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National Open Carry Dinner?


Regular Member
Nov 20, 2010
You mean the one that received votes 2:1 for April over May and was summarily ignored?

As was the objection to the choice for coordinator, within the 30-day limit that you set.

I linked to vote and the poll was already closed. It sure didn't get many people voting. Was that due to an early poll closure?

Eyes95, do you think someone needs to read my signature? BTW, your avatar is not a sweet, cuddly teddy bear, is it? :D
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Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Demonstration? Where? :uhoh:

Who said anything about a demonstration? This is IMHO about OCers going about their normal lives - if some chose to have a picnic or BBQ that is NOT a demonstration - it IS friends getting together.

Is it a demonstration when you go to church, or the park or on a boat ride? Will you not OC on that day because of this view?

No one is demanding that you participate, OC or even carry on that day or any other day. All of these are your option, your choice. Isn't it great living in a country where you have that choice.
We WON'T call it a demonstration.... THEY WILL!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
We WON'T call it a demonstration.... THEY WILL!

OMG, "they" will, might, could, maybe would call my living my life a demonstration if two or more of us gathered in the same place in JMB's honor. You do have a point.

Rethinkling 4/1/2011 as a possible date --------------------nah, I thought about it and it's April Fool's Day - can't do it then. Think of what others would say. :uhoh: :lol:


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
OMG, "they" will, might, could, maybe would call my living my life a demonstration if two or more of us gathered in the same place in JMB's honor. You do have a point.

Rethinkling 4/1/2011 as a possible date --------------------nah, I thought about it and it's April Fool's Day - can't do it then. Think of what others would say. :uhoh: :lol:

It would be a bad date too. I don't know why alternatives will not be considered. What would be wrong with moving the date one stinking week?


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
April 15 is very close to "Tax Day"... Yeah, THAT would get some REAL positive media coverage... It is also Abraham Lincoln's death day.

April 16 is the anniversary of Dr. Albert Hoffman's discovery of LSD. It is also the anniversary of the Virginia Tech Massacre.

April 19th is the anniversary of Waco. Yeah, THERE's a good one...

April 20th is Hitler's birthday. Probably not a good day...

April 23 is the anniversary of the Columbia University Takeover where students protesting the Vietnam War took over campus administration buildings.

April 24th is the anniversary of the Irish Easter Rising rebellion.

April 26 marks the anniversary of the founding of the Gestapo.

So which day would YOU recommend?
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
April 15 is very close to "Tax Day"... Yeah, THAT would get some REAL positive media coverage... It is also Abraham Lincoln's death day.

April 16 is the anniversary of Dr. Albert Hoffman's discovery of LSD. It is also the anniversary of the Virginia Tech Massacre.

April 19th is the anniversary of Waco. Yeah, THERE's a good one...

April 20th is Hitler's birthday. Probably not a good day...

April 23 is the anniversary of the Columbia University Takeover where students protesting the Vietnam War took over campus administration buildings.

April 24th is the anniversary of the Irish Easter Rising rebellion.

April 26 marks the anniversary of the founding of the Gestapo.

So which day would YOU recommend?

Not February 23rd - that was a cold day in Hell.

The only date relatively free of negative connotation in this is February 30th, but then there is still the "Soviet Connection."


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
It would be a bad date too. I don't know why alternatives will not be considered. What would be wrong with moving the date one stinking week?

This is why:

April 15 is very close to "Tax Day"... Yeah, THAT would get some REAL positive media coverage... It is also Abraham Lincoln's death day.

April 16 is the anniversary of Dr. Albert Hoffman's discovery of LSD. It is also the anniversary of the Virginia Tech Massacre.

April 19th is the anniversary of Waco. Yeah, THERE's a good one...

April 20th is Hitler's birthday. Probably not a good day...

April 23 is the anniversary of the Columbia University Takeover where students protesting the Vietnam War took over campus administration buildings.

April 24th is the anniversary of the Irish Easter Rising rebellion.

April 26 marks the anniversary of the founding of the Gestapo.

Good points, Dreamer -thanks, along with April 1-15 being out due to tax crunch time.

For everyone's information, many dates were considered, and summarily rejected for the reasons Dreamer mentioned, and more; just as the date poll wound up being the principle input on the choice of the date:

Besides, April 29th is Arbor Day, the beginning of Interstate Mullet Toss Days, National Dance Day, and National Hairball Awareness Day!

Meanwhile, May 1st happens to be many days aligned with our cause, including Amtrak Day, Law Day, and Loyalty Day. - source
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Regular Member
Sep 7, 2009
May first is a Sunday. It is a plus that it falls on the weekend. I'm all for this date and as soon as we have a solid consensus I can try to organize the Missouri (KC) side.

