The willfully ignorant are a waste of my time.
If nobody wants to stay on topic, then you'll only be proving that hate is your true god. Your country has failed for a reason....
Just because PistolPackingMomma and I live in within the imaginary borders, created by a men with fancy hats, doesn't mean it's our country.
Countries, borders, imaginary lines... it's all propaganda to instill patriotism, nation worship, and government worship. These tactics keep people thinking that a government is needed, no matter how big or small.
As for the NC stuff, I don't see many people post about those areas either. PPM and I are there every few months and never have any trouble.
You can probably track down some of our non-eventful trips around the areas you mentioned in the "experiences" thread in this NC sub-forum. Then again, we may have not posted most of them. All I know is we've never had a problem.
Was the incident in Franklin the one you posted about in the thread linked below?:
I remember reading about negative Bi-Lo experiences around these areas of NC, but I can't find the threads.