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11 dead, 6 injured after shooting at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
No tfred, the illustrious VA gov will executive order changes this evening i’m sure


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Gotta love newspeek/social media...xyz dead, second sentence ‘officer wounded’...blah blah...really!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
When the shock & awe passes...do you think anybody will investigate why said dead employee was ‘disgruntled’ and if there frustration(s) was justified and if the cause for the disgruntlement is corrected to preclude future employees from becoming frustrated and disgruntled?

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Frustrated and disgruntled employees can be cause by management or can be in the mind of the employee because of their own actions.

For a long time government employee to be fired. There had to be some real bad problems.

I am suspecting alcohol or drugs put that just a guess.

I seen employees many times be their own worse enemy.

Then I have seen management totally screw someone over also but it is rarer then the personal problems.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
‘The Virginia Shooter as Grievance Collector

The rush to find societal scapegoats after mass shootings.

The Right will have two conversations about the Virginia shooter. The first will be a high-minded lament of the presence of evil in modern life, the appalling inability of mental-health facilities to find and treat those who are dangers to themselves and others, and the silliness of the Left’s reflexive cry for gun control.

The second will feature a certain number of folks on the Right who will see the shooter’s horrific actions as a completely natural and predictable consequence of race-baiting politicians and media.”

Blah blah blah continues from a NATIONAL REVIEW article written in 2015!

What is quite fascinating actually is the very basic concept ~ the more things change, the more they stay the same ! The chest thumping about the perils of firearms, ad nauseam; to the hand-wring 2A advocates who whine but don’t contribute a thing to the debate! The cycle just continues.

We discuss nuances or what ifs or ...

Sorry, if, big IF, we know disgruntled individuals seek revenge, violent - self harm or to others, injurious etc., then why hasn’t society, [read religious orgs] demanded changes to the root causes of what is precipitation of the disgruntlement?

I mean IF society can punish an 80+|- comedian for what was accepted activity 30 years ago, why not demand the work place bullys, both employees & employers be held accountable for the shooting(s)?

[oh ya let’s not forget the parkland fiasco with everyone from the educational system for mishandling the student, to school employees who failed to report the shooter on campus or the surveillance video had a 20 delay, to the on site chicken deputy sheriff RSO, to the complete break down of the MH system TRUELY should get a percentage of the blame - yes cruz ultimately pulled the trigger but is he the root cause of the shooting?]

Remember, we investigate work place accidents to preclude them from recurring, ya and the tired, well used, cliche ~ they weren’t trained properly! ~ isn’t a viable root cause! Yet, don’t on these incidents!


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
Was the crime scene a criminal empowerment zone?
Yes, while it was a public building, which by state law, allowed citizens to carry, Virginia Beach policy prohibited employees from carrying, so the suspect knew he was entering a barrel with a lot of defenseless fish. After 4 PM on a Friday, in a faciltiy that handled building permits and utility accounts, there were not likely any local citizens present in the building who were carrying.



Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
Yes, while it was a public building, which by state law, allowed citizens to carry, Virginia Beach policy prohibited employees from carrying, so the suspect knew he was entering a barrel with a lot of defenseless fish. After 4 PM on a Friday, in a faciltiy that handled building permits and utility accounts, there were not likely any local citizens present in the building who were carrying.


We need to confront the "we must do something" utterances from politicians with "Yes. Instead, you allow defense-free zones and force sitting duck to wait for 'professionals'."


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan