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Kimberguy Encounter Video


New member
May 12, 2006
Burton, Michigan
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CoonDog wrote:
Not sure if this is the right place, but I wanted to comment on the cigarette ash. First, is it littering if you're on private property and the owner/agent/manager doesn't press charges? IANAL, but it seems to me that if you can get a signed affidavit from the manager, you could use this in court. Second, you could subpoena testimony from the manager and ask if they allow smoking on the premises. The answer is no doubt "Yes" since you were smoking right in front of him. Then ask if it's allowed to ash where you did. The upshot for me is that since this all happened on private property, the alleged injury is governed by private rather than public policy. Where does the LEO get authority to right a ticket on private property if it's not a problem for the property owner or agent on the scene?
It's evenillegal to flick (considered littering) your cigarette ashes out the window of your vehicle.


Regular Member
May 5, 2009
Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA
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So, under this law, can I not smoke outside my own front door, on my property, and flick onto my own sidewalk, grass, or garden, etc? If this is littering, that's ridiculous. If not littering, can't I grant permission to do the same to another individual?


New member
May 12, 2006
Burton, Michigan
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CoonDog wrote:
So, under this law, can I not smoke outside my own front door, on my property, and flick onto my own sidewalk, grass, or garden, etc? If this is littering, that's ridiculous. If not littering, can't I grant permission to do the same to another individual?

No,per Section8901 (public & private).

ETA: I've read somewhere (newspaper maybe) that cigarette buttsis the largest form of littering in the US.


Regular Member
Dec 2, 2008
The Northwoods, lakeland area, Wisconsin, USA
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SpringerXDacp wrote:
CoonDog wrote:
So, under this law, can I not smoke outside my own front door, on my property, and flick onto my own sidewalk, grass, or garden, etc? If this is littering, that's ridiculous. If not littering, can't I grant permission to do the same to another individual?

No,per Section8901 (public & private).

ETA: I've read somewhere (newspaper maybe) that cigarette buttsis the largest form of littering in the US.

Kimberguy did not toss the butt of the cigarette onto the ground, he removed only the burning end,then placed the butt of the cigarette into his pocket.

Basically what it the ground is ash. The cop is in full-blown "A-Hole extraordinaire mode" and was grasping for anything to write a citation mo matter how shaky the citation may be. Either way it will cost Kimberguy the time and lost income to make the court dates just to have it thrown out, The cop is fully aware of this and just doing it to be a dickhead.

Realize this, "What comes around goes around" this cop will get his in return when he least expects it, and tenfold of what he dished out. Karma has a way of making things right in the universe.


New member
May 12, 2006
Burton, Michigan
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Nutczak wrote:
SpringerXDacp wrote:
CoonDog wrote:
So, under this law, can I not smoke outside my own front door, on my property, and flick onto my own sidewalk, grass, or garden, etc? If this is littering, that's ridiculous. If not littering, can't I grant permission to do the same to another individual?

No,per Section8901 (public & private).

ETA: I've read somewhere (newspaper maybe) that cigarette buttsis the largest form of littering in the US.

Kimberguy did not toss the butt of the cigarette onto the ground, he removed only the burning end,then placed the butt of the cigarette into his pocket.

Basically what it the ground is ash. The cop is in full-blown "A-Hole extraordinaire mode" and was grasping for anything to write a citation mo matter how shaky the citation may be. Either way it will cost Kimberguy the time and lost income to make the court dates just to have it thrown out, The cop is fully aware of this and just doing it to be a dickhead.

Realize this, "What comes around goes around" this cop will get his in return when he least expects it, and tenfold of what he dished out. Karma has a way of making things right in the universe.
I'm aware of that Nutczak and I agree the cop was beiing a DH. Unfortunately, in this case, the ashes are aviolation of the litter laws. This is the reason I said in a previous post: 'It's evenillegal to flick (considered littering) your cigarette ashes out the window of your vehicle.'


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2009
SE, Michigan, USA
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Jblack44 wrote:
I really wonder what a judge is going to say when he/she sees this on the docket?? Littering of a cigarette ash?? Really???
I wonder if the cop will really show up. It would be extra special for the judge to know that there are going to be Formal Complaints filed against the officer, even though it may not be germane to the issue at hand.


Regular Member
Nov 23, 2009
, ,
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Nutczak wrote:
SpringerXDacp wrote:
CoonDog wrote:
So, under this law, can I not smoke outside my own front door, on my property, and flick onto my own sidewalk, grass, or garden, etc? If this is littering, that's ridiculous. If not littering, can't I grant permission to do the same to another individual?

No,per Section8901 (public & private).

ETA: I've read somewhere (newspaper maybe) that cigarette buttsis the largest form of littering in the US.

Kimberguy did not toss the butt of the cigarette onto the ground, he removed only the burning end,then placed the butt of the cigarette into his pocket.

