Its a good thing to cc, but we were given the right to bare arms which means we have the right to OC, I am waiting for my app to come back so I can cc, but not all times do I dress to CC, so i will exercise my right and let others see that it is ok to walk around OC. People shouldn't be afraid of people OCing, but people don't see it enough, and when they do it seems out of place and people are scared of that cause its different. We need to let people see it and after they see it enough they either won't be nervous or they will but they will walk on by. I am the 1st one in my area to OC at least that I have seen, and it has made me nervous and others as well, but I new to it and I think after the state police seen me and my gun holstered and opened the door to the store for me today and went on about his day, I don't feel as nervous. Carry it either way (OC or CC) and carry it proud, it's our right and the saying is so true that a right not exercised is a right wasted.