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Utopia where carry and AR 15 ownership is required?


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011


This is interesting.

To live here one would have to own at least one AR-15, 5 magazines, 1000 rounds of ammo?

Citadel, Glenn Beck’s Independence, USA, PayPal’s Thiel lead right’s utopian experiments

Utopian communities: They’re not just for hippies anymore.

Take Glenn Beck. The former television host and new-media entrepreneur has a dream. A dream that involves neither dusty chalkboards nor conspiratorial spiderweb charts.

Drawing inspiration from objectivist author Ayn Rand and Mickey Mouse godfather Walt Disney, Mr. Beck recently announced plans to build Independence, USA, a $2 billion, self-sufficient, libertarian city-cum-theme park that would mark “the rebirth of our nation through its own principles.”

When it comes to utopian visions, Mr. Beck isn’t alone.

PayPal co-founder and venture capitalist Peter Thiel already has pledged $1.25 million to the Seasteading Institute, a group that plans to establish sovereign, libertarian-minded nations on giant mobile platforms floating in international waters, a kind of “Octopus’ Garden” for the Gone Galt set.

read more at the link at top of page...

This is interesting and maybe an idea more people should ponder?
Last edited:


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
I like it.

Except my utopia sure doesn't have me carrying an AR-15... :)

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation

Running from a fight is not what we Americans are known for.

This idea seems to be exactly what Beck rails against. Beck repeatedly calls for the citizenry to engage in the process to affect change that restores individual liberty. Recreating our founding principles behind the walls of a compound are not very American in my view.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
I am no fan of Glen Beck by any means, but I think you are seriously misreading what he is talking about. This is not a running away as someone else suggested, and it is far from a circling of the wagons. This is what many people do every day, when they buy a summer home, or property and eventually move into it. You also seem to think that living somewhere safe is running away? How so? Don't you lock your doors? Safety and living in a secure environment is far from an act of cowardliness, it is an act of sanity, as opposed to finding a place around Clark Park, or Mack and Connors in Detroit to make some kind of statement. The word Utopia is the medias description, you know who they are, the same media that calls all of us names and labels us as nut jobs when we act in a lawful, and Constitutional way. Frankly I don't think your shooting the messenger is the right way to approach things, but it is indicative of how things are done on this site.

In no way would I live in such a situation, it just is not my style, or way. I like many others have bought a huge spread of land in the wilderness of Michigan to retire and enjoy life, so am I running away? No I am making a sane decision, based on what any idiot can see is coming, and history shows us, that will be the rule. Human nature never changes and history shows us this as clear as day. It is instructive that the Federal Government took control of the school system and uses brainwashing tactics to turn our children against our Constitution, but what's even more insidious, they have turned history into the most hated subject of all subjects in all levels of K through 12, and even in our colleges and Universities, to ensure everyone is completely ignorant of history, and what history they are spoon fed is a complete fabrication or twisting of the truth. In this country most parents also hate History as a subject matter, unless it comes from a television and is less than 17 minutes long and covered in liberal commentary, with numerous commercial breaks. Fact is we have been trained for the last 75 years to be intellectually lazy. My reading and learning of history has proven how corrupt the Fabian Socialist system is we live in. The one thing I can say is Fabian Socialism has become the most effective way in history to take control of a nation. Half the members of this forum while screaming about gun rights, then repeat the Fabian Socialist rhetoric and fail to know where they got it from, nor realize they are echoing such. Many here call for gun rights then support restrictions as reasonable and fail to see the lunacy of their thought processes.

No I will not be buying into some society target, to live in like Glen Beck is trying to set up, because they always FAIL as a society, because they are sitting ducks, with targets on their backs waiting to be harvested. Yet it is an interesting study of how we as a people waste our time, resources and wealth on such silliness. But living with and near like minded people has distinct advantages even a simple mind can comprehend. Fact is we have that here in Michigan, certain areas where the mental make up is quite similar. I bought property in an area where the Constitution is held supreme over everything except their creator. These people are quiet, unassuming, and armed for war, and I do not mean a few hundred, I mean many. But I learned this from research over many years. If one can not see this, then compare the inner city of Detroit, to an area like let's say Antrim or Cheboygan county where the people are outright hostile to being controlled by anyone.

You can call people un-American if you wish, but it only serves to divide people and if that is your goal then so be it. But to me attacking people who think slightly different than I, is political suicide, as opposed to embracing them and supporting those ideals we all have. You probably won't see a bunch of socialists running to buy up land where this place is or may be built, you will in fact see the like minded, who approach life a little different than you might, while fighting for the same goals. Frankly I am quite pleased with my choices where to live and enjoy life, and I might not agree with yours, but unlike you, I won't label you as "not very American", just because we made a different choice as to where to live. You are diving and labeling people because they don't act or think just like you, but isn't that the tactics the Anti's use?


Running from a fight is not what we Americans are known for.

This idea seems to be exactly what Beck rails against. Beck repeatedly calls for the citizenry to engage in the process to affect change that restores individual liberty. Recreating our founding principles behind the walls of a compound are not very American in my view.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
Reading the article I see that was not the point. It was about the freedom to so as one wishes, but with a requirement they be armed and instead of talking, putting their money where their mouth is so to speak. This is similar to a Kennesaw Georgia.

