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Just trying to find our long lost MOC actives. I'm wondering if they are still lurking here just not posting or what? Haven't been here in ages myself.
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Just trying to find our long lost MOC actives. I'm wondering if they are still lurking here just not posting or what? Haven't been here in ages myself.
Just trying to find our long lost MOC actives. I'm wondering if they are still lurking here just not posting or what? Haven't been here in ages myself.
I still poke about occasionally... stir the pot and wander away lol.
The majority of the devoted old guard founders of moc left the organization in disgust after either being kicked out of/pushed away from leadership positions for erroneous reasons or otherwise seeing their efforts turn into something unintended. Or in my case I was kicked out for ocing, at least that's their claim.
The moc forum, originally started as a means to moderate when Mike and John were the only moderators later after that was resolved along with Facebook became a way to ensure this forum is basically dead, with no real reason for the old guard or anyone else to post much.
Do I remember right that you are the guy that had a dilemma with a CZ-52?
I think mine is super, but I wAS BORN IN 1952 ,, soo,, always with the safety on!
But Really??? Kicked out of Michigan Open Carry,,, for Open Carry???
In the end it seems that State gun rights groups spread, and dissolve them selves,,,
as they strive to somehow include a larger segment of a smaller demographic,,,
It just doesnt work
My CZ-562 may be more modern than yours,, with a firering pin block,, so thats a thing...cz52, yes, hammer down, safety on, fell on the ground, shot me through the tibia. 8 years later I can finally run normally again. The cheap commie sears and lack of a firing pin block make them utterly untrustworthy. Safety on or off, do not trust them. I made the idiotic mistake of trusting the california drop safety testing system. I had mine destroyed and would do so again without hesitation.
Yes, kicked out of MOC for open carry. By a board decision no less.
The majority of the devoted old guard founders of moc left the organization in disgust after either being kicked out of/pushed away from leadership positions for erroneous reasons or otherwise seeing their efforts turn into something unintended. Or in my case I was kicked out for ocing, at least that's their claim.
The moc forum, originally started as a means to moderate when Mike and John were the only moderators later after that was resolved along with Facebook became a way to ensure this forum is basically dead, with no real reason for the old guard or anyone else to post much.
wow, just wow...egos rein supreme in the wolverine state...accountability seems to be some mythical beings...
by the way mikesilly...i might be misreading, just might, but it appears Michigander doesn't want to play on the same playground w/you now or anytime in the future...
The current organization I help run, Liberty Is For Everyone, focuses on police accountability when they step outside of their own rules, often but not always open carry related, as well as assisting victims of these things and throwing protests, as well as spreading the message of non aggression. It has seen the participation of more founding and very early members than I believe are actually left in MOC, and oddly, apart from the broader message of non aggression is perfectly what we had all planned on in the winter of 2009, in spite of the current and more recent former MOC leaders mocking, slandering and banning people over our efforts. Something else we have managed to do is win Detroiters over in a way MOC never attempted to by consistently supporting the local victims of the DPD and very publicly standing up to the NRA's puppet joke of a chief and his renegade felon cops.
Between these things, and the various further things going on on facebook, certainly there is interest and involvement coming from many directions. As I recall however, when I invited you a year or so ago to work with us if you wanted, you didn't agree with the non aggression principle and didn't want to be involved, which certainly is fine.
You may recall, the UFO name was something I came up with, and you ran with it. So, in the spirit of me offering you another tidbit of advice before you run with a new effort, and in light of the fact I now know a lot more about how these groups work than I did back then, I would suggest that if you want to be successful with a new organization, first read the last chapter of the new edition of my book, then do your own added research to see how much you agree with my assessment, then get after it, preferably with a new perspective than isn't saturated all over the place. Certainly if there is any overlapping interest there is a distinct possibility of our participants working with you and yours, but that all depends of course.
I had no idea there was such turmoil in the Wolverine State!
There is an Ohio Carry FB group and an Ohio Open Carry FB group. Without injecting my opinion on your opinion, I think you're referring to Ohio Carry.I've noticed in passing on Facebook that Ohio open carry seems to have its **** together pretty well. I can only imagine the people running it are level headed and aware of all of the things I wish I'd known 7 years ago.
Yes, the group does post a number of good things. I'm a member of the group.Double checked and definitely Ohio open carry I have been intermittently looking at. ...