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What do you carry?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
You also have to consider that you may only have one hand available when you need to draw.

I practice drawing my (unloaded) firearm from my carry holster quite a bit, finishing with a dry fire.
There are methods to rack the slide of a semi-auto handgun with one hand, but I prefer to relegate them to emergency use only.

The original developers of the Israeli Technique (hammer down on empty chamber) were not the Israelis, but W.E. Fairbairn and later Eric Sykes:


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
You also have to consider that you may only have one hand available when you need to draw. ...

This is the most important reason, IMPO. Additionally, loading a pistol is the most likely time to induce a malfunction, especially if you fumble it under stress, which is very difficult to practice in realistic conditions.

The techniques for loading it with one hand are that much more compounded in this regard, and significantly slower and more dangerous at the same time. The so-called "Israeli Technique" was not made famous because of its tactical superiority, but because it was required by people with desk jobs.

There is also the possibility that you are in a position outside of view of the bad guy, but needing to prepare yourself without making much noise.

The least important reason (but still on the list) is that you have one more round of ammo.

All that said, carrying in Condition Three is infinitely better than not carrying at all, and if your level of training only has you at this point, I still thank you for being an armed American. Now go get comfortable carrying it fully loaded!


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
I will say I also carry without one in the chamber, but I also routinely practice draw and rack. basically to get it down to second nature.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
I will say I also carry without one in the chamber, but I also routinely practice draw and rack. basically to get it down to second nature.

That's a start & far better than carrying nothing. Keep in mind today's bad guys are getting smarter. They do their very best to close as much distance before they attack. Distance = response time & they know that. They also know as law abiding citizens we can only use defensive force AFTER an attack has begun! Often the distances are at arms length or closer. You cannot always run or evade and while situational awareness is important, you cannot start the fight you can only respond to it! Having both hands tied up even for a second in close quarters combat is a HUGE handicap!

If you must carry without a round chambered - I would seriously consider carrying a revolver as it (in this scenario) has some advantages. It can be operated with one hand by simply pulling the trigger. It can also be fired from the inside of a jacket pocket repeatedly, if need be. In short when fractions of seconds matter, try to remove as many delaying factors as possible.

ETA - one of the bigger advantages of OC is speed of draw, coupled with deterrence. Why reduce it?

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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I would like to see the target she was shooting at.

Still adds an extra step to the draw.

I am sure she was hired for the assets she brought to the filming.


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
That's a start & far better than carrying nothing. Keep in mind today's bad guys are getting smarter. They do their very best to close as much distance before they attack. Distance = response time & they know that. They also know as law abiding citizens we can only use defensive force AFTER an attack has begun! Often the distances are at arms length or closer. You cannot always run or evade and while situational awareness is important, you cannot start the fight you can only respond to it! Having both hands tied up even for a second in close quarters combat is a HUGE handicap!

If you must carry without a round chambered - I would seriously consider carrying a revolver as it (in this scenario) has some advantages. It can be operated with one hand by simply pulling the trigger. It can also be fired from the inside of a jacket pocket repeatedly, if need be. In short when fractions of seconds matter, try to remove as many delaying factors as possible.

ETA - one of the bigger advantages of OC is speed of draw, coupled with deterrence. Why reduce it?


this in and of itself is a whole problem as draw and rack or loaded chamber does not matter, you are already being attacked and have to respond post fact of the matter. Might I suggest if someone bum rushes you, learn to use your elbows? fighting fair is in these instances a non factor for me, I don't care about being fair, I care about not being a victim. and in most cases I probably wouldn't reach for my pistol, but instead use physical force and attempt a position yourself in a way as to get them in a headlock, as from their you can control the situation, and escalate it to deadly force immediately if necessary. such as a rapid twist, or pull back and shift yourself forward to attempt to separate the vertebrae from the base of the skull.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Rosenberg TX
My open carry choice is a Kimber Tactical Custom II. I'm not prone to share what I would carry concealed, as that seems to defeat the purpose.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
My open carry choice is a Kimber Tactical Custom II. I'm not prone to share what I would carry concealed, as that seems to defeat the purpose.

Haha...welcome to OPENCARRY.org

Is it really some secret that you are carrying a .45 ACP? I don't get it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
9m sig tribal nitro

Inshallah & the creeks don't rise, this will be my new carry monday evening...:banana:

tribal nitron.jpg



Regular Member
Sep 12, 2009
, ,
I carry a Glock 33 chambered in 357sig. Nothing like a pocket rocket, I open and CC this firearm. Need to buy more but its all I have for now.