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Is handgun 'open carry' safer for me than 'concealed carry'?

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
It was the several law suits involving police acting unprofessionally and illegally arresting open carriers in Michigan that prompted the Michigan State Police to generate this legal update:


that was distributed to ALL police depts..

And those lawsuits, along with the retraining required in the settlements, caused a whole new method of police dealing with open carriers.

And whether some folks like it or not... it wasn't/isn't .... theory.... the cold hard reality is that those few folks who didn't believe the crap about "just because you can doesn't mean you should" are the ones who got all that changed by actually having the courage to exercise their right to bear arms .... in spite of those who said it would only cause more problems with the police and public opinion calling for even more restrictions.

A e-mail from time to time was, apparently, deemed by my little town's cop shop enough forewarning of possible issues that no toes were stepped on. Supervision is the key.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
N.E Al.
Wow what a read ! I have to agree with Papabling about when and where !!! Charles you are a wise man and I agree with your reasoning !!! We will gain much more ground if we work our way threw this obstacle coarse on foot and doge the land mines than we will driving a monster truck threw it!! I am 62 yo, I remember when nearly every pick up truck hear in N. E. AL. had a gun rack in it. It was the norm for years no one gave it a 2nd thought. Some even had a pistol with holster and belt hanging on them ! I don't remember ever seeing any one wearing a hand gun on their person in public (ocing) ! It just wasn't done !! I have cc ed for years but am now ocing some !! I like the idea of it becoming the norm and I think it will be excepted given the world we live in these days !!( Meth labs and meth heads every where !!) The rural folks are slow to adjust and open carry is a bit radical for a lot of them and I understand and respect that but I want to change it !! We are getting there , but sometimes at the flea markets I see some know it all young buck with an assault rifle slung in front and with his hand on it as if he was looking for bad guys !! Just plain stupid: no if ands or butts about it. OK nuff said !!