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Do you open carry 80% of the time?


Regular Member
Dec 23, 2006
South Bend, Indiana, USA
imported post

I am looking for gun owners who have a license to carry in their state and carry their firearm openly 80% of the time. What I am looking to do is have an open discussion about your experiences carry openly so that we can share those experiences and opinions with others who do not carry openly.

The way we will be able to do this is you will have to have Skype (FREE from http://skype.com) software installed along with a headset microphone and broadband access to the Internet. I will host a SkypeCast that is like a conference call that I will record to be used later in my podcast (Internet radio show).

If this is something you would be interested in participating in please leave a message of interest here but please also send me an e-mail from the contacts page on my website. I would like to have at least 4 participants in the SkypeCast so please let me know as soon as you can.

If you have any technical questions about using Skype or if you would like to test the quality of your Skype before you participate you can call me by using my Skype name mark.vanderberg

“It’s not about guns, it’s about freedom”

Mark Vanderberg
Host of the Gun Rights Advocates Podcast


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2006
Mag-bayonettes!, Virginia, USA
imported post

Mostly a CC guy, but depending on when you have this I'd like to chime in on the mandatory OC'ing of VA and how it impacts social continuity for a night out with friends/ladyfriend, or just to pop in and give it a listen to.


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
imported post

Here in VA, I OC everywhere except church, work and when driving on base to use the commissary and exchange! In fact, I have a CHP only "just in case" and have never CC'ed yet!!

1st freedom

Regular Member
Feb 24, 2007
dumries, Virginia, USA
imported post


I think you would be an excellent choise for what Mark is asking.

Also, I was wondering, Did you get the van started or is the river overflowing it's banks :cool:

Gray Peterson

Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 12, 2006
Lynnwood, Washington, USA
imported post

gunrights wrote:
I am looking for gun owners who have a license to carry in their state and carry their firearm openly 80% of the time. What I am looking to do is have an open discussion about your experiences carry openly so that we can share those experiences and opinions with others who do not carry openly.

The way we will be able to do this is you will have to have Skype (FREE from http://skype.com) software installed along with a headset microphone and broadband access to the Internet. I will host a SkypeCast that is like a conference call that I will record to be used later in my podcast (Internet radio show).

If this is something you would be interested in participating in please leave a message of interest here but please also send me an e-mail from the contacts page on my website. I would like to have at least 4 participants in the SkypeCast so please let me know as soon as you can.

If you have any technical questions about using Skype or if you would like to test the quality of your Skype before you participate you can call me by using my Skype name mark.vanderberg

“It’s not about guns, it’s about freedom”

Mark Vanderberg
Host of the Gun Rights Advocates Podcast
Put me down, Mark. Myself and others have been leading the charge in Washington and Oregon. I sent a message via the website.

Gray Peterson

Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 12, 2006
Lynnwood, Washington, USA
imported post

danbus wrote:
In the lovely state of VA, it's not required to have a "permit" to OC.

Do I still qualify?

Remember Mark lives in Indiana where's it's required to have a license to OC and CC in public. He also may be asking for those licensed because we have a choice to conceal, but don't chose to.


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
imported post

1st freedom wrote:

I think you would be an excellent choise for what Mark is asking.

Also, I was wondering, Did you get the van started or is the river overflowing it's banks :cool:

LOL...I tried to fit "in a van down by the river eatingsteady diet of government cheese" but it wouldn't fit!

Had a lot of folks ask me where I was, so this is just easier....

But yes, the river is a risin!!


Regular Member
Jan 24, 2007
Englewood, Ohio, USA
imported post

I live in Ohio, it's not a permit state. I do have my CHL but I OC about 90% of the time now. I just got a new group going called OCOhio.org (OpenCarryOhio) and would be interested in this event.


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
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I work in a no carry zone, so at work I carry OC (pepper spray) to combat that issue. Aside from that and the bank and library, which are also no carry zones. I am always armed. Sig Sauer SP2340, 2 extra mags and a Surefire X200-A