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Is handgun 'open carry' safer for me than 'concealed carry'?


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
I think so. Some reasons (for debate of course) are:

Enables carrying a handgun:

- With a frame size that fits the hand better than a tiny CC gun.
- Chambered for a more effective (larger) load than a tiny CC gun.
- With more shot accuracy than a CC gun.
- That is more controllable when drawing. Eliminates fumbling with a concealed holster - in the wasteband, pocket, etc.

I'm in Texas now and can't legally 'open carry' unless on private property that allows it, but I grew up in Oklahoma (long time ago)
and never had a problem carrying a gun in a holster in plain site.

What do you think?


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
I also carry concealed - XD40 full size, Taurus PT111 9mm, Bersa 380CC, but when practicing drawing, it's much easier for me to draw from an outside holster, especially the XD. I think it would be nice to choose either one legally, eh?


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
..and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!
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Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
Do you have any handling or control problems when firing a 'small' .45? Just curious. I had a PM40 (nice) but didn't like the recoil.

I think my CCW is not tiny and carries 10+1 of .40 EFMJ. The .45 version is hardly larger.

Wisconsin is a traditional open carry state where the benefit of legal concealment is to remove the anxiety of inadvertently covering as concealing.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
..and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!

I prefer to OC in places that are LEGAL. I have no control over other people's emotions, nor are they any of my concern. The safety of my family is my concern.


Regular Member
Dec 4, 2013
..and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!
LEO'S and public should not be freaked out by lawful and constitutional, as well as normal behavior.

Self defense is all of these. In whatever flavor you deem necessary.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I think so. Some reasons (for debate of course) are:

Enables carrying a handgun:

- With a frame size that fits the hand better than a tiny CC gun.
- Chambered for a more effective (larger) load than a tiny CC gun.
- With more shot accuracy than a CC gun.
- That is more controllable when drawing. Eliminates fumbling with a concealed holster - in the wasteband, pocket, etc.

I'm in Texas now and can't legally 'open carry' unless on private property that allows it, but I grew up in Oklahoma (long time ago)
and never had a problem carrying a gun in a holster in plain site.

What do you think?

From what I understand you can legally open carry a antique firearm(cap and ball pistol).

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

but I grew up in Oklahoma (long time ago)
and never had a problem carrying a gun in a holster in plain site.

What do you think?

Interesting to note,,, That Oklahoma only started allowing Open Carry with a cpl
starting only about a year ago...
Before that ,, for many years they only allowed Concealed Carry with a cpl! No OC!!
I dont know how may years that goes back to...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
first the polite conversation ~ welcome to the forum...

Now what exactly is your question, since you start with a headline of OC vice CC then get immediately into the Texas mantra of woe is me i can't carry OC...(which if you can't OC then the subject matter is a dead end as it logically means you only CC in the Lone Star state!)

if it is the former, i am confused as to your listed rational about firearm size having any bearing whatsoever on carry methodology, especially since I personally only carry one firearm (full size) and if the outer garment falls over the holstered firearm, i have found the firearm still fits into my hand exactly the same as if the outer garment wasn't over holstered firearm?

and please oh please, do not hesitate nor forget to mention faster draw times from OC ~ sigh.

if it is the latter subject you wish to promote, that horse has been beat to death


oh again welcome...
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
..and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!

Hi! And welcome to OCDO, a site devoted to the normalization of the safe open carry of handguns.

Having done my charm school bit I can now ask you - just what part of "the normalization of the safe open carry of handguns" do you not understand?

None of us here go about trying to freak out the public or startle cops. Rather, we seek to demonstrate that the knee-jerk reaction of "Gun! Bad! We're all gonna die!" is just that - an irrational knee-jerk reaction that has no basis in reality. The plan is that as people, over time, see handguns safely open carried they will begin to question, and then reject, their previously-held irrational knee-jerk response of fear at the mere sight of a handgun being carried by someone who is not obviously a cop.

On a personal note: I find it much more comfortable, and easier on my wallet, to dress with my gun than I do trying to dress around my gun.

Once again, welcome to OCDO, a site devoted to the normalization of the safe open carry of handguns.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
first the polite conversation ~ welcome to the forum...


Now what exactly is your question, since you start with a headline of OC vice CC then get immediately into the Texas mantra of woe is me i can't carry OC...(which if you can't OC then the subject matter is a dead end as it logically means you only CC in the Lone Star state!)

Current Texas law only allows conceal carry with a license, but open carry legislation is coming soon and I would surely consider favoring that.

The reason for my post is to hopefully generate some intelligent dialog related to the open carry of handguns, as compared to concealed carry (safety, comfort, efficiency, etc.). I've seen a few accidental shots fired by folks (one was a firearms instructor) because of an apparent garment hang up.

if it is the former, i am confused as to your listed rational about firearm size having any bearing whatsoever on carry methodology, especially since I personally only carry one firearm (full size) and if the outer garment falls over the holstered firearm, i have found the firearm still fits into my hand exactly the same as if the outer garment wasn't over holstered firearm?

In Texas, printing is illegal and could potentially result in your CHL suspended or revoked. I haven't been able to comfortably carry the larger handguns concealed, and possibly printing. I have purchased 5 or 6 different styles of holsters and none of them work good with the larger size handgun.

and please oh please, do not hesitate nor forget to mention faster draw times from OC ~ sigh.

if it is the latter subject you wish to promote, that horse has been beat to death


oh again welcome...

