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Best State for overall carry rights


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2006
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I wonder if anyone has the answer to this question.....

Which state is the BEST overall for gun carry rights based on the following:

1) Lack of police harassment (top priority)

2) Full open carry (A plus but not necessary, just don't want to be charged for printing of if my jacket blows like in Texas)

3) The right to use a firearm for lawful self defense outside the home.

4) A good "stand your ground" law or lack of a duty to retreat.

5) A CCW law with FEW restrictions.

6) Statewide preemption of local laws.

7) Protection from seizures during declared emergencies and disasters

I live in Vermont, and it's real good here. I question if you could actually use a firearm outside the home to defend yourself and get away with it since the law is unclear.

Kentucky seems pretty good.. Any thoughts? I'm looking for the best place to retire...


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2006
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Don't know much about VA, but I know the FL Cops harass and arrest people for minor things and there are sure a lot of restrictions on the permit.

Basic Guy

Regular Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I have not made the trip up yet but from what I hear Alaska has to be the best overall environment for open carry.

A friend of mine who was visiting up there saw a guy sitting at a table in a crowded fast food place with two handguns in holsters, a 30-30 leaning against the wall, and a broadsword across his back. Nobody gave him a second glance and my buddy's host, when asked about it, kinda shrugged and said it was no big deal.

Laws definitelydraw the lines between what you canor can't do but reactions of the people will affect how freely you can exercise your rights. I used to carry openly in one part of AZ where I lived for years and never had a problem with it. After moving to a different part of AZ Ihad problems.


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2006
Mag-bayonettes!, Virginia, USA
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Ack. Definitely not Virginia until we somehow get rid of no CC in places that "can" serve alcohol. Meaning if I go to a diner at 6am in the morning for a cup of coffee, I have to OC even though they wouldn't be serving alcohol for another 10 hours or so.


Regular Member
May 9, 2006
Berryville-ish, VA
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Unrequited, I think you need to compare Va to others states before you say Virginia is NOT gun friendly. One silly law doesn't make the all the pro gun laws null and void. Many states have more 'silly' restrictions then Virginia.

I rank Virginia at the top with 'the best of them'.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 24, 2006
hampton, Virginia, USA
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I'll second that VAopencarry.I haven't done a lot of traveling ,but from what I read and hear a lot of states are more restictive. Glad I live in Viginia.:dude:


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
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I'll be the first to mention Alaska. You are required to inform an LEO that you are carrying, and most of them are fine with ordinary citizens having a CCW or OCW. No permit is required for both CC and OC, and most of the locals are pretty accustomed to the sight of firearms. Guns have always been and always will be a part of The Last Frontier. We also have the castle doctrine where, no citizen has a duty to retreat.

Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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Basic Guy wrote:
A friend of mine who was visiting up there saw a guy sitting at a table in a crowded fast food place with two handguns in holsters, a 30-30 leaning against the wall, and a broadsword across his back. Nobody gave him a second glance and my buddy's host, when asked about it, kinda shrugged and said it was no big deal.
:lol: I'm trying to imagine a Canadian, or better yet a Brit happening upon this scene. Time for Depends and/or smelling salts!



Regular Member
Dec 5, 2006
Everett, Washington, USA
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unrequited wrote:
Ack. Definitely not Virginia until we somehow get rid of no CC in places that "can" serve alcohol. Meaning if I go to a diner at 6am in the morning for a cup of coffee, I have to OC even though they wouldn't be serving alcohol for another 10 hours or so.
Sounds like someone needs to try and, at the least, get them to adopt a law similar to Wa. We cannot CC in any place marked as off limits to people under 21 by the liquor control board. Just because a restaraunt "can" serve alcohol doesn't limit us to CC.


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2006
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Still think Virginia is at the top of the list? The cops don't dare do this in Vermont!Saw this post under Fairfax PD's new strong arm policy:




I learned today, from a very reliable source, that it is policy for Fairfax PD to call for back-up on any traffic stop that a CHP shows up when running the plate. As I understand it this is new and unwritten operating procedures. I would like to get my hands on a piece of paper but until then I for one will heed the warning.
What this means is you will be forced to wait for another unit to arrive, about 20 min,and then endure increased scrutiny and pressure from the cops for a simple traffic violation. It is an attempt to apply increased pressure upon citizens to ultimately discourage them from ‘hiding behind that pesky 2[suP]nd[/suP] Amendment and force them to realize that the government should be the only ones responsible for their safety and security’.

