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Anyone Carry A Star Firestar?


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2008
Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA
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I'm curious to see if anyone carries a Star pistol. A little while ago I purchased a M45 Firestar in 45ACP. I've OC'ed one time with it so far. It shoots pretty good, and fits well in an Uncle Mike's Side Kick holster.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
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I remember reading about them years ago but haven't even heard that brand mentioned in a long time, but then I was away from firearms for many years.


Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
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I used to carry a Star .40, it was fairly small and concealable but weighty. I found the Glock 23 in .40 cal seemed to bark less so I switched to that. I've still got a Miami Classic (the horizontal carry one) shoulder holster for that if anyone needs one.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
4 hours south of HankT, ,
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GJD wrote:
I'm curious to see if anyone carries a Star pistol. A little while ago I purchased a M45 Firestar in 45ACP. I've OC'ed one time with it so far. It shoots pretty good, and fits well in an Uncle Mike's Side Kick holster.

Sure do!

Firestar .45ACP

Although I have to confess that I don't carry it much anymore, since I can't find spare parts for it. I'm afraid that one of these days something is going to break and that'll be the end of that.

But I've put hundreds of rds through it, and it's a very sturdy, solid, well-made pistol. From what I've read it was the best design Star ever produced, but too late to save them from going out of business. I really wish Berreta or somebody would pick up the liscence for the design and start producing them again and making spare parts.

It was my first carry gun and I really like it alot.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
4 hours south of HankT, ,
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RockyMtnScotsman wrote:
Sadly...no, not any more. I was stupid enough to trade mine a few years ago and wish dearly that I hadn't. Parts and mags are going to be spendy and hard to find, but hang on to it - wish I had.

Funny thing about them is that while the prices on them haven't rose much, I always run into people who see mine and tell me they wish they had one.

I agree. Hang onto it. They're good shooters, and someday may be worth something.

One word of advice, though, GJD, when you take it apart to clean it and remove the grips, be careful not to push the safety lever down past the "fire" position, or the detent pin and spring will pop out and you will searching the carpet for that sucker. (The top of the grips is what keeps the lever from going too far normally).


Regular Member
Mar 23, 2007
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I've not carried or even used the Firestar as such, but I have used the old Star model S .380 as a back-up (scaled-down 1911 type, looks about like a toy. It isn't.).The model B 9mm is nice also, if you like single-action guns. I have no serious complaints with Stars (mine won't feed hollow-points right, but I prefer not to use SA guns for carry pieces anyway, so not a hardship). I too wish the Spanish still made pistols in some form. My old Franco-era pieces won't last forever, alas.



Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
4 hours south of HankT, ,
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Agent19 wrote:
For those not familiar with these guns.

Oh yeah there are still parts available.

As with every other parts dealer I've looked at, I see only magazines for the Firestar on that link, no other parts.

The old Model B was around for a alot longer, since before WWII, I think, it's sort of a 9mm 1911 copy, but with a different lock mechanism. Lots of parts for those, but alas not for the lonely, and lovely, Firestar.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
Indianapolis, IN., ,
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I still carry the M-45 I bought NIB in '91. I've bought at least a dozen pistols since then to replace it, but it keeps ending up back in my holster.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
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My first handgun was a star firestar 9MM which i carried when i lived in PA.I still have it .I think i paid 35 bucks for a second clip (7 RND ) from ammoclip.com
I dont use it much anymore ,but i wont get rid of it


Regular Member
Jul 24, 2007
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
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I've got a Firestar .40 that I recently aquired for those times when my G19 is too bulky. I've carried it only once, but anticipate more in the comming warm weather. Good, fun shooting gun.
Fallschirmjäger wrote:
I used to carry a Star .40, it was fairly small and concealable but weighty. I found the Glock 23 in .40 cal seemed to bark less so I switched to that. I've still got a Miami Classic (the horizontal carry one) shoulder holster for that if anyone needs one.
I migh have been interested if I wasn't strapped for cash. Maybe some other time.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
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I still have my M45. It was my first .45 ACP handgun, and fit my small hand very well.....except that the back of the safety would gouge my thumb on recoil. I actually wore a P.A.S.T. shooting glove to protect it.

