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What did you see at Lobby Day?


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
I had no problem entering the GAB. I did NOT go through the CHP door, as I was carrying a bag.

I saw one person turned away from the CHP door because he was not carrying. I would have liked to say something -- it is advertised as a CHP door, not a door for persons carrying firearms. And my son was not carrying (of course), but went through with my spouse.

I saw a person go through the main door, set off the metal detectors, get wanded (carrying small-of-back) and then the police officer made him lift his pant legs to show he had nothing around his ankles. The wand had not gone off around his ankles.

I had a VCDL member tell me "I don't talk to my representative - he's an ass." When I tried to tell him I always try to find something, no matter how small, with which I do agree with my rabidly anti-gun delegate (and mentioned that one of the subjects on which we agree was marriage equality), the member also turned his back on me (figuratively). I don't expect everyone who owns a gun to agree with me on other issues, but we've been showing a miserable lack of respect for one another over the last six months or so.

I was dismayed by the low turnout.

I was disappointed by the number of people from other groups - particularly the motorcyclists and the medical-marijuana advocates - who wouldn't wear our stickers. In the past, we've had others seeking us out. Today, many were afraid to talk about other issues while wearing our stickers. I fear that shows a dreadful lack of citizen involvement; if we can't show our elected officeholders we're united on one issue but all have differing priorities, what are these politicians to think?

I was at least a little buoyed when Delegate Surovell told me he is severely outnumbered in the House and there will be no gun control bills getting through there. (He was not happy, particularly when I replied "So that's one good thing.")


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2009
Ruther Glen Va
I will be back next year God willing, going to put in my permanent PTO slip for that day, but next year we need to have more. Is there a way we could start a collection fund now for busses or vans or something to make it easier for the furthest areas? As far as word of mouth I know I can do better than I did this year as far as invites, I am guessing every one could do better. We need bigger numbers.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Jul 26, 2008
Dinwiddie, Virginia, USA
I was dismayed by the low turnout.

Turnout was very poor. We as gun owners should really be ashamed. The grounds should have been full considering the new administration we have to worry about. If this was a gun show after a tragic shooting there would have been thousands of gun owners there. At the Bell Tower there were what....maybe 100 of us?

Did you see the news? Did you see the turnout of the anti-gun people?
I think they got the attention more than we did.

Take a look


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Last year was my 1st time

I was completely fired up for this year, and then, I was unfortunate enough to have a minor heart attack on the 11th. 5 days in the hospital and 2 stints later, I was released to go home and "rest".

Needless to say, my doctor "strongly advised" against my attending Lobby Day. He felt there would be too much standing and stress for my "weakened condition".

Rather than incur the wrath of my wife and children, not to mention the doctor and a few OCDO friends, I chose to stay home THIS YEAR, and rest so I can go next year and for many other times.

All I got to see was the inside of my house but would rather have been there.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2009
Ruther Glen Va
In your case you were there in spirit, and were physically where you needed to be.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
Turnout was very poor. We as gun owners should really be ashamed. The grounds should have been full considering the new administration we have to worry about. If this was a gun show after a tragic shooting there would have been thousands of gun owners there. At the Bell Tower there were what....maybe 100 of us?

Did you see the news? Did you see the turnout of the anti-gun people?
I think they got the attention more than we did.

Take a look

Rick, there is a whole world out there. I was there even though there wasn't much for me to be there for. I don't have a CHP and that's about all I heard all day. So were a few others that felt the same.
Many went hunting today because there wasn't anything at the GA that concerned them. No shame in that!

Ed and and a few of the boys were there though.:dude:
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Regular Member
Jul 26, 2008
Dinwiddie, Virginia, USA
Rick, there is a whole world out there. I was there even though there wasn't much for me to be there for. I don't have a CHP and that's about all I heard all day. So were a few others that felt the same.
Many went hunting today because there wasn't anything at the GA that concerned them today. No shame in that!

I understand your point Peter. It was a nice day out and a holiday on top of that. But even if there's nothing that interests gun owners at the GA at least the gun owner should be seen and rally at the Bell Tower. I had to work today but took a days vacation to be at, what I feel, a very important event for gun owners.......the most important day for gun owners, and its only one day of the year.

With the new government we have here in Virginia I just thought gun owners would take our rights more serious and be willing to take a few hours of one day this year to stand up for those rights. But I guess only a hundred-or-so were concerned enough.

Thanks for being there and being seen Peter!! And thanks to all that were there!!!!!



Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
Turnout was very poor. We as gun owners should really be ashamed. The grounds should have been full considering the new administration we have to worry about. If this was a gun show after a tragic shooting there would have been thousands of gun owners there. At the Bell Tower there were what....maybe 100 of us?

