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Flintlock Tom goes UOC in San Diego


State Researcher
Jul 18, 2007
Stanislaus County, California, USA
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flintlock tom wrote:
AyatollahGondola wrote:
We still use the old fashioned Crucifixion method. Nothing like the sight of several rows of crosses on the front lawn sporting the rotting carcasses of their betheren to keep those little vermin from squatting on our territory.

On the other issue, you have my continued admiration for OC'ing in San Diego.
I'll have to try that, it might repel Jehovah's Witnesses too.
Yeah, but crucifying Jehovah's Witnesses is illegal.

flintlock tom

Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 13, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
imported post

CA_Libertarian wrote:
flintlock tom wrote:
AyatollahGondola wrote:
We still use the old fashioned Crucifixion method. Nothing like the sight of several rows of crosses on the front lawn sporting the rotting carcasses of their betheren to keep those little vermin from squatting on our territory.

On the other issue, you have my continued admiration for OC'ing in San Diego.
I'll have to try that, it might repel Jehovah's Witnesses too.
Yeah, but crucifying Jehovah's Witnesses is illegal.
Not in Utah. :D


Regular Member
Feb 21, 2009
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flintlock tom wrote:
I've been thinking about how to respond to questions which may come up while open carrying. Here is some of what I came up with:

Q. Are you a police officer.
A1. No, (look around with a concerned expression) have you tried calling 911?
A2. No, I'm a technical writer. What do you do for a living.

Q. Is that legal?
A1. Of course, this is America isn't it?
A2. Of course, men have been wearing kilts for a thousand years. (use this one only if you're wearing a kilt:D)
A3. Yes.

Q. Why are you wearing/carrying a gun?
A1. (Points at wife) I'm her body guard.
A2. I carry large sums of cash.
A3. Because if I need it, it's too far to drive home and get it.

More later.
These are freaking priceless Tom! It's good to have these one-liners in active memory. Just like when wearing a kilt. You always get the same old question (you know the one!)

Answers depend on who is asking:

Unattractive woman: Socks and boots.
Hot woman: Behave yourself, maybe you'll get to find out.
Guy: Freedom.
Punkass: Ask your girlfriend. She knows.

Carry On!

flintlock tom

Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 13, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
imported post

I've been carrying in the local Food-4-less for the last several weeks. No one has said a word. Last night a clerk came up behind me on my left side and said "oh, mag pouches". I turned to the right and he saw my 1911. Then he said "Oh, that's why, a 1911 A1, that's what I carry".
He then asked me what department I work for.
I should have said "I'm not a police officer." But I'm not quick on my feet. I just said "I'm not in a department".
He took a closer look at the embroidered company logo on my shirt and couldn't read it so I told him the company name. He got a puzzled look on his face so I said "we make computer software". He still looked puzzled so I said "for the military".
That seemed to satisfy him and he went about his business.
Not a satisfying interchange for me. I didn't offer a brochure or explain "the plan" or anything. I didn't even turn on my recorder.
Oh, well, each time it'll get easier.

flintlock tom

Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 13, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
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Continuing to open carry as often as possible.
Ikea, Costco, Food-4-Less, Trader Joe's, Papa John's Pizza, Borders, Best Buy, Target, Quisnos Subs. No problems or encounters worth recording.
I sat for an interview with the reporter for The Reader, local community paper. She was very nice and unbiased. She seemed very open minded.
Of course she had been primed by Pullnshoot25, elsensei and Sean(?) who ran her around, took her shooting and convinced her to strap on a hogleg. They even managed to get an "e-check" from a LEO.
I'm only slightly disappointed that I have not seen Wanted Posters with my picture appearing around town.

Carry on.


Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 3, 2008
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Good to see you posting your updates again. Seems like nobody has been updating their uneventful outings anymore. How am I supposed to live vicariously through you up here in SF when I don't hear about it?