I didn't carry back then, and I carry a different gun, nowadays, but I liked that little champ. I bought it new for about $425, back in the 90s, and still have it. I figure my kid will inherit it, but I didn't know about Star going out of business.

Maybe it's time to go to AuctionArms.com. :)


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2007
West Plains, Missouri, USA
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GJD wrote:
I'm curious to see if anyone carries a Star pistol. A little while ago I purchased a M45 Firestar in 45ACP. I've OC'ed one time with it so far. It shoots pretty good, and fits well in an Uncle Mike's Side Kick holster.
I don't have one but I do have a friend in another state who has one. He's just applied for his CCW permit and plans on carrying it. I fired it last summer when he was here visiting and it's a nice, accurate pistol with a reasonable magazine capacity. My only gripe were it mine is that it feels heavier than a full-sized 1911. Was depleted uranium part of the alloy in that steel to make it so heavy?

If I may ask, what Uncle Mike's holster fits it?


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
4 hours south of HankT, ,
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brolin_1911a1 wrote:
GJD wrote:
I'm curious to see if anyone carries a Star pistol. A little while ago I purchased a M45 Firestar in 45ACP. I've OC'ed one time with it so far. It shoots pretty good, and fits well in an Uncle Mike's Side Kick holster.
I don't have one but I do have a friend in another state who has one. He's just applied for his CCW permit and plans on carrying it. I fired it last summer when he was here visiting and it's a nice, accurate pistol with a reasonable magazine capacity. My only gripe were it mine is that it feels heavier than a full-sized 1911. Was depleted uranium part of the alloy in that steel to make it so heavy?

If I may ask, what Uncle Mike's holster fits it?

It is pretty heavy, but that makes it more comfortable at the range, in my opinion.

I don't know the exact name of the Uncle Mike's holster that fits it, but there are a few. Best bet is to go to a gun show and try a few out, starting with ones made for a Colt Officer's 1911, which is of similar size.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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Spouse regularly carries the Star PS 1911 model.

He has a Star Supra (9x23). He has a Model B (9x21) - and we each have Firestar 9mm - one is stainless and one is blued.

Considering starting a Star collection - and he's on his way.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2007
West Plains, Missouri, USA
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Tomahawk wrote:
brolin_1911a1 wrote:
GJD wrote:
I'm curious to see if anyone carries a Star pistol. A little while ago I purchased a M45 Firestar in 45ACP. I've OC'ed one time with it so far. It shoots pretty good, and fits well in an Uncle Mike's Side Kick holster.
I don't have one but I do have a friend in another state who has one. He's just applied for his CCW permit and plans on carrying it. ...

If I may ask, what Uncle Mike's holster fits it?
I don't know the exact name of the Uncle Mike's holster that fits it, but there are a few. Best bet is to go to a gun show and try a few out, starting with ones made for a Colt Officer's 1911, which is of similar size.
He lives in central Nebraska. Gun shows tend to be rather few, far between, and short on variety there. I figured if you knew what model number (is it on the belt loop?) he'd have some idea what to order.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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I have a M40 Firestar and a 9mm model BM. Both are reliable and combat accurate.
The M40 is in Star's chrome/brushed chrome (Caravel?) finish with polished wood panels - it is a very pretty piece, Still have the original grips too.

Scoop of the day! STAR PARTS ARE AVAILABLE http://www.iparguns.com

Frankly, their web site is of not very good but does give you the contact info. I have ordered from them on several occasions and always received multiple items (spares) without extra cost. They bought all of the original tooling from Star but they apparently cannot make or sell frames, slides or barrels because of Spanish regulations. Only after repeat visits to gunshows and trying through numerous gunsmiths to no avail, did I discover IPARGUNS. Had been told parts were just not to be found.

Down side is that payment is made in Euros based on current rate of exchange. They do take credit cards.

Sostoa, 2 bajo - 20600 EIBAR (SPAIN)
Tel. + 34 943204117 Fax + 34 943120906
e-mail: iparguns@iparguns.com
web site: http://www.iparguns.com

Wolff Precision still has the standard 16 lb recoil spring (stock #48816) which is correct for the M43 (9mm) and the M40 (.40 cal). I do not know about other model springs.

Hope this keeps your Stars running.

Yata hey