I'd debate that number. I'd guesstimate 300-400 (and I think I overheard one of the Capitol Police use that number when someone asked him, though they don't "officially" count heads). Still significantly lower than 2009, when we had over 1000 attend.


Regular Member
Jul 26, 2008
Dinwiddie, Virginia, USA
I'd debate that number. I'd guesstimate 300-400 (and I think I overheard one of the Capitol Police use that number when someone asked him, though they don't "officially" count heads). Still significantly lower than 2009, when we had over 1000 attend.

There were more that 100 of us there at the beginning of the event, but when I turned around to leave the bell tower rally ( I was very close to the front) I swear I didnt see many more than 100 people standing around.

With all of the people there lobbying there were probably closer to the polices estimate. Quite a few people lobbying for marijuana, I was surprised!!


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2013
Henrico, VA
I'd debate that number. I'd guesstimate 300-400 (and I think I overheard one of the Capitol Police use that number when someone asked him, though they don't "officially" count heads). Still significantly lower than 2009, when we had over 1000 attend.

I count more than 100 in this pic that I took. This was pointing back towards the GAB and captured only about 1/3 or so of the crowd. I hope the pic isnt too big and breaks someones monitor :D


This was my first time coming out to Lobby Day so I really didn't know what to expect or how many people to expect. I will say that my impression was that we had more folks in our group than any other group that I saw.

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
. Quite a few people lobbying for marijuana, I was surprised!!

They made a pretty good case for it VT.

One example they were using was a child with epilepsy who was having Grand Mal Seizures daily. After separating the narcotic properties, the non narcotic part stopped them completely. Unfortunately she had go out west for the treatments.
Even the small farmer guy was making a good showing.


Regular Member
Jul 26, 2008
Dinwiddie, Virginia, USA
They made a pretty good case for it VT.

One example they were using was a child with epilepsy who was having Grand Mal Seizures daily. After separating the narcotic properties, the non narcotic part stopped them completely. Unfortunately she had go out west for the treatments.
Even the small farmer guy was making a good showing.

I will have to agree that marijuana has its place. I saw an episode on....20/20 maybe, about the young girl having 50+ seizures a day. After giving her an extract from the marijuana her seizures stopped. My heart went out for her and I was so happy to see there was something to help her. I too spoke to the farmer guy. We need to look out for the farmers too.

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
What did I see at lobby day?:uhoh:

I saw many things, some very ugly that I commented on at lunch:lol:

But there were other things like Guns Save Lives stickers....that brightened my day:eek:



Regular Member
Jan 10, 2013
Henrico, VA

Pay close attention to what Peter Read says near the end of that video. "..all these victims of gun violence. If we do nothing then what does that say about their deaths?"
That right there is where we need to look. A lot of these anti-gun folks, I would suspect, are just looking to do something, anything, even-if-it-does-nothing. That is where I focus when talking to antis and people sitting on the fence. I firmly believe our outreach and messaging needs revamping. What gaps do we as pro-gunners fill in peoples lives? What stories can WE tell? We are being cast as villains more and more each day, as we already know. How do we fight back as the good guys? I have been thinking a lot about this lately and think that it starts locally. We have VCDL that, for the most part, represents us in the Commonwealth, but our voices outside of that seem muted except for the great work done by everyday OCers all throughout and those of us that advocate in our daily conversations. We have our breakfasts, our monthly dinners, and what else?

For me, 2014 is the year that my commitment to gun rights takes on a more active and proactive form. My commitment to YOU, fellow Virginians, is that my voice will be louder, more informed, consistent, results driven, and sincere. And with that, my first loud, sincere, and informed thought:
We Need To Stop Fighting Each Other And Start Fighting The Antis!!
and second, an inquiry:
Are there planning sessions outside of VCDL on a more local level that we have other than breakfasts? If not, can we start doing this?

My new tagline will be: If I do nothing, what does that say about ME?

/off soapbox

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
What did you see at Lobby Day?

I saw a baby owl!

It wasn't a baby Jim, that was a full grown Screech owl. I had a Saw Whet Owl about the same size follow me home once. The guy got kinda snotty about it too.
Gotta have a permit.:lol:
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peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
Are there planning sessions outside of VCDL on a more local level that we have other than breakfasts? If not, can we start doing this?

My new tagline will be: If I do nothing, what does that say about ME?

/off soapbox

Sure, there are groups planning all the time FB. Most are by invitation.

Whatch you gonna plan?
Whatcha you gonna do after you plan it?