Thanks again.


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
Hi! And welcome to OCDO, a site devoted to the normalization of the safe open carry of handguns.

Having done my charm school bit I can now ask you - just what part of "the normalization of the safe open carry of handguns" do you not understand?

None of us here go about trying to freak out the public or startle cops. Rather, we seek to demonstrate that the knee-jerk reaction of "Gun! Bad! We're all gonna die!" is just that - an irrational knee-jerk reaction that has no basis in reality. The plan is that as people, over time, see handguns safely open carried they will begin to question, and then reject, their previously-held irrational knee-jerk response of fear at the mere sight of a handgun being carried by someone who is not obviously a cop.

On a personal note: I find it much more comfortable, and easier on my wallet, to dress with my gun than I do trying to dress around my gun.

Once again, welcome to OCDO, a site devoted to the normalization of the safe open carry of handguns.

stay safe.

Thank you. I tried but I can't think of any part of the normalization process I don't understand.

Life is good!


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
Interesting to note,,, That Oklahoma only started allowing Open Carry with a cpl
starting only about a year ago...
Before that ,, for many years they only allowed Concealed Carry with a cpl! No OC!!
I dont know how may years that goes back to...

I'm in my late 60's and as I said, I grew up (1950's '60''s) in an area of Oklahoma where it was completely normal to carry your gun in a holster on your belt in plain site. In fact, the sherrif once told us some LEO's would arrest you if you carried the gun where it could NOT be seen! Most of the hand guns during that time were revolvers. I think the military were just beginning to use a Browning semiauto. The only 'permit' I knew about was the deer tag/hunting license. Thanks again for the reply.

Life is good.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Thank you. I tried but I can't think of any part of the normalization process I don't understand.

Life is good!

I'm beginning to think the subtlty was a bit too thick.

"...and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!" I'm missing how "only venues -- is not cool" normalizes anything. It sounds more like OCing only in places where folks are already used to it - and in my book that's not normalizing. My book says normalizing is accustoming the population to seeing OC in every place and setting where the carrying of handguns is legal, regardless of how some part of the population (MDA, CSGV primarily but there are others) might feel about it.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Nov 4, 2014
How's the best way to normalize OC?

I'm beginning to think the subtlty was a bit too thick.

"...and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!" I'm missing how "only venues -- is not cool" normalizes anything. It sounds more like OCing only in places where folks are already used to it - and in my book that's not normalizing. My book says normalizing is accustoming the population to seeing OC in every place and setting where the carrying of handguns is legal, regardless of how some part of the population (MDA, CSGV primarily but there are others) might feel about it.

stay safe.

I see your point. But shouldn't you have a starting place with progressions. Normalizing the brain is more subjective than the objective normalization of computer data.

Life is good.


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
I'm beginning to think the subtlty was a bit too thick.

"...and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!" I'm missing how "only venues -- is not cool" normalizes anything. It sounds more like OCing only in places where folks are already used to it - and in my book that's not normalizing. My book says normalizing is accustoming the population to seeing OC in every place and setting where the carrying of handguns is legal, regardless of how some part of the population (MDA, CSGV primarily but there are others) might feel about it.

stay safe.

I see your point. But shouldn't you have a starting place with progressions. Normalizing the brain is more subjective than the objective normalization of computer data.

Life is good.

The "starting point" is EVERYWHERE it is legal to openly carry a firearm, and the "progression" is in making currently "illegal" places, legal. "Other people's feelings" simply do not matter when it comes to my personal responsibility to protect and defend myself or family.


Regular Member
Jan 17, 2007
I think so. Some reasons (for debate of course) are:

Enables carrying a handgun:

- With a frame size that fits the hand better than a tiny CC gun.
- Chambered for a more effective (larger) load than a tiny CC gun.
- With more shot accuracy than a CC gun.

Personally, I would tend to disagree with these - I CC a Sig P229DAK in .357Sig (12+1) and it conceals just fine with a Galco V-Hawk IWB holster. My P239 conceals a bit better, being single stack, and aside from a few less rounds, is every bit as comfortable and effective as the P229.

- That is more controllable when drawing. Eliminates fumbling with a concealed holster - in the wasteband, pocket, etc.

I'm in Texas now and can't legally 'open carry' unless on private property that allows it, but I grew up in Oklahoma (long time ago)
and never had a problem carrying a gun in a holster in plain site.

What do you think?

That could be argued as true, although I imagine with enough practice, one could get really fluid WRT drawing from concealment.

I don't really think either one is really 'safer'. Some might argue that it would make you a target, but the odds of that are low, and in cases where that is in fact the case, odds are the person is so hardcore that NOTHING would stop them short of being shot first. The average crook would more than likely see the gun and decide to take his wrongdoings elsewhere.
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Regular Member
Feb 28, 2011
..and if I could legally 'open carry' I would only choose venues where it would NOT freak out the public. Freaking out the public or startling an LEO is not cool!

Since you're from TX: How could you know that OCing causes the public to "freak out" or "startles" a LEO?

The former barely notice, if at all; the latter are *usually* aware of the law, including OC laws.

Do, where's the problem?