I like it.

Except my utopia sure doesn't have me carrying an AR-15... :)


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2012
Wild Wild West Michigan
Glenn is a business man, he is doing this to make money, more power to him. I listen to his show from time to time because he is funny.


Running from a fight is not what we Americans are known for.

This idea seems to be exactly what Beck rails against. Beck repeatedly calls for the citizenry to engage in the process to affect change that restores individual liberty. Recreating our founding principles behind the walls of a compound are not very American in my view.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
I am no fan of Glen Beck by any means, but I think you are seriously misreading what he is talking about. This is not a running away as someone else suggested, and it is far from a circling of the wagons. This is what many people do every day, when they buy a summer home, or property and eventually move into it. You also seem to think that living somewhere safe is running away? How so? Don't you lock your doors? Safety and living in a secure environment is far from an act of cowardliness, it is an act of sanity, as opposed to finding a place around Clark Park, or Mack and Connors in Detroit to make some kind of statement. The word Utopia is the medias description, you know who they are, the same media that calls all of us names and labels us as nut jobs when we act in a lawful, and Constitutional way. Frankly I don't think your shooting the messenger is the right way to approach things, but it is indicative of how things are done on this site. <snip>
I see that we have a failure to communicate. Please indulge me for a few moments.

Running from a fight is not what we Americans are known for.
Isolationism never works. Our own history is a testament to this truism. Americans unite and fight the good fight. Americans engage. The fight is the restoration of our individual liberty. I alone may be able to have my individual liberty restored but when we all fight together against tyranny then victory is assured.
Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. - Mark Twain

This idea seems to be exactly what Beck rails against. Beck repeatedly calls for the citizenry to engage in the process to affect change that restores individual liberty. Recreating our founding principles behind the walls of a compound are not very American in my view.
There is a great distinction between isolationism and living out in the country. I am from the country. My family has been country folk going on 300 years. My signature line may provide some insight. Being country folk does not equate to being a isolationist. Keeping to your own business does not necessarily equate to being a isolationist. Disengaging from the process to restore our republic to that which our founders created is being a isolationist.

The messenger, Beck in this instance, needs to find a new message (return to his old message) in my view. His theme of being prepared is spot on. His singular focus on preparedness dilutes his message in my view. I am not shooting the messenger, I am ignoring the messenger, because he is now delivering the wrong message.

Good discussion, +1 to you Sir.


Regular Member
Mar 2, 2010
, ,
Glenn Beck is NOT a libertarian. He's a statist. He is everything the neocon-hijacked tea party represents. He supports the occupations, he supports a pre-emptive war of aggression on Iran (which would result in WWIII), he supports foreign aid to Israel, he supports forced taxation, he supports bailouts, he was for the patriot act, he was suggesting Ron Paul supporters were domestic terrorists, and he backed Romney during the election. Some say he supports dominionism, I can't be certain, but I wouldn't put it past him.

I don't think it's very libertarian to require anyone to carry a gun. I may think it's a great thing to carry, I may hope every good person chooses to take personal responsibility for their protection and arm themselves, but I don't want government dictating what I do- including whether I do or don't carry a gun.


Regular Member
Aug 2, 2010
Lansing, Michigan
This is a horrible idea -- requiring people to do things they don't want to do. What's next, require everyone buy healthcare?



Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
No said you have to buy a plot of land in that development either. You miss the point, and comparing apples to oranges is one thing, but you comparing apples to Buicks is quite a stretch.

I am not one that tells people how to live, if they freely choose to live there then so be it, no one forced anyone to buy into that so called Utopia. Frankly I would not.


On a side note....
I don't like a requirement to own a gun as much as I don't like a law preventing anyone from owning one.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
You are 100% correct on Beck being a socialist. I prefer the more accurate definition than statist. There are no real libertarians these days and have not been any since the mid 1980's. Most who make the claim are as socialist as they get, yet try to cloak themselves as some kind of Constitutionalist.

As far as requiring someone to carry or own a gun if they join a certain club, I don't see a problem with it. They are not requiring anyone not in that association, and so it is Constitutional. No one has the right to ask to join any membership and then change the rules agreed upon before they join, it's ridiculous and what we once had the courage to call "Communist". If you want to start a open carry club and anti's wanted to join and change your clubs rules you would see it quite differently.

We have freedom of association, lest everyone of this site has forgotten that?

Glenn Beck is NOT a libertarian. He's a statist. He is everything the neocon-hijacked tea party represents. He supports the occupations, he supports a pre-emptive war of aggression on Iran (which would result in WWIII), he supports foreign aid to Israel, he supports forced taxation, he supports bailouts, he was for the patriot act, he was suggesting Ron Paul supporters were domestic terrorists, and he backed Romney during the election. Some say he supports dominionism, I can't be certain, but I wouldn't put it past him.

I don't think it's very libertarian to require anyone to carry a gun. I may think it's a great thing to carry, I may hope every good person chooses to take personal responsibility for their protection and arm themselves, but I don't want government dictating what I do- including whether I do or don't carry a gun.