Basically what it the ground is ash. The cop is in full-blown "A-Hole extraordinaire mode" and was grasping for anything to write a citation mo matter how shaky the citation may be. Either way it will cost Kimberguy the time and lost income to make the court dates just to have it thrown out, The cop is fully aware of this and just doing it to be a dickhead.

Realize this, "What comes around goes around" this cop will get his in return when he least expects it, and tenfold of what he dished out. Karma has a way of making things right in the universe.
6) LEO bashing of any sort will NOT be tolerated on OCDO in any form. That is not what we are about.

T Vance

Regular Member
Mar 22, 2009
Not on this website, USA
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WOW!!! I can't believe what I just heard officer Paul Albrect say!!! I hate to spoil it but he says "This guy's a f%^$king nut. He's going around townthinking he's f%^&king cool . I just hope someone kicks the s%^t out of him and uses his own gun against him. That's what going to happen to him".

T Vance

Regular Member
Mar 22, 2009
Not on this website, USA
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I love how when Kimberguy's "buddy" starts telling him not to answer any questions and asked if Kimberguy is being detained, the officer's tell him to leave. Then all the LEO's just stare at him until he drive's away.

Officer Edmonds - "then your buddy here want's to make things difficult. All I'm trying to do here is figure out what your thinking and coming from so further on down the road I'll beable to answer a question. You're not really helping out".

What this proves is that they are "fishing" for a crime to charge him with.

Another part I love is when Edmonds says (talking about people seeing a handgun out in the open)

Edmonds -"People from down south or Texas"

Kimberguy - "OC is illegal in Texas"

(long pause)

Edmonds - "(laugh) I know that, but what I'm saying is people are probably used to that down there, up here we're not used to that. I don't see people doing that. I see people with concealed permits with their weapons concealed"

Then if you know that OC is illegal in Texas,why would people be uses to seeing people OC in Texas? He obviously didn't know that OC was illegal in Texas, but was probably embarrassed that someone younger than him was informing HIM of the laws. Not that he should be responsible for knowing Texas laws, but it would be nice if these officers could at least know MI state laws.


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2009
Jackson , Michigan, USA
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Realize this, "What comes around goes around" this cop will get his in return when he least expects it, and tenfold of what he dished out. Karma has a way of making things right in the universe.
6) LEO bashing of any sort will NOT be tolerated on OCDO in any form.  That is not what we are about. 

Its hard not to have contempt for the jpd but i understand what you are saying!!!

Could you please put michigan in your profile if you are form our great state.


State Researcher
Aug 19, 2006
Elgin, Illinois, USA
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Wow, anytime you leave campfire or charcoal ashes on public property you have littered? How about dumping the ice out of your exhausted soda cup onto the street?

Anytime an LEO has to sit and scower the books to find something, or nails you with offenses completely unrelated to the stop, the LEO is an ass. Power trip pure and simple.


Regular Member
Nov 23, 2009
, ,
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T Vance wrote:
Kitkin wrote:
6) LEO bashing of any sort will NOT be tolerated on OCDO in any form. That is not what we are about.
I don't see any bashing anywhere.
So in the world you live in if I say "T Vance is in full-blown A-Hole extraordinaire mode" that's not bashing you.

T Vance

Regular Member
Mar 22, 2009
Not on this website, USA
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Kitkin wrote:
T Vance wrote:
Kitkin wrote:
6) LEO bashing of any sort will NOT be tolerated on OCDO in any form. That is not what we are about.
I don't see any bashing anywhere.
So in the world you live in if I say "T Vance is in full-blown A-Hole extraordinaire mode" that's not bashing you.

Where was that said about a cop in the thread you quoted? Here is what you quoted. I am an A-Hole though, so it's not bashing me.

Nutczak wrote:
SpringerXDacp wrote:
CoonDog wrote:
So, under this law, can I not smoke outside my own front door, on my property, and flick onto my own sidewalk, grass, or garden, etc? If this is littering, that's ridiculous. If not littering, can't I grant permission to do the same to another individual?

No,per Section8901 (public & private).

ETA: I've read somewhere (newspaper maybe) that cigarette buttsis the largest form of littering in the US.

Kimberguy did not toss the butt of the cigarette onto the ground, he removed only the burning end,then placed the butt of the cigarette into his pocket.

Basically what it the ground is ash. The cop is in full-blown "A-Hole extraordinaire mode" and was grasping for anything to write a citation mo matter how shaky the citation may be. Either way it will cost Kimberguy the time and lost income to make the court dates just to have it thrown out, The cop is fully aware of this and just doing it to be a dickhead.

Realize this, "What comes around goes around" this cop will get his in return when he least expects it, and tenfold of what he dished out. Karma has a way of making things right in the universe.
6) LEO bashing of any sort will NOT be tolerated on OCDO in any form. That is not what we are about.