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National Open Carry Dinner?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Just had a thought that might ease the coordination and planning of this.

Don't see it as absolutely mandatory that all states have the event on the same exact day - just be very close as between 2 week-ends. This will allow some latitude as to conflicting events or other considerations. Each state to submit the total receipts for their day to be added to the aggregate total - don't see this effecting the validity of such figures.

You buy a hotdog, a soda, a vehicle or a house and are a supporter of any aspect of RKBA then the money spent belongs in that total.

So to that end maybe a National RKBA Week - with special emphasis at each state level with their "special day."

Big Boy

Regular Member
Aug 14, 2009
I really like the community, organization, and effect of a one day event.

A one day event with one cash total from one day will hold much more validity.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I really like the community, organization, and effect of a one day event.


A one day event with one cash total from one day will hold much more validity.

Well, it has nothing to do with either marketing or making money. Just patriotism. Are you still in?

I am, and it'll be held on May 1, 2011. There were some detractors, but one or more put me on either an ignore or "unwilling to take responses" list, so we'll press on without them, as I work things aboveboard, period, bar none.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Regional Respresentatives

Three regional folks have stepped forward to help, but in order to make this work, I need a total of NINE such volunteers. Surely there are 9 such volunteers from the 300 million members of our republic? !!!

Please PM me or Mike (the admin) asap. Thanks.

1. Northwest (Seattle, Portland, Spokane)

2. Middle West (UT, WY, CO)

3. South West (AZ, NM)

4. Northern Regions (ND, SD, MN)

5. Mississippi Delta (LA, MS, AR, OK, etc.)

6. Great Lakes (IL, MI, etc.)

7. New England (VT, NH, MN, NY, etc.)

8. Greater Easter Seaboard (MA, MD, DC, VA, etc.)

9. Southeast (GA, FL, SC, AL, etc.)

If you're willing to coordinate the location and time of a gathering on the date of our national open carry dinner, you're qualified. Step up and join the effort - we'll help you make it happen (usually just a phone call to the owner of the eatery).
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Feb 3, 2009
Pima County, Arizona, USA
May 1st sounds like a great day for it. Late enough that it won't be impractical to OC, I hope, for those in colder climates (This "OMG May Day! Communists!" thing is absurd. Even if that were a concern, wouldn't having the event on that day consisting overwhelmingly of conservatives and libertarians be a kind of poke in the eye?)

I really think making this a larger RKBA event as opposed to just open carry is a good idea, and here is why: you are more likely to "recruit" more Open Carry people, by which I mean convince people to OC, from existing gun owners who don't, than from the general public.

So you get to carry openly, maybe get other people who normally don't to do it as well given the spirit of the holiday. You can engage other pro-RKBA gun owners who aren't into open carry, and you get the numbers of the movement at large.

Frankly all the "social unacceptability" of OC is just another version of the ludicrous "don't ask/don't tell" policy, except for gun owners.

Having a day of recognition for this special and widely-infringed Right for this is long overdue. Let it start here.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Herding cats and prodding pigs with a rope - they are about the same, both very frustrating and little progress is made.

Questions were asked, suggestions and opinions given, but never saw the bylaws or what weight would be given. Perhaps the most telling is that only very small number stepped forward to take any type of initiative to make this happen. Those that did have formed a nucleus and are trying to make informed and intelligent decisions. To put all aspects of this to a test each time will preclude it from ever coming to fruition.

I've know those involved by contact through various forums and know them to be dedicated to the same principles I share. I have confidence that they can make this happen and will do everything in their power to make it a memorable success. Will everything be to everyone's liking? Impossible.

Lets draw together and make this better, stronger, more effective. Lead or follow - no third choice. We need everybody! Let all internal negativity disappear from these public pages - such doesn't help us, it hurts us.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
A few things to consider - think about it, please.

Polls are fine, but can give false/misleading readings. The pure numbers must be weighted by the number of responses from an given area and other considerations factored in to the mix.

Example: If Va., NC, TX & AL each contributed 50 votes for 4/1/11 (=200) and 20 states with a preference for 5/1 had an average of 5 each (= 100) That would seem to indicate a 2 to 1 response favoring 4/1. That still leaves 26 states (over half) not accounted on this model of the poll and the states with more people responding control the poll. That is IMO hardly is equitable or representative of everybody.

Consider too that the poll was NOT the only means in which people expressed their opinion - emails and PMs are not reflected on-line. Then factor in other reasons some gave - particularly the concern from more northern states (some w/large populations) that possible inclement weather was a big concern. Too are less populated states not to be given an equal voice?

Should the overall popular vote on-line (limited as it was) be the decision maker or if 75% of Michigan voters wanted 5/1 should the weight/vote of the entire state by cast for May? I don't propose an "electoral college" solution, but we must understand the similarity in this.

