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Rayce Bannon

Regular Member
Apr 9, 2009
, ,
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U equate making simple factual statements with THUNDERING into someone's room??? LOL.Simply correcting ignorance is thundering into a room?? R u a feminized male?

Even the justices in the U.S. supreme crt have stated, the U.S. constitution grants u nothing? In the Heller case, 'they' stated that people have the Right to bear arms long before the Constitution was written.

Shame u equate stating a simple fact with THUNDERING into a room.


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2007
Pierce County, Washington, USA
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Obvious troll is obvious......I hold someone's opinion in little regard if they can't spell or write correctly. And to come on here with no history and tell us we are all wrong and should get with the program is the height of arrogance.


Regular Member
Dec 3, 2007
Right Here, Virginia, USA
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compmanio365 wrote:
Obvious troll is obvious......I hold someone's opinion in little regard if they can't spell or write correctly. And to come on here with no history and tell us we are all wrong and should get with the program is the height of arrogance.
You guys must not text message much then because that is what he is using. LOL


Jan 29, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA
imported post

Rayce Bannon wrote:
U equate making simple factual statements with THUNDERING into someone's room??? LOL.Simply correcting ignorance is thundering into a room?? R u a feminized male?

Even the justices in the U.S. supreme crt have stated, the U.S. constitution grants u nothing? In the Heller case, 'they' stated that people have the Right to bear arms long before the Constitution was written.

Shame u equate stating a simple fact with THUNDERING into a room.
Here, let me write this in a way you might understand.

u crzy. gtfo.


Regular Member
Dec 3, 2007
Right Here, Virginia, USA
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Aran wrote:
Rayce Bannon wrote:
U equate making simple factual statements with THUNDERING into someone's room??? LOL.Simply correcting ignorance is thundering into a room?? R u a feminized male?

Even the justices in the U.S. supreme crt have stated, the U.S. constitution grants u nothing? In the Heller case, 'they' stated that people have the Right to bear arms long before the Constitution was written.

Shame u equate stating a simple fact with THUNDERING into a room.
Here, let me write this in a way you might understand.

u crzy. gtfo.
I believe that would be "ur crzy" LOL


Jan 29, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA
imported post

MeBaby wrote:
Aran wrote:
Rayce Bannon wrote:
U equate making simple factual statements with THUNDERING into someone's room??? LOL.Simply correcting ignorance is thundering into a room?? R u a feminized male?

Even the justices in the U.S. supreme crt have stated, the U.S. constitution grants u nothing? In the Heller case, 'they' stated that people have the Right to bear arms long before the Constitution was written.

Shame u equate stating a simple fact with THUNDERING into a room.
Here, let me write this in a way you might understand.

u crzy. gtfo.
I believe that would be "ur crzy" LOL

Too wordy.


Jul 3, 2008
, Connecticut, USA
imported post

Aran wrote:
Too wordy.




Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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Gunslinger wrote:
Actually, we do have Constitutional rights enumerated therein. We have "inalienable rights" per the Declaration, not the Constitution. We have "legal" rights, per statutes. We have natural rights according to Rousseau, Locke, et al. There are all kinds of "rights." And all need to be protected.


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2009
Ass-land (Ashland) OR, , USA
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Theseus wrote:
It will matter little what language we use, and besides, how can we have "God given rights" when I don't believe in God?
Could it be that you are bright & intuitive and thus you don't believe in God because of all the UNbelievable Christians who purport to be of God?

Logic would dictate that if all these nuts are from God then the concept of God as they read and blather about is a manifestation of a mass hypnosis form of some mental disorder based on all the hippie cult like rosy eyed kooks who call them selves Christians ?

That is the logical steps I went through when I was young, I always got the "heebeegeebee's" when robotic yet harmless born-a-gain Christians would talk to me or try and save me

What I noticed for my own internal silent intuition & conclusion was that they are hypnotized to the point of self delusion and that they all had a big ego that would not allow them to actually "see" for them self that they are indeed in a state of denial and went down the wrong road.

I knew for sure that if Heaven is full of born-a-gain Christians then I do NOT want to go or be there, no way, I would rather hangout in eternity with my Pit bull dog.

It was obvious to me , that they were in some Matrix like semi reality state of self deception, so I rejected them .

"BUT" I noticed something quite by chance that I did not reject the God that they purport to represent and Yashuwa they claim who straitened them out.

I found out for myself that I have an inner teacher that was all along already in place and that preachers only got in the way , THEN I read about Yashuwa and He said the same thing, I knew I was onto the right path a solitary journey outside of a church, when I go into the woods rifle or camera in hand I AM in church,lol

I just saw them as completely broken humans who are subject to emotional hypnotic states thus susceptible to pseudo spiritual, rote religious & intellectually blind conversion to a state of obedient mass conformity.