Be careful out there in NOVA for the Gestapo may have a problem with the papers you actually are carrying[/align]


Regular Member
May 15, 2006
Northern VA, Virginia, USA
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vermonter wrote:
Still think Virginia is at the top of the list? The cops don't dare do this in Vermont!Saw this post under Fairfax PD's new strong arm policy:
vermonter, don't speak too fast. According to you VT is not that much better: "Open Carry will get you police harassment in Burlington, South Burlington, Williston, Rutland, Montpelier and Brattleboro."


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 14, 2006
Virginia, USA
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Lets be careful not to turn this into a flamewar. I'm not overly worried about stuff thats particular to localities in any state. You are always going to get a LEO, judge or other official that will try to enforce their own version of gun control. Its a better measure to look at the mechanisms in those states for dealing with those situations. In Virginia we have full preemption and the Dillon rule, combined with a strong activist organization we can fight the power when we need too. As mentioned though, Virginia does have the restaurant CC ban, OGAM, and a few other things like state park OC bans and permit reciprocity that I'd like to see cleaned up. However compared to a lot of the eastern US, I think we are up there.

I like Vermont's stance that permits are unconstitutional and I wish other states would go that way. The disadvantage of that is Vermont is alone in that view so carrying in other states is dependent often on a non resident permit from somewhere else. Which is not so much a problem but locks you out of CCW in a place like Michigan which only honors resident permits (but that is really a Michigan problem). If police harrassment is really a problem in VT and isn't being dealt with well the right to carry in Vermont seems to be in danger of disappearing.


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2006
Faber, Virginia, USA
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unrequited wrote:
Ack. Definitely not Virginia until we somehow get rid of no CC in places that "can" serve alcohol. Meaning if I go to a diner at 6am in the morning for a cup of coffee, I have to OC even though they wouldn't be serving alcohol for another 10 hours or so.

LOL I can see you have never worked a night shift. When I worked at a certain job, we went to one place at 7 AM just because we could get alcohol. A nice way to end the night shift with a couple of bloody marys or tequila sunrises with your pancakes.



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Aug 12, 2006
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1) I have never been been asked to disarm by a Utah LEO, even during traffic stops.
2) Loaded open carry is legal with a CCW from any state. If you don't have a CCW you cannot carry a rifle with a round in the chamber, or a pistol/revolver that requires only one action to fire.
3) I know of two instances recently in my locality where people have defended themselves with force and they were not prosecuted. Also, in civil proceedings in Utah a person defending themselves is presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
4) No duty to retreat.
5) The Utah CCW is very easily obtained, and it is accepted by most states.
6) Utah has statewide preemption.
7) I doubt any Utah LEO would seize a firearm in a disaster or emergency. Although I don't believe there is a statutory requirement, it would be nearly impossible to go door to door and remove everyone's gun collection.

Some other points... In Utah you can carry everywhere except secure areas (like airports, federal buildings, and courthouses). Some churches also disallow carry. Carrying on school property is legal with a CCW. No carry signs do not have any affect of the law. No prohibition on carrying where alcohol is served. Class III weapons are allowed. No "gun a month" limitations.

Best of all... Almost all of the citizens in Utah are pro-gun. We also have an attorney general, Mark Shurtliff, who consistently protects Utah gun rights.


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
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Come to Wyoming. I open carry all the time, even at home. There are no state restrictions on open carry, and we are a Gold Star State for this website. Federal law prevents us from carrying in a few places, like the post office. Most people honor any business or church that doesn't want OC in their establishment, but there are few of those that I know of.

The Wyoming people are still very close to their pioneer attitudes about self-defense and gun ownership. For example, our little town has about 3,000 residents, and our local gun club has several hundred members. Quite a few of us are women. We do a lot more than hunt a few times a year.

Our legislature is working on an "Alaska carry" type bill that will eliminate the CCP. Can't get much better than that.

South Dakota is also a "Gold state" and the people/culture there is very similar to Wyoming. I open carry there frequently with no problems.

See my open carry story here: http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/09/04/editor.htm

Come talk to us in the Wyoming board on this forum. :) MamaLiberty


New member
May 22, 2006
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Actually, Vermont constitution prohibits towns, cities and municipalities from enacting laws or ordinances in how a firearm can be carried. They can only dictate when they can be fired, i.e. within city limits. A few years ago these municipalities you listed decided not to enforce their ordianances on concealed carry due to a successful lawsuit filed by a guy detained in Rutland VT. He received unspecified damages for violation of his civil rights. Just because a city, town or municipality has an ordinance on the books does not mean it is enforceable.