This was apparently a decision reached after careful consideration of many things. It is much like when our ad hoc OC dinner committee in Richmond picks a time and place for a dinner - we have listened to others and make an informed decision. We never have 100% agreement nor participation, but we do always throw our collective support behind it.

Nothing is as simple as it might seem at a cursory glance. When one point or voice is made out to be paramount at the exclusion of others there is little justification. May I suggest that voicing a concern or preference one time is good, even a 2nd time for emphasis is worthy. After a point though, it becomes belaboring and appears personal. Those that know me will understand that I do NOT mean this a flame, but rather express what I perceive and give voice to it with good intentions - I beg everyone's indulgence.

Please note that I am NOT part or party to making these decisions, but it having been made I will support it as I will support the overall effort.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I am not saying that he must follow the poll, but he is rigidly sticking to a date that had been mentioned by maybe two or three members before locking it in.

Actually, not at all. In fact, if you've been paying attention, you'll see I've been doing little more than watching this thread, so see if any substantial reason for not holding the dinner on May 1 came to light.

To date, that hasn't happened, but the poll results (I've been watching that, too) are trending towards the last Sunday in April or the first Sunday in May. More on the poll results in my next post.

That is heavy-handed...

Your refusal to take your issues with communism elsewhere has been heavy-handed, eye95. This is the General Discussion section, limited to OC issues, not the Social Lounge where things such as the origin of May Day may be discussed. Since the issue is apparently of serious concern to you, I've created an Origens of May Day thread in the Social Lounge for the purpose of discussing it in a location where it's appropriate.

I think he should be taking an approach that is specifically looking for consensus...

I've been doing just that.

...and not be just mandating from on high.

However, time is running out, so I'm making a decision to hold it on the first Sunday of May. This year that happens to fall on May Day, but if we choose to hold in on the first Sunday of May in successive years, it'll do so only once every seven years.

He is sticking to his guns regardless of anyone else's opinion.

No, I've considered all opinions, including yours. The support for your May Day assertions has no basis in any objective text I can find, including a book I found at the library.

That needs to be spoken out against.

And you have. Thanks for your input.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
The Date Has Been Chosen!

Once again, despite a poll indicating a preference for April, it is being pronounce that the date is May 1. I must object to the wishes of many others being flat ignored.

Objection noted.

The poll's mode (that's a statistical term) may be April, but the mean of all the votes put the date at April 29, 2011. That's a Friday, and May 1 is the Sunday of the same weekend. We've already ruled Friday and Saturday as not being as inviting due to the usual conflicts (work for many on Friday, and most recreation events being scheduled on Saturday.

Thus, the date has been chosen by those who took the poll (thank you!), and adjusted two days to the nearest Sunday: May 1, 2011.

For what it's worth, I've included everyone's input, both in this thread as well as on the poll thread, and will continue to do so.

ETA: I've included a snapshot of the spreadsheet I used to calculate the mean (average) date as weighted by how many people voted for each month.
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Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA

I for one SUPPORT Eye95 on this particular subject. Weather or not the majority of folks here recognize or even remember the significance of "May 1st" amoung many that espouse a form of government different from what we enjoy here in the US -- those who oppose us will not be unaware and will make an issue of it. So if you don't care if our statement is diluted or even highjacked by others INCLUDING the media, I guess that is your choise. I for one WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY FORM OF DEMONSTRATION INCLUDING AN OC EVENT TAKING PLACE ON MAY 1ST.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I for one SUPPORT Eye95 on this particular subject. Weather or not the majority of folks here recognize or even remember the significance of "May 1st" amoung many that espouse a form of government different from what we enjoy here in the US -- those who oppose us will not be unaware and will make an issue of it. So if you don't care if our statement is diluted or even highjacked by others INCLUDING the media, I guess that is your choise. I for one WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY FORM OF DEMONSTRATION INCLUDING AN OC EVENT TAKING PLACE ON MAY 1ST.

Demonstration? Where? :uhoh:

Who said anything about a demonstration? This is IMHO about OCers going about their normal lives - if some chose to have a picnic or BBQ that is NOT a demonstration - it IS friends getting together.

Is it a demonstration when you go to church, or the park or on a boat ride? Will you not OC on that day because of this view?

No one is demanding that you participate, OC or even carry on that day or any other day. All of these are your option, your choice. Isn't it great living in a country where you have that choice.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Folks, read the thread. See where May 1 was first mentioned. Note all posts (as few as there are) in support of that date before it was locked in!. Read the thread where someone tried to help resolve the dilemma by polling the membership. Not many chose to answer, but twice as many chose April as chose May.

No effort is being made by those who would "lead" this effort to even consider the thoughts of the masses in the matter.

Folks, this is a grassroots movement. We are, by definition, made up of independent-thinking individuals. The one thing we all have in common is that we reject heavy-handed "leadership." Almost exclusively, we expect our leaders to be servants, not masters.

Let's take one small step back and bring folks along, instead of trying to push them down a predetermined path.