I saw they they left behind intuition & silent knowing ( the signal from God ) and fell into intellectual study study study and emotional highs, emotional drama as a kind distraction , a kind of "salvation from true salvation".

Evil creeps who want validation and worship see this weakness and jump into preachers robes ( ambitious politicians to the same thing ) they rise to power to lead all these easily deceived sheep in the wrong direction, actually the followers and the leaders of apostate religions mimicking Christianity & liberal American politics deserve each other.

In other words they escaped from God to a false look alike apostate religion that acts like Christianity but leads you to no were but your own self deception.

Now guess what -----> I believe in God, :shock:and Yashuwa aka Jesus:p lol.

I know what your gonna say : "Geeeezz Steve I thought you had a good well thought out argument & basis for rejecting the cult of mass Christianity, but now I see you just another fringe kook" :?

Well all I can say is its up to YOU alone to see what your own inner personal motivations are & the opinions you have, and if they are based on anger or resentment over all the hypocrisy you see in people all around then perhaps you do see the truth about them BUT you are also perhaps being misled and off the track because of your own emotional response which is in itself hypnotic and thus blocks the inner silent signal from God.

So perhaps your rejecting both the false and the real God due to the pressures of the world also perhaps due to the fact that you may have never ever met a true Christian only the majority cool-aid drinker version.

I get a LOT of crap from folks here for my views on religious Christianity about how I just insulted main stream Christians here, so what, would you rather I keep quiet and be a wuss.

I also jab liberals, pagans, and other such kooks for their views, so all is fair, oh and I truly believe that liberals, pagans, born again Christians and even Democrats have the right to KBA = Keep & Bear Arms.

If you cant handle the recoil get off the range & take up pacifism or Yoga.;)

Ya and I know that not everyone is Christian in the US of A , I am not blind.

I do know that everyone is born equal with the same pre-ordained rights, but once you come of age and adult responsibility then if you dont see that this is a Christian nation upon which all other religions are "allowed" to exist here in peace, yet not domination ( Islam for example ) then we will get along, if not and you decide that this is a pseudo deist or agnostic, perhaps pagan or co-equal religion nation then you and I have a fight on our hands.

I will fight & die for something, I will not submit to, defnd and die for a man man made, man inspired Constitution, that would be insane because I know I would have died for a temporal doccument that can be changed completely or ratifed out of existance and thus died for NOTHING.

I already own a debt to a million men who already died for SOMETHING.

I already beleived in God by serendipity before I beleived in the Constitutiuon, which I found the Constitution also reads with the same authentcity ( spirit) that the followerrs of Yashuwa wrote with in their sturgles for liberty to exress thee intangible dominion that animated them to die willingly .

I am already bound, if I do not believe in God than I am in my own Matrix as is any mans right to be crazy or in denial.

Myself I have no problem standing up and being called a kook, extremist or zealot.

What are men of good will ? who decides ? who makes the laws of morality ?

I stand for something, be that something that I stand for thought of by you as right or wrong is up to you, I actually respect your right to even hate me.

If you disagree with me then fine, if you hate me and want me to be locked up, shut down, muted, mediated or re-education then perhaps one day your right to KBA may come in handy against me to take me down and our out :cool:

You either with me on the whole founding fathers, Christian ethics nation, with immutable moral laws outside of man made morality ( inalienable right ) or against me.

Does that sound like a contradiction? , well there is war and then there is peaceful dominion.

There really is submission as the Muslims call it in this world on this earth, You either submit to what is right based on "something" or reject and fight against what is wrong based on something. but You WILL be forced to make a decision.

You MUST choose and gather up a mass of other who have chosen as you have, right now as it stands I a MUCH more in common with the typical bible thumper than I do with a Democrat or a Marxist so I have chosen to let you know I am on YOUR side in the 2A war to KBA and thus fight and defend your right to peacefully exist with gun in hand.

I wont lie to you and tell you I am 100% with you pagans or faithless athiests, I am not, but I too have MUCH more in common with you that I do an avowed Socialist.

So if you are willing to fight and die for the 2A , 1st A , and or the Constitution on the whole because You think it was inspired by Zeus or Micky Mouse I don't care right now I can use you on my side .

Its kind of like picking teams on a school ground touch football game during recess, I only have 15 min to get this thing together before time is up and I get take to the Marxist principles office to get whupped on for thinking I can speak my mind.

I already picked the best players and now I am gonna have to pick the rest of you guys to fill out my squad, lol :D

I will worry about if you can run or catch a pass latter I just need a bunch of you guys to fill the gaps and keep the other team from getting to the Constitutional quarterback.

We can all fight about who's founding father is better and who has the best bicycle after the game,

There is no other way, you need to figure it out FAST my pagan, agnostic, orthodox Jewish, atheist and born-a-gain Christian friends because we have more IN common that not.