So -if- you girls can stop arguing and May day is the day, have we come to a conclusion on the restaurant?
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Regular Member
Dec 4, 2008
Big D
I'd be happy to coordinate activities in Texas... oh, wait, we can't open carry.

I will be in California that day, and will be working, but may be able to participate in a Napa area event.


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
Chandler, AZ
Patience has been shown for the one who arbitrarily chose the date, but not for criticism of that heavy-handed action.

All I am asking for is the membership to be considered when making the choice of the date. Feel free to remove this post. That is your [strike]right[/strike] authority. But, I won't stop speaking out.

BTW, I restate my objection to since9 being the leader of this effort. He indicated that he would accept the position if there were no objections. There is one.

eye95, I don't have a dog in this fight but have you seen the movie 'A Few Good Men'? Do you remember the scene when Demi Moore kept objecting, then strongly objecting then some other kind of objecting? I guess I don't see why you have to keep objecting? If you don't like May 1st, don't participate. Personally, I'm not sure I'm going to participate but it has nothing to do with that specific date. Maybe it's a generational thing? I don't have a stigma against May 1st.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
So -if- you girls can stop arguing and May day is the day, have we come to a conclusion on the restaurant?

I'm of two minds for choosing a venue nationwide...

If we choose a single restaurant chain, that might make it difficult for people in remote or rural areas, as the big chains are not everywhere.

And if everyone who wants to participate goes to JUST one restaurant, the media may look at it as being some sort of move of solidarity with that venue, and brand that venue as being some sort of proto-revolutionary support structure, and you can only imagine what THAT might lead to for a corporation like Cracker Barrel or Panera--IRS audits, harassment by local LEAs and BATFE, negative publicity in the national media, all sorts of nastiness.

We need to remember that this needs to be a statement of unity for ALL OCers, CCers, and sympathetic noCers--but not necessarily a formal "movement"...

Also, we have the added difficulty of choosing a venue that:
1) everyone likes and
2) does NOT serve alcohol, because in some OC-friendly states, you STILL can't carry in establishments that serve alcohol.

That essentially leaves us with Cracker Barrel, Panera, and Starbucks, and the "fast food" chains, which isn't exactly a wide range of culinary diversity...

So my second thought is to let each person who is participating decide for themselves where they are going to go for dinner while carrying. This has SEVERAL advantages, from a PR and logistical POV:

1) it won't look to the media like thousands of OCers are converging on a single business on one day, thereby relieving the business of any stress, blame, or liability in the media, and hopefully avoiding any negative flak they might otherwise have hurled at them by the anti's and the media,

2) it lets us choose (and support, financially) LOCALLY-OWNED business, which wins us brownie points with the local business community, AND keeps the connection to OC spread around to a LOT of businesses nationally. This shows that we are just normal people, doing normal things, going about our daily business with our friends and families,

3) it allows us to eat where WE want--some little mom-and-pop BBQ shack, a hoity-toity Haute Cuisine establishment, or some national chain--whatever WE want as individuals. Again, this stresses the INDIVIDUAL CHOICE aspect of OC, and shows that we aren't just a bunch of blind sheeple rallying around some sort of centrally-coordinated "man behind the curtain" like so many other "activist groups",

4) it spreads our presence around in the community. Rather than having 15 or 20 OCers and their families all converging on every Cracker Barrel in the nation at 1pm on Sunday, we all go to our favorite joint at SOME POINT on the agreed-upon day and do what we would normally do on a Sunday afternoon (or evening) out with our friends and families. Again, stressing normal people, doing normal things,

5) Sure, this will dilute our presence somewhat. Sure it doesn't make for tidy headlines or clever talking heads blurbs on the 10 o'clock news. But it gives the PEOPLE something to talk about. It spreads the idea around that people who carry for self defense are normal, regular people like everyone else--they are polite, law-abiding, family-oriented, and they SPEND MONEY in all sorts of venues.

6) It will make police harassment more difficult, because our presence will be spread out, and there won't be large groups who are easily rounded up for "anti" photo ops. No matter how much your local LEA might hate the idea of lawful OC, they can't arrest us all--ESPECIALLY if we are spread out, with our families, and have a few smartphones rolling video...

So I'd vote for NOT choosing one chain to patronize. Let people decide locally, amongst themselves, where they want to go. If a group of 20 people from Richmond VA decide that they DO want to go to a single restaurant together, then GREAT. But if the dozen or so people here in the Greenville NC area decide that 3 want to go to Parkers, 4 to Panera, 3 to Cracker Barrel, one to Sheetz, and one to Arbys, then so be it...

