Don your letter is accurate and comprehensive.
That said, its too long, would never be read in its entirety. Lucky if they read the first paragraph.
A couple thoughts.
Speaking with a Sr. staffer from a state senators office last week I can share the following suggestions. (some of the information was downright depressing and I'll share that as well)
ANY contact with your legislator has "some" effect. In terms of "how much" effect things people do have, here is an analysis
First, he told me that ANYTHING that comes through in any kind of form letter/for email/fax etc gets quickly discarded and has minimal impact. (again, not to say none, but minimal) at best they record your name/address and send you their generic form response letter about the rep's position.
Ex they get 50 pink post cards, they might read the first one and the rest go in the trash. They get a letter and the first sentence is identical to another they have received, they know its a form letter and they don't read the rest, in the trash it goes. At best you may get a form letter back from your rep with generic information on a particular issue that the staffer sends back. This staffer shared they DON'T EVEN KEEP A COUNT of how many contacts they have on a particular issue "for" or "against" and he wasn't aware of ANY legislators that document those kinds of things.
Overall, with letter, email, fax, etc, there is a minimal impact, but short personal custom written letters have the most impact. anything copied/form and long has the least. IF YOU ARE GOING TO WRITE/EMAIL/ETC, make it short and personal. Do not copy/paste.
Second, a phone call or a personal contact with your legislator has the most impact. Anything that allows YOU to speak with your rep. However, you'll find that staffers take most of the calls, the odds of getting to speak with your rep are minimal. That is why townhall meetings, going to events the reps go to is the BEST way to make personal contact and share your thoughts/ ideas.
Newly elected legislators are the least jaded and may be the most accessible. Especially those who have not yet taken office (won't happen til Jan 3) who are in and around your district. As I said in an earlier post, you can likely find them from their campaign website/facebook campaign site as they don't yet have an office or staff.
Lastly, there are LOTS of things WCI has in the works. Possible rally's, and MANY other tactics. Honestly, YOU guys are going to love some of them, but for most effectiveness until we pull the trigger, its best to keep them confidential so they can't be derailed by the "pro-permit business interest lobby" Our participation on the online forums is now minimal, so just because we aren't posting in every thread doesn't mean things are not in the works.
Of course we never discourage anyone from taking action individually as well. I have been making contact with legislators who support constitution carry. WCI members who have made contact with their legislators who support constitution carry have passed along those names to me. Its important that I get those so I can share between them, which of their colleagues support constitution carry.
if YOU make contact with a legislator in your district (assemblymen/women, OR senator) who supports constitution carry, please email me and let me know who.