At least the Muslims have the guts to take a black & white stand and proclaim our land the USA as part of earth as theirs.

I am a moral simpleton, when it comes to the foundations of America ,it is either right or wrong, inalienable or man made with vote and veto.

I could never think that a crazy Christian , a fringe guy like me, a Jewish man or a black man could one day be put to a majority vote and made into a half human and thus burned in an oven, that is crazy, because outside of this mortal world outside of mans laws and mans votes is a timeless law from a timeless law giver to which I am subject.

Even if it happens again, there will be guys like me who will fight to save the homosexual and the born-a-gain Christian from the ovens.

So even "if" I wanted to outlaw all human rights to live here in the U.S. for pagans, and Democrats ( I don't ) I could not because I cannot change what is inalienable from the Creator, its not the document that saves us for liberties opportunity to seek the happiness, it is the document "inspiror" / "He" which put the human hand to paper called the Constitution.

I am bound by a moderate from of acceptance yet dominion, a benevolent dictatorship were by my spiritual view of ethics rules, oh and by the way saves me from any of you guys from throwing me into the oven:p because once you agree and are thus bound by the same inalienability you too are bound to protect & defend it against even me, no man is sacrosanct nor above that which is above us all, the document is but a title to a little bit of Heaven on earth expressed in text for those who wish to keep the water in the garden of Eden flowing with our blood. Sad but true its not everlasting Heaven but an island in the sand of sadness that is human afairs.

Some one once asked Gandhi : "What do you think of the Christian religion?"
He said : " I think it is a wonderful religion, I should like to see someone actually practice it for real one day"


Jul 3, 2008
, Connecticut, USA
imported post

SteveInAshand wrote:
Theseus wrote:
It will matter little what language we use, and besides, how can we have "God given rights" when I don't believe in God?
MY REPLY: Could it be that you are bright & intuitive and thus you don't believe in God because of all the UNbelievable Christians who purport to be of God?

Logic would dictate that if all these nuts are from God then the concept of God as they read and blather about is a manifestation of a mental disorder based on all the
hippie cult like rosy eyed kooks who call them selves Christians ?

That is the logical steps I went through when I was young, I always got the "heebeegeebee's" when robotic born-a-gain Christians would talk to me or try and save me

What I noticed for my own self internal was they are hypnotized, it was obvious to me , that they were in some Matrix like semi reality state ifof self deception, so I rejected them .

"BUT" I did not reject the God that they purport to represent and Yashuwa they claim who straitened them out.

I just saw them as completely broken humans who are subject to emotional hypnotic states thus suceptible to psudo spiritual, rote religious & intellectualy blind convertion to a state of obediant mass conformaty.

I saw they they left behind intuition & silent knowing ( the signal from God ) and fell into intllectual study and emotional drama as a kind of "salvation from true salvation".

Evil creeps who want validation and worship see this weakenss and jump into preachers robes ( ambitiouse politicians to the same thing ) they rise to power to lead all these easily deceived sheep in the wrong dirrection, actualy the followers and the leaderrs of appostate religions mimiking Chrstianity & liberal American politics deserve each other.

In other words they escaped from God to a false look alike appostate religion that acts like Christianity but leads you to no were but your own self deception.

Now guess what -----> I beleive in God, :shock:and Yashuwa aka Jesus:p lol.

I know what your goina say : "Geeeezz Steve I thought you had a good well thought out argument & basis for rejecting the cult of mass Christianity, but now I see you just another fring kook" :?

Well all I can say is its up to YOU alone to see what your own inner personal motivations are afr the opinions you havem, and if they are based on anger or resetnment over all the hypocracy you see in people all around you then perhaps you do see the truth about them BUT you are also being misled and off the track because of your own emotional responce wich blocks the inner silent signal to God, so perhals your rejecting both false and real God due to the pressures of the world also perhaps due to the fact that you may have never ever met a true Christian only the majority cool-aid drinker verson.

Some one once asked Ghandi : "What do you think of the Christian religon?"
He said : " I think it is a wonderful religion, I should like to see someone actualy practice it for real one day"

That was so incredibly on the money...


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2008
Mercer Island, Washington, USA
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SteveInAshand wrote:
I do know that everyone is born equal with the same pre-ordained rights,
Scientifically speaking, that's not true. Nobody is born equal. However, everyone starts of being created equal. The creation process is equal for all, the sperm enters the egg. Once mitosis begins, all bets are off.

I do not believe in equality. In fact, I rail against it constantly. I also do not believe in equal opportunity.

What I do believe in is equal liberty and equal freedom. The rest is up to the individual.


Founder's Club Member
Jul 6, 2008
Lamma Island, HK
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SteveInAshand wrote:
Theseus wrote:
It will matter little what language we use, and besides, how can we have "God given rights" when I don't believe in God?
I was wondering how long it would take.

I am happy you found something that makes you happy.


