Bear 45/70 wrote
I get the feeling you are a wannabe too, as you don't really understand the issue.
WHOAH! Friendly Fire!
Bear, you have obviously mistaken me for the enemy.
Did you read the
quote in my post from BobCav before you resorted to
misdirected INSULTS? I was making a point on that quote...
I'll explain since my post was not obvious enough in and of itself for you.
BobCav said that he believed that a "reasonable person" (per the court ruling) should be a "gun owner"
I then simply pointed out that not all "gun owners" are "reasonable", especially when it comes to open carry. I also posted a particularly good example to this point. A "gun owner" who proclaims to CC but that would "call the police" if he saw someone OC'ing.
Calling me an "wannabe" for bringing this point up is simply beyond assinine which is why I assume you mis-read my post.
Is everyone clear now?
ETA: Bear, next time it would be prudent to search an individuals posts before calling them names that do not apply. Searching my posts would have likely given you the hint that you mis-read something.