Decentralization should be our primary goal. Keeping this as "hard-core grass roots" as is logistically possible will give us the highest probability of success I believe.

We've chosen a date. We now need to settle on a "time-window", and coordinate amongst ourselves locally to decide what we want to do LOCALLY.

Hurray, Hurray!
The First of May!
Open Carry
Across the USA!


Regular Member
Sep 7, 2009
The Venue

Well if we do want a "preferred" venue I suggest Ryan's Steakhouses & Buffets. I'm almost certain they don't serve alcohol (at least around here). They are large family style restaurants, so they can accommodate large crowds. They are reasonably priced and they are a buffet so people can get what they like. Also there are Ryan's Buffets in all 50 states I do believe.

If this location isn't possible for some regional groups they obviously can decide to meet anywhere they see fit, dreamer does make some good points on this. :D
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Regular Member
Sep 7, 2009
My objection is not just the date. It is the heavy-handedness with which this project is being run. Two (count 'em, two) posters suggest someone take over someone else's idea, he takes it over (unless there is an objection, and he is ignoring the objection), sets a date, and locks it in without discussion. That kind of mandate from on high is the antithesis of what this movement is about.

We are about bottom-up grass roots, not top-down, we-know-better-than-everyone-else dicta. It's about time one of the members here and one of the mods here got that.

There is nothing wrong with taking initiative around here IMO. It also expedites the planning processes. If we didn't agree with or like these individual's ideas, we would collectively disagree.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
May first is a Sunday. It is a plus that it falls on the weekend. I'm all for this date and as soon as we have a solid consensus I can try to organize the Missouri (KC) side.

Thanks! I welcome your help! Stay tuned... As for the restaurant, that's one of the things we need to discuss. Will we be limiting it to restuarants? I'm thinking of simply letting each local area choose what they'd like to do. There are lots of parks here in Colorado Springs, and the locals have been talking about having a park event for a while, possibly a cookout. Other folks in other locations might prefer an evening meal.

Another question that comes to mind is "What's the final goal?" I think it should be several, primarily getting together to have fun! Obviously getting the word out would be another. Perhaps a little community service, as in a half hour of trash pickup at a park might be a third. I'm hoping people take plenty of pics, as I'd like to have a post-event pictures page.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I'd be happy to coordinate activities in Texas... oh, wait, we can't open carry.

I think Dreamer nailed it in that it's as much about the RKBA as it is about open carry. In fact, several people have suggested we call it the Nat'l RKBA Day, invite all 2A supporters, and simply let them support our 2A in their mode of preference.

Thus, if you CC in TX, then by all means!

I will be in California that day, and will be working, but may be able to participate in a Napa area event.

If so, check to see if there's a magazine restriction. It's UOC, and 10 rounds, max, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm still in need of area coordinators. If we get enough for all 50 states, that'll work, though if we just have a primary and backup for each area, that will suffice.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Outstanding post, Dreamer!

I particularly like the following comments:

We need to remember that this needs to be a statement of unity for ALL OCers, CCers, and sympathetic noCers--but not necessarily a formal "movement"...

So my second thought is to let each person who is participating decide for themselves where they are going to go for dinner while carrying. This has SEVERAL advantages...

2) it lets us choose (and support, financially) LOCALLY-OWNED business, which wins us brownie points with the local business community, AND keeps the connection to OC spread around to a LOT of businesses nationally. This shows that we are just normal people, doing normal things, going about our daily business with our friends and families.

For those who choose to have a picnic/barbeque, perhaps you could use a locally-owned deli.

Keeping this as "hard-core grass roots" as is logistically possible will give us the highest probability of success I believe.


We've chosen a date. We now need to settle on a "time-window", and coordinate amongst ourselves locally to decide what we want to do LOCALLY.

That'll largely be up to the local coordinations. We'll come up with a few general guidelines and caveats, but Dreamer, your post is a very good start.


Regular Member
Sep 14, 2010
Sterling Heights, MI
Why are we tolerating from a member here that which we would criticize from any government official or LEO?

If he truly wants unity to be demonstrated by this event, shouldn't he be trying to draw folks along rather than pushing everyone in the direction that he has chosen to go?
eye95 you sure are persistent (stubborn) I'll give you that. Obviously this constant whining is bogging down the process and I'm sure, alienating many people... your objections are duly noted so can we get back to the business at hand. :banghead:

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
I didn't vote in the stupid poll, but I pick May.

I wouldn't mind coordinating the NW, it is as simple as posting on the board, we get together up here all the time.

We don't call the restaurants ahead, if we did it is just to say a large group is coming no mention of guns or OC.

People need to stop bitching, we learned in our state to just pick a day and go for it some will like it some won't, we accept that and move on.