Asked and answered - see post #113 above amongst others.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
I personally think that using May Day for a nationwide OC event is FREAKING BRILLIANT.

This is the sort of grass-roots PR move that groups like the NRA only DREAM they could pull off, and spend gazillions of dollars consulting with PR firms to figure out how--and usually fail...

May Day is ESPECIALLY appropriate for a pro-2A, pro-OC, pro-LIBERTY event for the following reasons:

1) It's warm enough and the weather is nice enough in most parts of the country that you can go out without a big coat, and so it's really kind of like the "first day of OC Season" for many people, especially those of us who live in places that actually have WINTER...

2) It was traditionally a HUGE festival of re-birth, fertility, and community--a time when people celebrated the return of warm weather, long days, bright sunshine, and fertility--of the fields, of the people, of ideas, and of the culture in general. What better time than to celebrate OC? We want to spread our message--a message of freedom, liberty, personal responsibility and community, right?

3) it co-opts the "Communist" May Day--a day that essentially celebrates absolute governmental control, denial of personal liberty, abdication of personal responsibility by the people, the absolute lack of RKBA, and the Communistic economic system. What better day to celebrate our cause than May Day, and what better way to reclaim that day than to proudly OC while we go out all over the country--as groups of friends, or families, or individuals--and STIMULATE THE ECONOMY by choosing to spend our money in a restaurant of our choice, having a good meal, enjoying the company of our friends and family, and maybe even educating some people along the way...

Brilliant idea, "Since9". I applaud your efforts.

If you are interested, I could work on a logo for you, or a catchy slogan or name or something, over the holiday break.

I'd LOVE to be part of this!

Hurray, Hurray, the First of May
Open Carry Starts Today!

And "eye95", get over it. If you don't like this idea then just leave the thread and go try and start your own little PR stunt. I'm sure with your cordial demeanor, sunny disposition, and positive outlook on everything, you'd attract a LOT of support.

And I'm sure that beneath all your name-calling, bitterness, residual Cold War paranoia, government boot-licking, and denial of the power of genuine grass-roots action, there is still a glimmer of originality, creativity, and inventiveness in your dark little heart... Somewhere...

How's that "curmudgeon" thing working out for ya?

Don't like the idea? Then don't play in our sandbox. Go somewhere else, and start your own game.

But PLEASE stop whining. Either give some positive feedback, or go away.

Is it such a crime that someone would actually DO something that is not only POSITIVE for our cause, but might actually be FUN too? :monkey:banana::monkey:banana::monkey

I mean, heaven forbid that anyone would ever have any sort of fun somewhere without your permission...:banghead:

Really... It's getting old, with all the whining, name-calling, and McCarthey-esque insinuations... Really...
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Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
^ "Remember, remember, the 1st of May-vember." /V for Vendetta:p

No, considering that the latest "Manchurian Candidate" lone shooter wingnut (the guy in the FL School Board incident) sprayed a big "V" on the wall before he opened fire, I think we'd probably want to distance ourselves from that movie.

As much as I LOVE that movie (actually, the Graphic Novel is even better!), it looks like the "Handlers" have attempted to poison that particular well. I imagine that pretty soon it will be a detainable offense to have a Guy Fawkes mask, or a can of red spray paint in your possession...

No, something new is in order. Something fresh. Something unexpected. Something decidedly Springy... Hmmm...
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
If you are interested, I could work on a logo for you, or a catchy slogan or name or something, over the holiday break.

I'd LOVE to be part of this!

Absolutely! I was thinking of something simple, unique, and potentially iconic (easily recognizeable). Perhaps the words "Second Amendment" arced into a shield against a recognizable bad guy and/or a tyrannical government. But that may be too complicated.

And we need to nail down the title for this event. My next post...


Regular Member
Nov 20, 2010
If the status line says anything other than Administrator or Moderator, and the poster is staying on subject, I wish that members would stop telling other members to go elsewhere or that they need to stop voicing their opinion. These members have just as much a right to be on an open thread or voice their opinion as anyone else, until Administrator or Moderator says otherwise. Regular members do not have that authority any more than I do to tell other members to leave a thread.

The bickering that goes on here is mostly caused by dominate personalities. If you want to be a leader, first learn to be humble, and have the attitude of a servant.

I grow weary of dominate personalities.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
If the status line says anything other than Administrator or Moderator, and the poster is staying on subject, I wish that members would stop telling other members to go elsewhere or that they need to stop voicing their opinion.

The line between constructive criticism/meaningful dissent and whiny self-absorbed complaining is NOT a thin one...

I'm not saying that opposing or differing opinions are unwelcome. What I'm saying is that "glass-is-half-empty" bitching and moaning, with NO offer of better ideas or constructive improvement is no adding anything meaningful to the thread, and is just boosting post counts and clogging up the GOOD info that is being posted...

Have a better idea? Start another thread.

That's all I'm saying.