• We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :) Please help by posting all issues here.
  • The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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  • Please review the Forum Rules frequently as we are constantly trying to improve the forum for our members and visitors.

John, please appoint a moderator.

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
John, I think it is time that you gave up your once great site to a group of others.

Clearly, you have seen this thread. Your lack of reaction to it is telling. You either do not have the time to manage the site, or have lost interest. Either way, for the sake of this wonderful entity that you created, please consider turning the reins over to people who do have the time and who care very much for your site.

Thank you.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
Eye95, i don't see anything wrong with this forum.....


You take the good, you take the bad you take it all, it's just the facts of life, ignore what you don't like, like Ghost
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Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
John, I think it is time that you gave up your once great site to a group of others.

Clearly, you have seen this thread. Your lack of reaction to it is telling. You either do not have the time to manage the site, or have lost interest.

Way out of line! To blame a man for tolerating a variety of opinions and behaviors including your own? And saying he's not fit to run his own forum because of not responding to a thread you started? That's absurd.

Give it a rest. The forum is doing well. If everyone behaves themselves, we're good shape.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
John, I think it is time that you gave up your once great site to a group of others.

Clearly, you have seen this thread. Your lack of reaction to it is telling. You either do not have the time to manage the site, or have lost interest. Either way, for the sake of this wonderful entity that you created, please consider turning the reins over to people who do have the time and who care very much for your site.

Thank you.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Way out of line to claim that the owner of this forum is either neglecting the site or has lost interest and that "it's time" for him to hand over the site to others. Now if he shows up and says that's the case, fine by me, but otherwise it's a totally inappropriate assumption and accusation for someone to make based on simply letting people talk freely.

He has obviously been involved in updating the forum recently, and we don't have spam. This is a well-run forum per the observable facts. It may not be slanted to anyone's opinion but that's a good thing. If anyone yearns to run a forum, start your own! OCDO has proven itself already. (For the love of all that is holy - are we looking for a mod or a priest?) 🙏


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I frankly don’t care is some people think my opinion is out of line. It is my opinion.

John no longer has the help that he once did. The site has gone downhill to the point where trollish behavior is being tolerated—routinely. John clearly does not have the time or the will to keep the site up. If he won’t appoint some help, maybe it is time for him to let go.

On an ironic side note: John has seen this thread. If it is truly out of line, and he has done nothing about it, wouldn’t that be evidence of the very assertion that I am making?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I frankly don’t care is some people think my opinion is out of line. It is my opinion.

John no longer has the help that he once did. The site has gone downhill to the point where trollish behavior is being tolerated—routinely. John clearly does not have the time or the will to keep the site up. If he won’t appoint some help, maybe it is time for him to let go.

On an ironic side note: John has seen this thread. If it is truly out of line, and he has done nothing about it, wouldn’t that be evidence of the very assertion that I am making?

Nope, eye95, you exhibited this exact same type of behaviour as you lambasted this forum as a member before you asked to be ban’d and i am sure you brow beat and whined your martyr mantra until john relented to let you back a couple months ago.

The adage...give’m enough rope...was written especially for you...i see you circling the drain as you continue your weary tirades as you self gratify flogging yourself as the very precious martyr extraordinaire.

Nawl...john is watching your antics and your own self destructive behaviour, so this time i do not feel you will have to beg to be ban’d.

Cracker jack or soda anyone?


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I frankly don’t care is some people think my opinion is out of line. It is my opinion.

John no longer has the help that he once did. The site has gone downhill to the point where trollish behavior is being tolerated—routinely. John clearly does not have the time or the will to keep the site up. If he won’t appoint some help, maybe it is time for him to let go.

On an ironic side note: John has seen this thread. If it is truly out of line, and he has done nothing about it, wouldn’t that be evidence of the very assertion that I am making?

If the owner has seen your thread and saw your protestations and is ignoring you and you can't abide his decision then most folks would accept that and move on. Not demand the owner of the site give it up.

