My email to the mayor:
You and your city council are an affront to the spilled blood of Americans that have defended our right to bear arms as protected by our Constitution. What part of "shall not be infringed" is hard for you to understand? I believe that you may actually have a CCW, but I doubt you have the wherewithal to actually carry a weapon IF you really believe that open carry is dangerous to your community. By passing that ordinance without citizen approval (as in an election), you have proven that you support the oppressive, rights-violating policies of the current federal government and do not deserve the trust of the public that elected you.
Perhaps you would be happier in a banana republic that does not allow citizens to question leadership? All I know is that you have violated the Constitution and made a lie of the oath you took for office.
Shame on you and your council. I suppose this is what we should expect from elected leaders these days; dishonor, lies and oppression. Would you dare to do right the right thing after all? History suggests the opposite...
An American Citizen from Missouri,