It's become so bad that I actually had a long drawn out dream about open carrying two nights ago. Sigh...

flintlock tom

Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 13, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
imported post

Last night I had to do some birthday shopping for my wife. I was up in the Rancho Bernardo area so I went on up to North County Fair.
This is the place that gave Pullnshoot25 such a “warm welcome” when he was buying a pair of boots while open carrying.
I had my SA 1911 in a Serpa Blackhawk holster and two magazines in a black leather mag pouch.
I stopped into Kay Jewelers and looked and chatted with the lady there for about 10 minutes. She didn’t seem to notice my sidearm at all, or else she was completely indifferent to it. I then walked down one level and all the way to Sears at the end. I passed a security guard coming the other way, we made eye contact and he didn’t say a thing.
I went into Sears and was greeted by a male employee. I went to the jewelry department and picked out a gold chain and hoop earrings. I spent maybe 10 minutes talking to the lady there without alarm. While she was gift wrapping my purchases I walked upstairs to the tools/camping stuff just to look around.
The guy in the tool department greeted me and, after I enquired, he told me how difficult it was to keep gas generators in stock because of CA clean air regulations. Then he went on to expound on laws and politics in general for a long time. This is about an hour before closing and the place was really deserted.
On my way back down to jewelry, another customer, middle aged man, said: “I bet you know how to get out of here.” He was having trouble finding the escalator down. I think he thought I was with security or something.
I picked up my jewels and left Sears. Right outside the store are some vending machines and I stopped to get a drink. Another security guard was walking past the machines and he made eye contact and gave me a nod. I think I saw him look back at me but he kept walking. I expected him to ask about the gun because they gave Pullnshoot25 such a hard time about carrying. I suspect my appearance and body language may lead them to believe I’m a cop or something, although I’ve never seen a plainclothes cop carrying a full size 1911 while wearing chinos, deck shoes and a red polo shirt.
I walked the full length of the mall on the lower level.
At the other end I stopped in a woman’s clothing store. I was the only customer and there were two female clerks. One of them greeted me and asked if she could help me find something. I told her I was just browsing for a birthday gift for my wife. I picked out a linen blouse and took it to the counter. Both ladies continued to chit-chat with me and never seemed concerned that I was wearing a gun.
While the second lady was boxing up my gift, the first one was going about other things while occasionally taking part in our conversation. Neither of them showed the least concern about an armed customer in an almost deserted mall close to closing time.
I took my purchases and headed for my car. No alarms went off, no urgent whispered conversations from other shoppers, no swat team being scrambled.
This is exactly the way it should be. No one gets alarmed at an ordinary citizen with an extra tool on their belt.

Carry on.


Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 3, 2008
imported post

There's one problem with your story as far as I can tell...now your wife knows what you're getting her! :quirky

flintlock tom

Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 13, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
imported post

bigtoe416 wrote:
There's one problem with your story as far as I can tell...now your wife knows what you're getting her! :quirky
1) Nope, she doesn't read the online forums. :cry:

2) OMG! Now she'll know how much I spent on her and she'll have to match it for MY birthday. :D

(In case you're reading this, dear, the blouse was $300.) ;)


New member
May 8, 2008
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What no Cinnabon?????? They taste even better when you're armed you know.


New member
Nov 25, 2006
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flintlock tom wrote:
This is exactly the way it should be. No one gets alarmed at an ordinary citizen with an extra tool on their belt.

Carry on.

It's the young'uns here who seem to have trouble on occasion. That seems to be a nationwide phenomenon.

I'm in my late 30's, generally fit andwore shorts and a NRA hat every time I've OCed in LA and had the same experience (nobody cares)

flintlock tom

Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jun 13, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
imported post

I just wanted to share that I had my first “random” encounter with the San Diego Police while openly carrying a firearm.
On Sunday I was contacted by 5 officers when I came out of the Food-4-Less supermarket in Mission Valley. (Apparently the store manager called the police.) They took my gun and checked that it was unloaded. They took my I.D., after minor protesting on my part, and ran a check to insure that I was not a “prohibited person”. They also ran a check on the serial number on my firearm, again under protest. The police were very courteous and professional.
After much radio communication and a conference out of my earshot, they returned my gun and sent me on my way.

I was very encouraged by this because it reassured me that what we're doing is legal and that there is nothing in my background which would prohibit this exercise of my rights.

I had my audio recorder going the whole time and I may post the relevant parts after I review it to edit the parts that make me sound like a blathering fool. I told the officers at least 2 times that I wasn't going to say anything more, then within 30 seconds I was blathering on about rights and authority. When I review the recording, I imagine I will be slapping my forehead more than once.

I'm sending a letter to Chief Lansdowne, but I want to give him a chance to respond before I make it's contents public.


Oct 29, 2006
California, USA
imported post

flintlock tom wrote:
I just wanted to share that I had my first “random” encounter with the San Diego Police while openly carrying a firearm.
Baby steps, good job over all!