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OCer moving to Montana

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
My Sweet Babboo and I got on our motorcycles and rode to Montana. A little mining town (pop 820) called Phillipsburg was the destination. Yeppers, we fell in love with the place and will be relocating.

I do have a few questions about the AO that a few of you may be able to help with. I OCed all the way from Wa State, through Idaho and on to Montana. I kept my 1911 on at all times and rec'd nothing but positive. I went with the "If kids get in, guns get in" rule as a guide. I never ask permission, I figure if someone is upset, they will tell me and we can go from there.

As far as I see, the only place I cannot go is the jail and the post office. Known places.
I went everywhere in town. Every shop except the second brewery (they have two) was either overtly positive or just had no druthers. I am asking for a heads up on any "danger areas" that I may have difficulty with. We will make periodic shopping trips to Anaconda and Butte so some advise would be good.

Thank you one and all, we expect to enjoy Montana as the "left coast" is becoming intolerable.
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MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I see that people are reading threads here, but no replies.

I was well received in Phillipsburg and I am concerned that I am getting zero responses here. Is OC dead in Montana?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
+1. OCDO may be a victim of its own success normalizing open carry.

Like in Wisconsin and its OCDO forum.

Maybe the mission might be changed to increase the click-through rate, changed to Constitutional Carry to include carry open and concealed without permission slip.
Would that the success be permanent.

There will always be work to be done and new people to educate.


Regular Member
Mar 16, 2008
Milford Colony, Montana, USA
Pburg is small town, ranching, etc.. should not be any problems at all. The only problems I have ever heard of for Butte were going into banks (not sure which ones, there were some threads on here years ago).

Overall in MT, it really is a very rare issue outside of certain cities, and even then not common.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Yes, but will our owners be able to afford the same level of service with a dwindling number of participants as opposed to mere disrupters. Apparently the click-through rate is vital to the forum existence.

Don't judge the participation number of readers by only the number on line. Many user/registraints read w/o logging in to the site. I make that judgement by looking at the activity log on their Profiles.

While the click-through rate is beneficial, it is not a make or break.

OCDO is alive and very healthy.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
WOW, real estate seems to be quite pricey. Looks like a shack with no electric starts at $100,000.

I did see a nice small spread for about $2.5 mil.

And you know their winters are a lot colder than you are use to.
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MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I rather enjoyed the Peninsula, Grape. The food is tremendous, and Soju, they have Soju. I did have a bit of trouble when they asked me to dive in a frozen bloody ocean.


Founder's Club Member
Dec 17, 2007
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Soju - Alcohol by volume: 16.8‒53% On the high end that is 106 proof!


To save our readers' time, a summary of Soju:

Soju is a very potent alcoholic drink made by fermenting rodent testicles and anal glands in large wooden casks.

An unfortunate experiment in 1953 involved using very large steel barrels. This happened in the industrial area of WanYoungDo, a medium sized city halfway between Yeosu and Seogwipo. A barrel was pierced by loading equipment and the contents ignited by the resulting sparks. A few scattered islands are now all that's left of this area.

Debris from this incident landed all over the Korean peninsula and the nearby Chinese provinces - touching off the Korean War.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
To save our readers' time, a summary of Soju:

Soju is a very potent alcoholic drink made by fermenting rodent testicles and anal glands in large wooden casks.

An unfortunate experiment in 1953 involved using very large steel barrels. This happened in the industrial area of WanYoungDo, a medium sized city halfway between Yeosu and Seogwipo. A barrel was pierced by loading equipment and the contents ignited by the resulting sparks. A few scattered islands are now all that's left of this area.

Debris from this incident landed all over the Korean peninsula and the nearby Chinese provinces - touching off the Korean War.
You sure cracked that nut......


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2011
briar patch, NM
To save our readers' time, a summary of Soju:

Soju is a very potent alcoholic drink made by fermenting rodent testicles and anal glands in large wooden casks.

Oh thank goodness one of beverage's ingredients was rodent gentialia and not moth('S)balls as it might have exterminated an entire species of insect.
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Regular Member
Mar 25, 2013
I've never been to Philipsburg, but it gets a lot of mention in the news or Ads (self promotion). I imagine it to be a bright spot for tourists. I OC and CC about everywhere I go as I often deviate into the wilderness. The only time I don't carry is in Missoula (never seen a bear in Walmart, Home Depot or Sportsmans Warehouse). I just get sick of having to hike up my pants all the time. Even a 3" 357 creates a steady pull that I get tired of. Yeah just notch the belt tighter. Believe me it is tight! :cuss:

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I just get sick of having to hike up my pants all the time. Even a 3" 357 creates a steady pull that I get tired of. Yeah just notch the belt tighter. Believe me it is tight! :cuss:

Suspenders are the answer.

I took to wearing them after I couldn't tighten my belt enough.

If it was tight enough it would cause lower back pain

If it was loose enough not to hurt it would not hold my pants and gun up.

So I am a belt and suspender type of guy now.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2013
Suspenders are the answer.

I took to wearing them after I couldn't tighten my belt enough.

If it was tight enough it would cause lower back pain

If it was loose enough not to hurt it would not hold my pants and gun up.

So I am a belt and suspender type of guy now.

I'm considering that move to Suspenders. When I'm out hunting I have a shoulder strap to helps hold up 44Mag.