Ah, ghost you are absolutely correct about the mentality there are quite a few carry citizens who want, at any cost to themselves and family’s future wellbeing and willing to endure legal, medical, loss of economic revenue, etc., to play hero.
But do not forget while a great many have honorably served this nation, yet not all have been given military or LE style up close and personal tactical training, nor are all spry, full of exuberance, type of individuals, nor not all have the coordination, e.g. original full function use of joints and such we had in our youth, nor...
twas unequivocally stated in my post “I” ! My decision not lightly made but rather over months of anguished discussion, with myself & I, considering the moral & ethical ramifications which resulted in my being able to once again sleep with my SD decision.
But you are absolutely correct about signage carrying the weight of law however also remember the 2016 chaotic legislation clamor wasn’t about the signage but OC’g w/privilege card...and don’t forget the nice clause included giving the nice LEs unfettered privilege to ask Lone Star OC’g citizens for “their papers” w/ or w/o RAS!