 format during all live fire events, and a discussion format instead of a lecture for the class work.
I can not guaranty that this course will cover any requirements imposed by any state for the issuing of a permit. Including Wisconsin. Mainly because I have no idea what Wisconsin will require of certified instructors like myself. Until I know what the state will require for training to get a permit, I can not offer a course that is guarantied to satisfy those requirements.
This is, however a course that will cover what you need to know comprehensively and will definitely give you a new lease on self confidence if you are ever required to defend yourself.
I do have a limited amount of space for this, and I will need people to pre register for this course. But I will also provide a discounted price for this course and I will give a certificate for those that attend to return to me and get the requirements for a permit satisfied free of charge, as soon as I know what to teach and make sure that I can teach it. That of course being if those requirements are not satisfied by the training that I offer in this course.
It will Cost $150, per person
You will need:
A concealable firearm
150 rounds of ammo (Minimum)
Mag Pouch
3 magazines/speed loaders
Note Taking Material
Ball cap
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Cleaning kit for firearm
Snap Caps/Dummy Ammunition
Any other appropriate range gear
The course will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (give or take) on Saturday for the classroom time with a 30 minute break for lunch. Then from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the range> We will resume on Sunday with a 1 hour review of the coursework at 10 a.m. and then to the range again from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to conclude the course.
Anyone with physical impairments should let me know ahead of time as this will be a kinetic course, meaning there will be a lot of move and fire drills. I am more than capable of adaptive training and can accommodate just about any physical disability.
If you are interested, let me know as soon as possible so that I can make sure you have a spot. This is not a short course, and it is not your grandpa's personal protection outside the home. This course was designed from the ground up so that everyone who takes it will be more confident and have the tools they need to not only carry safely, but also survive a self defense encounter.
"I can not guaranty that this course will cover any requirements imposed by any state for the issuing of a permit. Including Wisconsin. Mainly because I have no idea what Wisconsin will require of certified instructors like myself. Until I know what the state will require for training to get a permit, I can not offer a course that is guarantied to satisfy those requirements."
A short "catch-up to code" course to fill in anything the statute may entail and apply it to the previous certification resulting in a new certification meeting the as of yet unknown requirements.
Just a thought.
If you want real training that will improve your skills & maybe save your life, what CJ asks isn't unreasonable. I couldn't afford it either, but I recognize the value.
Someday I'll take some advanced training up there. Have already discussed it w/ CJ via PM on FB.
If people only want to meet the minumum training requirements for the WI permit, as it stands now, you can do that for free online. See the thread Paul started. Read the PDF put out by the LRB. I can't see where the free course from the MSP wouldn't meet their stated requirements.
Of course, they could screw us over again w/ amendments & changes, so keep up to date about what's happening in Madtown.
I took a look at your website and it looks like you do this for a business. What is your normal cost for all of this training? All along I never realized you were actually in the business of providing this training. No offense, but surely you can see where people are a bit taken back, when you were offering the training for free and now you are charging $150 and they see this self defense website .....
Personally, I have all of the requirements met for a permit, as they stand now. I also think that $150 bucks isn't bad for what you are offering, but your course would be more than I would be looking for, with the martial arts and all. I'll just continue to pack iron like I do now, and god forbid, use my firearm if it becomes nescessry.
I may be forced to wait a bit, I don't have a CC firearm yet, any my open carry pistol is a bit too large to substitute I think. Its just not in the cards financially at this time. However if things change between now and then...
Just to add another .02, Jon Hodaway who currently works for Massad Ayoob Group had some very interesting statistics regarding people who survived gun fights. To paraphrase loosely, he said there are certain things that significantly increase your chances and they are in I think the correct order, of most important to less important-
1. Military/LE or similar training (carbine/pistol course)
2. Do you shoot competition?
3. Are you a hunter or target shooter?
This is not my opinion but actual data collected from people involved and surviving gun battles. Fortunately for me, I have all three but I sure as hell don't want to find out how good or bad I am anytime soon. I would still take this class in a heartbeat if I didn't have a scheduling conflict. I am not promoting CJ, we have never met. I hope to some day and hope to train with him some day in the future. I know times are tough as hell and many are without work but don't forget to ask yourself, "How much is my life worth?" I don't want to see good folks come out on the bad side of a fight. Not trying to preach, just stating the facts. Be safe all.