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2009
Ass-land (Ashland) OR, , USA
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Washintonian_For_Liberty wrote:
SteveInAshand wrote:
I do know that everyone is born equal with the same pre-ordained rights,
Scientifically speaking, that's not true. Nobody is born equal. However, everyone starts of being created equal. The creation process is equal for all, the sperm enters the egg. Once mitosis begins, all bets are off.

I do not believe in equality. In fact, I rail against it constantly. I also do not believe in equal opportunity.

What I do believe in is equal liberty and equal freedom. The rest is up to the individual.
MY REPLY: "Its up to the individual" as you say ?

Hypothetical's : Sooooo black children are not to be treated as equal with white children ?

So a black kid does not merit a ride in the front of the bus ?

And Jews should not apply for the Apt For Rent ? after all you wouldn't want to give an equal opportunity to some black or a Jew , right ? :?


Jul 3, 2008
, Connecticut, USA
imported post

SteveInAshand wrote:
Washintonian_For_Liberty wrote:
SteveInAshand wrote:
I do know that everyone is born equal with the same pre-ordained rights,
Scientifically speaking, that's not true. Nobody is born equal. However, everyone starts of being created equal. The creation process is equal for all, the sperm enters the egg. Once mitosis begins, all bets are off.

I do not believe in equality. In fact, I rail against it constantly. I also do not believe in equal opportunity.

What I do believe in is equal liberty and equal freedom. The rest is up to the individual.
MY REPLY: "Its up to the individual" as you say ?

Hypothetical's : Sooooo black children are not to be treated as equal with white children ?

So a black kid does not merit a ride in the front of the bus ?

And Jews should not apply for the Apt For Rent ? after all you wouldn't want to give an equal opportunity to some black or a Jew , right ? :?

I think he meant in a socio-economic sense. In his world, if you're born into a poor family... tough shit, no help for school, food, medical care... tough shit for you. You chose to born into that family... wait a second...?


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2009
Ass-land (Ashland) OR, , USA
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MY REPLY: I am NOT a quota person by any means, but I am all for equal opportunity and equality in a military and child development & school sense.

Allow me to explain.

"I" was born into an Los Angele's inner city poor "family"
( if an abandoned mother with 3 kids is a family) . She was just a lost niave mother who married for security and love ( welcome to planet earth )

I lived on the boarder of a really nice all white neighborhood

I remember being the "poor" kid , I stood out because I had no new shoes, and old shirts from the thrift store, I had no lunch , not even paper sack lunch while the other kids had SuperMan lunch boxes and sandwiches etc... They had Schwinn bikes, skate boards , they had COX gas powered airplanes, and their dad's had boats, RV's, motorcycles, microwaves, cable TV and other neet stuff, those kids played in the band and had tumpets and drums, they played baseball and had all the equipment etc...Mostly they had Dad's.

I had nada.

So I know what it is like to be somewhat of an "outcast by birth", to be UNequil in every way a kids sees equality.

AlthoughI was not born into the Grapes Of Wrath, the stark disparity was so painful I quit going to school and I would ditch school as much as humanly possible just to not be so tortured by inequality.

Now dig this, my best friend was a black kid, I did not even know he was black !!!

My best friend was my friend period, as a kid I lived in a world of lighthearted intuition , soulful meaning & non judgment.

I didnt see color or other things adults saw, I was exposed to inequality by "adults", even the "well to do" kids only when along with the program their parents instilled in them.

Then one day an adult asked me what I was doing hanging out with a N****. I had not the slightest clue what he was asking me, He then went on the explain that I was better than a standard N**** I was stunned and pulled down into the wrld of ugly disparity, every were I went I saw this.

I dont like when kids get stuck into a mold they had no part in being put into.

My mothers brothers and sister were raised in the depression with no shoes and only a pair of coveralls, they said they were all happy because they did not have TV showing them how poor they were, they did not live in large cities with obvious disparity.

What I am saying is kids dont need to be shoved into a hard cruel world of the haves & have nots, they if they go to our under performing socialist public schools then they should be like the military they should all wear uniforms and eat from the same menu.

I love the military and pro sports model because its a matter of what you can do with what you have outside of any external material advantage, how much effort you put out and not your color or funny name that matters, it is highly competitive and rewards excellence & character.

I want to equalize kids to a certain extent if they are in public institutions.

I actually believe in home schooling "if" you have a stable home then allow them to compete on an even playing field and then show them , he who works the hardest
( perhaps with gifted talent too ) and stays clean will succeed.

I do NOT believe in dumbing down or penalizing a talented kid in math or sports, talent and brains should be admired not penalized

I also love Capitalism with morals, when both are combined it creates industry, new innovation ,rewards hard work, and provides jobs for those who are not a gifted with an entrepreneurial mind set.

Quotas NO
Equil opportunity YES