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West Kentucky meetups??

Chief Ten Beers

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2014
Western Kentucky
I'm still new to this forum and to open carry. I've only lived in Kentucky for a year and a half now and still learning my way around. Thank God for the map on my smart phone. Anyway, I've noticed that there's open carry meetups in eastern Kentucky, is there ever any oc meetups here in western Kentucky? I'm in Marshall county not to far from the LBL. I would like to attend some of them and meet like minded people, and to boost my confidence in open carrying.


Regular Member
Apr 13, 2011
Louisa, Kentucky
I'm still new to this forum and to open carry. I've only lived in Kentucky for a year and a half now and still learning my way around. Thank God for the map on my smart phone. Anyway, I've noticed that there's open carry meetups in eastern Kentucky, is there ever any oc meetups here in western Kentucky? I'm in Marshall county not to far from the LBL. I would like to attend some of them and meet like minded people, and to boost my confidence in open carrying.

It is best to post a time and place.

People will either go or not.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Build it and they will come.

Post it with place, date and time, then ask for a stickie.

Face time with people, getting to know them on a more personal basis is far better than the impersonal relationship we have here. Even if only one other person, it should be deemed a success - sharing stories and experiences the time will fly by.

Chief Ten Beers

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2014
Western Kentucky
I was sort of hoping that those on this end of the state has already had get togethers before. I don't know the area well enough to be able to come up with a good place to hold a rendezvous of any kind at this time. But, I do like the idea, and I'll keep it in mind. :) Maybe with some help from those in this area, together we can come up with something. :banana:
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Chief Ten Beers

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2014
Western Kentucky
Looks like there just might be enough people on here to get an open carry rendezvous sometime this year. :) Any ideas for a good central location? :question: Maybe with attractions, good eating places, a shooting range? :monkey I'm still new in Kentucky, less than two years, so I'm not familiar with all that's around here. :lol: But I would be willing to find and attend an open carry rendezvous. ;)


Regular Member
Mar 19, 2014
Western Kentucky
Looks like there just might be enough people on here to get an open carry rendezvous sometime this year. :) Any ideas for a good central location? :question: Maybe with attractions, good eating places, a shooting range? :monkey I'm still new in Kentucky, less than two years, so I'm not familiar with all that's around here. :lol: But I would be willing to find and attend an open carry rendezvous. ;)

Ill have to put some thought into it but a western Ky meet up sounds great. my contact ( and yes i guess im crazy for posting it but oh well) is (270) 302-4182 feel free to get a hold of me if i can help do anything for the meet up. and of course that goes for anyone else in here

Chief Ten Beers

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2014
Western Kentucky
Ill have to put some thought into it but a western Ky meet up sounds great. my contact ( and yes i guess im crazy for posting it but oh well) is (270) 302-4182 feel free to get a hold of me if i can help do anything for the meet up. and of course that goes for anyone else in here

I'll make note of it and see what I can do. I don't know the area good enough to suggest a place, so I'm open for suggestions.
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New member
May 10, 2014
I'll make note of it and see what I can do. I don't know the area good enough to suggest a place, so I'm open for suggestions.

I'm I'm owensboro I'd be interested what exactly happens at a meet up? Group of OC's go out and eat to promote the 2nd ammendment? Either way I'm down I've never carried before but want to and I think I'd feel more comfortable going with a group of like minded folks to see how the flow goes and what to expect


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I'm I'm owensboro I'd be interested what exactly happens at a meet up? Group of OC's go out and eat to promote the 2nd ammendment? Either way I'm down I've never carried before but want to and I think I'd feel more comfortable going with a group of like minded folks to see how the flow goes and what to expect
Good, honest, friendly pepole from all walks of life just getting together for a bit to eat - nothing spectacular.

What do they talk about? Anything of common intertest :)

Will say that an our of two of face-time is worth months of trying to get to know someone on-line.

Try it - think you will enjoy.....we are good people who accept our responsibilty quietly.


New member
May 10, 2014
Good, honest, friendly pepole from all walks of life just getting together for a bit to eat - nothing spectacular.

What do they talk about? Anything of common intertest :)

Will say that an our of two of face-time is worth months of trying to get to know someone on-line.

Try it - think you will enjoy.....we are good people who accept our responsibilty quietly.

sounds like a good deal, I'm definitely interested if you all get a meet together post it ill be happy to go as long as I'm off from work and all

Chief Ten Beers

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2014
Western Kentucky
Well, there's a few of us on here that can do an oc meet-up somewhere between Owensboro and the LBL. Any ideas of a good place to rendezvous?:question:

Bill Starks

State Researcher
Dec 27, 2007
Nortonville, KY, USA
I know the thread is 5+ years old and we are nearing the holidays but if anyone wants to get together let me know.
I moved back to Kentucky (Madisonville area) a few years ago and was very active in Washington state.