I'm actually 'from' Oklahoma but I live in Texas. I hope there won't be problems after Texas passes an OC law but based on what I read in the news from OC states, there are public and LEO problems with OC. You can see these reports if you Google or Bing keywords like: 'legal open carry arrests'. There's a high noise level and some of this news is a result of carrying a long gun in public (protests, etc.). Carrying anything other than a handgun for defense doesn't make sense to me.
Life is good.
About the part of your post I put in
It is ... the right to bear arms.... for each and every one of us. Doesn't matter if I, or you, consider someone carrying a certain "arm" in a certain way does/doesn't make sense to you or me it still is the ... right to bear arms.... so how, why, when, where, and what, someone else exercises that right is not my, or your, business.
Of course we all have our opinions about which arms we personally consider to be "reasonable", "appropriate", and "acceptable" but that opinion should only matter to how, when, where, why, and what, we personally for our individual selves bear arms.... and we should never expect or demand others to have their right to bear arms restricted to our personal opinion.
If you don't think it is "reasonable" to bear anything other than a handgun? Then don't carry anything other than a handgun ....but kindly do not disparage those who exercise their right to bear "arms" by carrying something other than a handgun.
If you don't think it is "appropriate" to bear arms any reason other than self defense? Then don't carry for any reason other than self defense.... but kindly do not disparage those who exercise their right to bear "arms" by carrying for the purposes of self defense AND exercising their right to free speech to make a political statement.
If you don't think it is "acceptable" to carry a gun for the purpose of creating opportunities to educate the public that they have the right to bear arms and that it is legal to do so? Then don't carry hoping to have the chance to show others that carrying is not only their right but is also legal..... but kindly do not disparage those who exercise their right to bear "arms" AND their right to free speech in the hopes of educating folks about the right to bear arms.
I'm not saying you personally want others to only bear arms of a certain kind in a certain way only in certain places for just certain reasons that fit your personal opinion(s)...... I'm saying none of us has any right to restrict the rights of others just because they aren't exercising their right according to our personal opinion of what is "reasonable", "appropriate", and "acceptable".
Actually... it is the anti gunner who considers restricting the right to bear arms "reasonable", "appropriate", and "acceptable" as long as they are the ones who get to say what, when, where, how, and why, is "UNreasonable", "INappropriate", and "UNacceptable".
And,quite frankly, any gun owner who wishes to restrict the right to bear arms in ways that are less than an outright ban or an outright ban according to their personal standard of "reasonableness", "appropriateness", and "acceptableness" are... in my opinion... also anti gunners because they share the same mind set of wanting be the ones who get to say where/when it is "UNreasonable" to carry, what is "INappropriate" to carry, and what/when/where/why/and even how it is "UNacceptable" to carry.