self preservation
Regular Member
Not to start the old OC vs. CC debate, but all of the defensive shootings that I hear about are from CC'ers. I even went to and searched "conceal carry vs. criminal" and "Open carry vs. criminal." The CC videos show captured footage of shoot outs between CC'ers and criminals. The OC video's show mostly police encounters and OC'ers, but no defensive shooting from OC'ers.
This leads me to the old belief that OC is a true deterrent. It drives me nuts when an ardent CC'er says "I carry concealed so I can have the element of surprise." To me, if given between option A) To have the element of surprise against my attacker. Or option B) To not have an attacker in the first place, my smarts tell me to always pick option B.
This leads me to the old belief that OC is a true deterrent. It drives me nuts when an ardent CC'er says "I carry concealed so I can have the element of surprise." To me, if given between option A) To have the element of surprise against my attacker. Or option B) To not have an attacker in the first place, my smarts tell me to always pick option B.