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great news HBO 114


Regular Member
Jan 11, 2008
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That takes a lot of guts for a politician in NM to submit a bill like that at this time. I commend her!


Regular Member
May 16, 2011
God Bless you Nora for your support of the Second Amendment freedoms!!

And I will add Zach Cook who also has fought long and hard for our rights and freedoms as he moves continuously to improve concealed carry rights. Mr. Cook is one of our biggest public advocates in these categories.


Regular Member
Jan 11, 2008
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Sunday's Albuq Journal has a great front page story about the NM Sheriffs. It says they will not enforce federal laws they think are unconstitutional. Here is a small part from the Mountain View Telegraph that the Journal quoted. Thanks to the Sheriff's!!!!!!

"Last Thursday, 30 of the state's 33 county sheriff's traveled to the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to remind New Mexicans that they — sheriffs — are under oath to support the U.S. Constitution. And that, of course, includes the Second Amendment, which guarantees Americans' right to bear arms.
The sheriffs are concerned — to put it mildly — about Obama's proposals to ban assault rifles and magazine clips that hold more than 10 rounds. Torrance County Sheriff Heath White said he is watching "very closely" as events unfold.
"I want to reassure my citizens that I have their best interests in mind and I will do my job to the fullest extent," he said in Santa Fe. "As your sheriff, I have and will continue to carry out these two main responsibilities: supporting the United States and New Mexico Constitutions and enforcing the laws of the State of New Mexico to ensure public safety.
"Any federal regulations enacted by Congress or by executive order of the president offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies, nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Torrance County, New Mexico."
Others voiced a similar message.
"We're not lawmakers, we're sheriffs," said Ken Christesen of San Juan County, chairman of the New Mexico Sheriffs Association. "That's what we do, is enforce the law and defend the Constitution. We want to make sure that your rights as a citizen are protected.""


Regular Member
May 16, 2011
It was a bill to disallow enforcement of any federal ban on weapons that comes down from Washington. Representative Gail Chase (D) incorrectly reported that to enforce it would involve the state of New Mexico having to secede from the United States. Gail Chasey is part of New Mexico's problem...


New member
Jan 14, 2013
santa fe
It was a bill to disallow enforcement of any federal ban on weapons that comes down from Washington. Representative Gail Chase (D) incorrectly reported that to enforce it would involve the state of New Mexico having to secede from the United States. Gail Chasey is part of New Mexico's problem...
Yeah I know what the bill is... I mean what happened with it?

This mean that they threw it out entirely?

Secede from Obamaland? Im okay with this


Regular Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Representative Gail Chase (D) incorrectly reported that to enforce it would involve the state of New Mexico having to secede from the United States. Gail Chasey is part of New Mexico's problem...

And just as much to blame are the others who listened to her, didn't know enough to tell her she was full of it, and allowed themselves to be persuaded by bad information. All the worst qualities of people who are supposed to be "lawmakers." Shame on them.