That's more than a little arrogant


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
John, I think it is time that you gave up your once great site to a group of others.

Clearly, you have seen this thread. Your lack of reaction to it is telling. You either do not have the time to manage the site, or have lost interest. Either way, for the sake of this wonderful entity that you created, please consider turning the reins over to people who do have the time and who care very much for your site.

Thank you.

Just leave bro. You're part of the problem.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
If the owner has seen your thread and saw your protestations and is ignoring you and you can't abide his decision then most folks would accept that and move on. Not demand the owner of the site give it up.

That's more than a little arrogant
If he won’t deal with the trolling, I will.

If that prompts him to action, great. If not, I will continue to call out trolling.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
If he won’t deal with the trolling, I will.

If that prompts him to action, great. If not, I will continue to call out trolling.

Your not dealing with anything.
Not your site.
Not your job.
You have no authority not power to deal with squat.
That's an arrogant thing to say even for you.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I can deal with troll posts by calling out the trolling—which I will do (and have been doing). After all, I do have that power. If doing so is inappropriate, then John can start moderating, which is what I am hoping will happen.

BTW, isn’t that exactly what you are doing in your post? Calling me out for my posts?

If the site staff does it, neither of us will feel the need to do it. The concept is really just that simple.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I can deal with troll posts by calling out the trolling—which I will do (and have been doing). After all, I do have that power. If doing so is inappropriate, then John can start moderating, which is what I am hoping will happen.

BTW, isn’t that exactly what you are doing in your post? Calling me out for my posts?

If the site staff does it, neither of us will feel the need to do it. The concept is really just that simple.

No. What I'm doing is different.
I don't often agree with you.
I don't know you.

Still I don't like seeing folks banned from sites. Especially gun forums.

Every site I'm a member of, and most of them are loosely moderated, a arrogant run at the owner of any of them like you made at John you would now be history permanently.

I don't know John but he must have a great measure of patience to put up with you arrogantly trying to run his site and suggesting he leave.

I'm actually trying to get you to realize your way out of line before you get the hammer. For good.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
No. What I'm doing is different.
I don't often agree with you.
I don't know you.

Still I don't like seeing folks banned from sites. Especially gun forums.

Every site I'm a member of, and most of them are loosely moderated, a arrogant run at the owner of any of them like you made at John you would now be history permanently.

I don't know John but he must have a great measure of patience to put up with you arrogantly trying to run his site and suggesting he leave.

I'm actually trying to get you to realize your way out of line before you get the hammer. For good.
I you don’t see that your criticizing me for my posts is the same as my criticizing the trolls, then you need to work on your perception.

Or you could take your own advice, and just stop. I won’t be taking that advice when it comes to calling out the trolls.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
I you don’t see that your criticizing me for my posts is the same as my criticizing the trolls, then you need to work on your perception.

Or you could take your own advice, and just stop. I won’t be taking that advice when it comes to calling out the trolls.

Your hole to dig. Have at it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Ah...eye95, are you alright as you seem to be quite agitated and not yourself...bad day at work?

The petulant childish elementary playground name calling seems to be getting worse and spreading and encompassing a wider sphere of members.

Quite worrisome eye95 as it seems you are losing your lucidity in posting...truly worrisome.

As offered previously eye95, if you feel the world is against and needlessly picking on you please do not hesitate to say so and someone will facilitate to get you immediate assistance.

Now eye95, might get some much needed rest which will certainly help your mental status to put your cognitive processes back into sync and mitigate these childish tirades.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Your hole to dig. Have at it.
This is what happens on an unmoderated site. A few will push the limits. Nothing will happen. They will push farther and farther. Eventually some other(s) will tire of it—and the lack of consequence for bad behavior—and push back. The lack of moderation will swing both ways.

Anarchy does not work. Some level of governance is necessary. That is kind of one of the founding ideas of our nation.
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